
Not a Mob: Psycho

A former mercenary dies and gets reincarnated in the world of Bleach, vested with tremendous psychic powers. No plot knowledge. No harem.

Einlion · Cómic
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105 Chs


"Rematch! Rematch! I want a re-re-rematch~!" screamed Suzumebachi, rolling in the air and flailing her arms and legs after Ohta caught her for the seventh time in a row.

"You're starting to annoy me," remarked Ohta. "Our original agreement was that you would submit if I managed to tag you within an hour. Now we're seven rounds in and down to ten minutes. From the next round on, I'll be smacking the shit out of you instead of poking you gently..."


While it was true she had increased the number of rounds and reduced the time Ohta had to catch her, Suzumebachi felt aggrieved hearing his words. She regarded herself as being the stealthiest, quickest, and most agile Zanpakuto, so she couldn't accept losing in the categories she was most proud of.

"You must be cheating..." asserted Suzumebachi, glaring at Ohta with teary eyes and an indignant pout.

"Says the person who hid outside the boundaries she set..." muttered Ohta, returning the Spirit's teary gaze with a deadpan expression of his own.

"Ah! I can't stand you...!" screamed Suzumebachi, reverting to throwing a tantrum. As she did, Ohta couldn't help looking at Soifon with the same dead-eyed expression, causing the petite Shinigami to avert her eyes in shame.

"Chance...!" exclaimed Suzumebachi, vanishing mid-fit. She intended to take advantage of Ohta's inattentiveness to flee and conceal herself, but the moment she reached her terminal point, a giant hand closed around her body, followed by the man she hated the most holding her up to his face and saying, "That makes eight..." with half-lidded eyes.

Frowning deep enough that her chin formed wrinkles, a sour feeling built in Suzumebachi's nose until she began bawling as loud as her little lungs permitted. She 'really' hated losing. So much so that when Soifon initially beat her in a game of tag to earn her Bankai, Suzumebachi presented her with a giant missile arm that severely limited her mobility out of spite...

After observing the bawling Spirit for over a minute, Ohta loosened his grip slightly, using the index finger of his left hand to rub her head as he said, "You're a really poor loser..."

Instead of responding to Ohta with words, Suzumebachi abruptly tried biting the finger of the hand holding her. Instead, she bit the psychic membrane protecting it, causing her to tear up even more than before...


As he was getting annoyed with chasing the diminutive Spirit around, Ohta sat down, maintaining his hold on Suzumebachi and continuing to caress her head with his finger. When she eventually demanded that he release her, he readily agreed. However, before doing so, he warned that if he managed to catch her ten times in a row, he would continue stroking her head until she submitted or became bald, whichever came first...




Looking between the light-weight stinger covering her right arm, the kite-like shield hovering over her left, and the pointed metal greaves covering her lower legs and feet, Soifon couldn't help feeling indignant. For several decades, she had despised her Bankai as it was functionally useless in all but a few situations. Now that she knew the giant missile wasn't even her Bankai, she wished she could materialize Suzumebachi again, this time to strangle her personally...

"What's up with you?" asked Ohta. "Your face looks like you swallowed a fly."

"It's nothing..." responded Soifon, discarding her attitude as she looked to Ohta and bowed low, expressing, "Thank you for your assistance...even without testing it, I can state with certainty that my Bankai has become much easier to control..."

"You can thank me by never pointing it in my direction," replied Ohta. "I have confidence in my defense, but I can sense that the Reiyroku at the tip of your stinger has become much more potent. Is the effect the same as your Shikai...?"

Though it would be wiser to keep it a secret, Soifon eventually nodded, explaining, "The effect is similar, but I can fire a laser from the tip of my stinger to affect targets at a distance. Furthermore, I can leave marks using the tips of my toes and the stinger on my lower back. If the latter connects, it will leave a mark across the opponent's entire body..."

Imagining Soifon flying ass-first at an enemy like a genuine hornet, Ohta couldn't help smiling. She currently had crimson, wing-like attachments on the ends of her braids, seemingly permitting her to fly and dart about without the need to produce footholds, so it was certainly possible.

Misinterpreting the reason for Ohta's smile, especially when he began to caress her head, a faint blush involuntarily colored Soifon's cheeks. She presumed it was because he had used a similar method to subjugate her Zanpakuto, but her heart fluttered and started beating faster the moment he touched her head...




As September transitioned into October, the days passing paradoxically slowly yet somehow appearing to fly by, Ohta was pleasantly surprised to receive a message from Yoruichi on his cell phone.

"Good news," said Ohta, caressing the head of the woman giving him a blowjob in the middle of the living room. "Yoruichi says the preparations for the assault are complete. The order to attack should come within the next few days, if not tonight."

Though she wanted to respond, Soifon continued sucking Ohta's cock like the dutiful servant she was molding herself into. It was only after she got him to cum, swallowing every last drop, that she pulled away, sitting with her legs tucked under her in a proper seiza as she affirmed, "That is good news. If things go well, you could be promoted to the position of a Lesser Noble and vested land within the central district of the Seireitei. Then you can start your own family or form a branch of an existing one, presumably the Kuchiki or Shihouin..."

