
Not In Nowhere

"Hikaru's dead yet no one remebers him," our protagonist, Toby Kiriyama says while griefing the lost of his friend. As he walks on the path of his thirst for avengance, he realized something that he knows way before his friends death. That he is the one supposed die that day, but knowing that griefing will lead him into nothing he took on a path of delving into the realm of anomalies to find the reason behind his friend's unreasonable death and how the fuck he came back to life after he died in the process. Before the investigation kick starts, there stood as impediment to his judgement. A new student transfers to their school and said unto Toby upfront that she's the one who killed he's long-lost friend. {{{I'm not native English speaker so my deep apologies for the grammar errors found in the novel itself.}}} [[[Thank you very much for reading my first ever work. Great Appreciations for taking an interest in this type of stories. Please support me for my ongoing work and future works in advance. -Kuruno]]] The cover is not mine, yet. It is character from the my favorite game, Blue Archive (Character name: Shirasu Azusa)

Kuruno · Ciudad
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30 Chs

Time's up Part 3

"Ara-ara... So you finally encountered it, Kiriyama-kun."

Long silverish-white hair, amethyst-colored eyes, a pleasant voice that both struck him with awe and irritates him when he heard it. Hina Amamiya was in front of him, asking something different from what he had remembered the last time.

"You-! How do you know?" Toby startled upon realizing Hina know something about the monster.

"Ara, you're here too, Yamato-kun." "Uh... Y-yeah.", Yamato felt awkward.

"Oi, don't just ignore. What do you know about the tard-face monster? I'm sure your involves on this.", Toby confronting Hina yet at some point she wasn't serious at all.

"Toby, what do you mean tard-face monster? And what's this that you're trying to tell me? Oi! What's your problem with the new girl?", Yamato worriedly asked Toby this questions thinking he can answer it all. Hina doesn't mind anything at all.

"Perhaps, would you tell us more fantasy stories you have there, Killi-ya-ma-kun," Hina continues to make fun of Toby, "And how much you're very interested to the girl you just met an hour ago."

"As if I would let someone like you get me. The world have turned upside down because of you, that's why I'll not let you off the hook."

"Ara, so you're a defender of Justice now?"

"What get you there, huh?" "No, it just seems you didn't fit for that."

"This is stupid," Toby uttered a sigh of displeasure. "Oi, what's happening here, Toby?", Yamato asked not getting what are the two getting at.

"I'm leaving, this is getting nowhere," breaking the awkward moment, Toby stood up from his chair and decided to leave.

"Hmm, so you'll just straight away face that 'tard monster'?" "It's not your problem. I'll alter what you have altered in this world."

"I guess you're now ready for that." Hina continues to tease Toby even he was getting serious right that moment.

"Tell me what do you know." He boldly confronts the new girl in front of his friend and the rest of the class. "Hmm, I'm sure you're related to that entity."

"Huh!?" Toby startled to what Hina have said. "Oi! What do you mean!" "Hmmm..."

"Oi, spurt it out!"

*ding *ding

The school Bell rang marking the second lunch break of the day according to Toby.

"Ahh... Amamiya-san wanna have lunch together?," their female classmate asking Hina to have lunch with them at the canteen.

"Huh!? Not again." Toby muttered to himself.

"Hmm, I'm so lucky to have a lunch with y'all. I've just finished talking to Kiriyama-kun, so you can count me in," she said as if she was a seiso or something. The girls were all filled with their hearts to have lunch with the new next-to-be school Madonna. Hina step forward away from the two guys and walk to fetch her bag.

"I hope you get what I said, Kiriyama-kun. One or more days you will realize what impending event will occur. I have fun talking with you two."

Leaving the two behind for the second time but now the one guy were all puzzled to what she had revealed and the other guy in awkwardness.


Starting out on eating, Toby and Yamato brought out there lunch together. A stuffed Omurice with shrimp meat dressings, two finely hand made rice balls capped with tuna sandwich. That's what can be seen in their lunch boxes.

"Hey, Toby what's happening between you and the new girl? It seems like different for someone to know each other that fast." Yamato asked out of ignorance. "No, I'm not acquainted with that little. What makes ask that?

Yamato glared at Toby with such of a fashion.

"All the other guys here happens to liken Amamiya-san, that's why they quite pissed with the fact you got close to her as fast and easy." "Hmm," Toby respond with an unsurprised manner, "I don't what those guys would say. If they want her then they should go, as if I'm acquainted with her."

Yamato raised his index finger, pointing it there classmates looking at Toby, "See?"

Tearing out the egg, Toby didn't care that much as he just stuffed his meal through his mouth to signal that he wasn't interested.

All of a sudden, a certain feeling marked him,


That's right. It's the eccentric feeling he felt that forced him to go way out to the rooftop.

"Is is supposed to happen again?", he said to himself. Thinking that deeply, "At it's gist, perhaps this what lead to my demise. Well I guess I'll have to trust my intuition. I guess it should be to avoid fighting that tard-face monster," by saying that, he has more reason to not trust the essence.

Despite the awkward and hate-filled stares the guys of their class throwing at Toby, he endured it all, as if he really care at all, because it was less painful than fighting a giant shadow monster havin half a dozen limbs.

"Hooo, that's good," Yamato have said, "thank you for the meal," praying thanking for the food. "What's next with this.", Toby asked while stuffing the final tuna sandwich piece through his mouth.

"Well, Science class, I guess." "Hmmm...."

*ding (the school Bell rang)

"Ohh, seems like it's class start I guess." Toby spurted not knowing that something different will occur.

"*clears throat. Announcement!," the voice uttered in the speaker, "due to important matters, afternoon classes will be suspended for today." "Huh?", Toby uttered out of nowhere. "Please contact your guardians to and let them know about our class suspension. Thank you."

The announcement has ended.

"Hmm, class suspension, yeah.", their classmate muttered. Everyone has mixed reactions regarding the suspension. But Toby has different reasons to look forward because of the suspension.

"Oi, lucky we are. Hey, Toby, wanna hit up the arcade after this?", Yamato asking Toby.

"Nah, I'll pass. I have something important to do." "Uhh, that's too bad, I guess."

Without any consideration to the friends invitation, Toby grabs his bag and prepare himself to leave with a one goal in mind, knowing the root of Hikaru's sudden death.

As he crossed way out the door, a girl who he quite often encountered for the day blocked his way.

"Ara, leaving already? Killi-ya-ma-kun."

"Get out of the way.", he said with both his hands in his pocket. "Hey, Kiriyama-kun, you're being rude again.", said by their classmate who were with Hina.

"Tch*" he ignore the girls and continued to walk as if nothing happened.

"Good luck finding something.", Hina said as supposed to be farewell.

"Just you wait Hikaru I'll surely make the people pay for what they have done.", he said to himself.

What will happen to Toby as he progresses in his investigation.


(2 hours later)

"Oh crap, I died again."