
The Family Dinner

I still can't believe I'm going to Tyler's family dinner. I hate family dinners. I don't even like attending my own family's dinner and yet here I am. He's going to owe me big time for this.

I took a deep sigh to mentally and physically prepare for this night and take a look in my full length mirror. I look simple which was what I was going for. I was in a simple casual light purple dress that I got for Christmas and my brown sandals. My hair was caught in a messy ponytail. I put my phone into my small shoulder bag and went downstairs.

My father and Sarah were laughing in the living room when I went down the stairs. I couldn't help the smile that took over my face when I saw then together. I was so glad that my father was happy again. I couldn't ask for anything more.

"I'm leaving now." I announced, drawing their attention.

Dad looked up at me. "Okay sweetheart. Have a good time." He said.

"And please say hello to Rachel for me." Sarah added.

"Okay, thanks. I will." I waved at both of them and head to the front door.

Once I was on the front porch, I took a look over at Tyler's house. I heaved a heavy sigh. The backyard was already buzzing with people and all the lights were on inside and outside the house. I had no idea it would be so many people. I started to feel nervous. I checked my watch and saw that it was ten minutes to seven.

I took another sigh, but this time it was to calm my nerves. You can do this, Emily, I thought to myself. Just go over there, be yourself and before you know it, this will all be over.

With gained confidence, I stepped from my front porch and walked over to Tyler's house. I knocked on the front door and Tyler answered.

A mischievous grin crossed his face. "Good, you made it."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I said as I stepped inside the living room. "You're lucky I turned up."

"Oh come on. This is not going to be bad." He replied.

"Not for you, but this is going to be torture for me." I countered.

Tyler just laughed at me and stretched out his hands for me to take. I looked at the outstretched hands for a few seconds, before I sighed and took it. He then led us through the living room, the dining hall and finally through the back door where most of the guests were gathered.

Tyler led me in the direction of where is mother stood with three other people. Rachel looked in our direction and smiled when she saw us.

"Hello Emily. I'm glad you could make it. It's good to see you again." Rachel said, as we finally reached where they stood and she surprised me by pulling me into a huge hug.

She drew back and looked towards her companions. "Emily, these are my sisters, Patricia and Wendy and our uncle, Trevor." She indicated each one as she called their names. She then turned to me again. "This is Emily, Tyler's girlfriend."

"Hi, nice meeting you." Wendy said, giving me a big friendly smile. I waved at them as the others expressed the same sentiments.

Half an hour later, I had met and chatted with Tyler's family members. Cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. They were all friendly, loving and easy to talk to. Throughout the whole interlude, Tyler never let go of my hands even though many times I was tempted to pull my hands out of his. I didn't, because I could not make anything look suspicious and ruin the whole thing. After all, everyone was convince of our relationship and I wanted it to stay that way.

After this, it was time to eat. Everyone gathered around a large table that was set up in the backyard. The table was full with all sorts of foods and desserts.

The dinner was actually great and I had to admit I liked Tyler's family. Although, I squirmed in my seat a few times as Tyler's cousins teased us about our relationship.

After dinner, Tyler and I were sitting on a bench near the back door of the house eating chocolate cake. I was enjoying this cake so much because I loved chocolate cake.

"So, you can't say coming to this dinner party was a bad idea now." Tyler said.

"Of course it was." I replied as I put a bite of cake into my mouth.

"Oh, come on. You can't fool me. I know you had a good time." Tyler grinned knowingly at me.

I laughed. "Okay Tyler, you're right. I did have a great time." I confessed. He smiled, proud of himself. "I especially liked the part where Trevor kept calling you, 'Ty Ty'. That name suits you well."

Tyler glared at me and I couldn't help but burst into laughter. He was so fun to tease. "It's not funny." He said.

"Of course it's not, Ty Ty." I covered my mouth with my hand, trying to suppress my laughter.

He continued to glare at me and I stuck my tongue out at him. He did the same. I used my right hand to nudge his shoulder. "You're so immature."

He chuckled at my accusation. "Look who's talking."

I looked down at my plate and noticed that my plate was empty. Tyler's plate still have a piece of cake on it and I used my fork to swipe it from his plate and quickly shoved it into my mouth.

"Hey!" Tyler protest. "That wasn't very nice."

I grinned at him as I chewed the delicious and yummy cake. I noticed that some icing had catch the corner of my mouth because of my fast movements. I was about to use my tongue to get it, when Tyler used is thumb to wipe it off my mouth and put it in his.

My eyes widen with surprise at his actions. "Tyler, what are you--?"

The rest of my sentence left my lips as Tyler's aunt, Wendy walked by us. She smiled when she saw us. "Aww...isn't that lovely? You two are the cutest couple. Reminds me of when I was young and in love."

I felt my cheeks heat up at her words. If only she knew the truth. We were the opposite of cute and in love. Wendy smiled at us and went inside the house through the back door.

"Great." I said, when she was gone. "I can't believe she saw that." My cheeks were still hot with embarrassment.

Tyler laughed at me. "Nothing is wrong with that. After all, we are a cute and loving couple." He teased.

Now it was my time to glare at him. "You're enjoying this aren't you?"

"Of course. It's payback for calling me 'Ty Ty'." He explained.

I roll my eyes. "You're unbelievable."

"Yeah, unbelievably sexy." He winked at me.

I smacked him on the shoulder. "If you're done dreaming, can I go home now?"

He stood up from the bench and took a bow. "Of course."

I rolled my eyes once again and stood up. After saying goodbye to everyone, Tyler walked me all the way to my front door.

"You didn't have to walk me the entire journey, you know." I said to him.

"I know, but I don't want to look like a bad boyfriend." He grinned.

I shook my head at him. "Good night you moron."

"Good night." He replied, then turned and walk back to his house. I opened up the front door and went inside.