
Not The Cinderella's Story

Azalea was born into a horrid life full of abuse and sadly died early on. Fortunately, some kind of god-like figure felt pity for her and gave her a second chance... In the life of a fantasy, fairy tale world called Pesudon. Azalea not wanting this second chance is furred with even more anger when she realizes that the main story of the world she is now in focuses on Cinderella, and other fairy tales and myths. Soon after finding out about the real Cinderella and how the world works, she makes it her goal to finish the story Cinderella and make sure no one remembers it... Or is that what she really wanted...

PriaPrisskat · Fantasía
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2 Chs

What happens when I survive?

Screaming, shouting, cries, and vengeance. Then finally everything is all black, "Is this death" I, Azalea asked. I was put on a trance of thought, what is this place, am I dead? Those questions were all up in my head but then I saw a small glimpse of light, maybe I was not dead after all... Suddenly few electric sparks of bule came upon the light, after more sparks then came what looked like a girl. It didn't occur to me that those sparks made that girl, she seemed strange of course but- almost as of she was not real at all... "Azalea, you've been pitted, and now given a second chance. You will have to live your life, and then if not lived will once do this again..." Is what the girl said, "who did that girl think she was" I asked again and again but nothing came out of her. "...Live your life.." she said, something I could never do in the past, "But I don't want another chance, I want to rest!" I told her. A portal of light appeared, and then the light transformed into a German inspired town. Before I could say anything she smiled then the sparks of electricity appeared, and took the figure of the girl away. A few seconds later and she's gone.

The portal then sucks in Azalea, to the world of Pesudon.

I, a fifteen year old had gotten murdered by my creepy uncle, and his brother my excuse of a dad. After I had been killed I've been transported here where I just met of what I assume to be a little girl, that told me I have a chance to live my life? This puzzles me very much, but now that I'm in the so called second chance... Maybe this isn't so bad. As I drift my eyes to close off to sleep a cracking noise is heard and I feel a small pinch. As I look to what I heard I see a little boy that has broke my left wrist and was about to take a bite out of it! I should have been in pain is what the boy was probably thinking, but before he could take a bite of my broken wrist, I take his head and almost twist his neck, as a resort of self defense. I then see the boy start to tear up, and I-

--------------A glimpse of the future------------

Few months later

...Screaming, shouting, cries, and vengeance. Are all feelings I should come across this journey, for I to find a suitable life. -Azalea

Did you know that March is womens month! I found out yesterday so this mont my goal is to post two chapters for every week, and make them longer to!

I tend to repost most of my og novels to random sites, and this is one one then read on the og site Honeyfeed, to get chaps more quickly! Guys I'm the real poster like no one reads it and has the guts to copy everything to repost, check my account if you want proof?

Find out what lingers in my journey next -Azalea