"We'll see..." hummed Ohta, gesturing for Soifon to rise, climb onto his lap, and sheathe his cock inside her. It had become a part of his daily routine to fuck her at least once after dropping off the girls at school, so he gave her ass a light smack, prompting her to move as he picked up the remote and turned on the TV. He wasn't particularly bored, but he had a policy of only giving his full attention to Rukia unless he was on the offensive. This irritated Rangiku and Soifon tremendously, but Ohta viewed that as a net positive as it prevented them from getting too comfortable and compelled them to try harder to 'earn' his attention...




[October 29th, 2001, 10:48 PM]

*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

Hearing their alarms beeping incessantly, Ohta, Rukia, and Orihime woke immediately, the latter two practically leaping out of bed while the former grabbed his phone to read the alert.

"It says that six Arrancar have appeared and are presently engaging the Advance Attack Squad, the Substitute Shinigami, and an unidentified man in the vicinity. I'm guessing Ichigo's dad."

"We should hurry and provide reinforcement," replied Rukia, throwing Ohta his trousers. However, as he had been sleeping in his Gigai in preparation for this type of scenario, he simply transitioned into his spiritual form, fully clothed and ready to go.

"Get in here, Bumblecat," said Ohta, prompting Soifon to appear less than a second later. She had already yielded her position as the Captain of the 2nd Division, so the only two people that could order her to mobilize were Ohta and Yoruichi.

"Same as usual," said Ohta, surprising Orihime with a smack on her perky bottom as he added, "You're free to attack the enemy, but keep this one safe at all costs. If anything happens to her, it's your ass..."

"As you will," replied Soifon, cupping her hands and bowing respectfully before raising her head to stare at Orihime. The latter was seemingly able to heal 'any' injury, so even if Ohta hadn't instructed it, Soifon would have prioritized protecting her.

Turning his attention to Rukia, Ohta asked, "Should I go ahead, or do you want me to wait?"

"I appreciate your concern, but I do not need your protection," replied Rukia, adding, "Go. And be quick about it."

Emulating Soifon's usual response, Ohta mused, "As you will, Princess," before Shunpoing away. He disagreed with Rukia on the notion that she didn't need protection, but he didn't want to deprive her of her agency. She was actually fairly powerful after attaining and training to master her Bankai. It was just that, compared to the power he possessed, everyone else felt like they were fumbling about and 'needed' protection...




Arriving in the sky outside the hotel, Ohta Shunpo'd in the direction of the closest battlefield when a familiar figure with messy brown hair appeared, blocking his path.

"It's you..." remarked Ohta, losing the faint smile on his face as he clapped his hands together and shouted, "Bankai...!"

Though his outfit didn't change from his Shikai release, Ohta manifested a bandage-wrapped spear with a black and gold khopesh blade on one end and what looked like a tuning fork on the other.

Adopting his distinctly jackal-like grin, Ohta's voice echoed through the surrounding space as he brandished his spear and growled, "Kuroinu-no-Anpu, Souten-no-Seigyo(Dominion over Heaven and Earth)...!"

Seeing Ohta whip out his Bankai, the Arrancar blocking his path used one of his two pistols to scratch his head, stating, "I'd rather not have to fight you..." in a lazy tone.

"Then save us both the trouble by shooting yourself in the face," retorted Ohta, swinging the khopesh end of his spear to create a massive, crimson energy blade in the form of a revolving crescent. The gunslinging Arrancar had no trouble evading it with his unique variant of Shunpo, called Sonido. However, as he hadn't moved very far, his sole visible eye widened when a powerful gravitational force acted upon him, attempting to draw him into the blade's path as it reversed direction.

Evading much further away this time, the gunslinging Arrancar observed Ohta with caution as he used the tuning fork end of his spear to intercept the crimson energy beam, ostensibly reabsorbing it and causing his spear to produce a high-pitched humming sound.

"You're pretty fast..." remarked Ohta, his smile nowhere to be seen. His Bankai had the power to emit and absorb energy to empower his strikes, but the stronger the resonance, the faster and more destructive it became. That would be a good thing in any other circumstance, but as they were in the middle of downtown Karakura Town, he needed to be careful to avoid causing collateral damage...

As if he could read Ohta's thoughts, the gunslinging Arrancar leveled his pistol at a nearby residential complex, warning, "My only objective is to stall you. If you insist on fighting or attempt to flee, I'll start attacking the surrounding structures..."

Punctuating his statement, the gunslinging Arrancar aimed his second pistol at the sky, unleashing a destructive beam of azure blue energy that could presumably cut through a building like a laser slicing tofu. Then, as if to demonstrate the futility of trying to stop him from firing his weapon as he pleased, he unleashed nearly a thousand weaker projectiles in less than a second...


Seeing the hate-filled glower on Ohta's face, the gunslinging Arrancar sighed, scratching his head again as he said, "Don't look at me like that. I'm honestly not a bad guy. If it were up to me, I wouldn't be involved in this conflict..."

Shaking his head, the man added, "Unfortunately, I have a duty to protect my comrades. If you attempt to go for mine, I'll have no choice but to go for yours. You would probably be able to stop me, eventually, but at what cost...?"

"What's your name...?" asked Ohta, his voice a low growl that caused the surrounding air to tremble as his Reiatsu continued to compound.

"Coyote Starrk..." replied the Arrancar, thereafter raising his left pistol and adding, "And this is Lilynette Gingerbuck..."

"Nice ta meetcha, asshole," appended the pistol, causing Starrk to smack her against his head. Then, for the better part of six minutes, the duo had an argument with one another while Ohta watched on in silence, seething with fury...




(A/N: Being the 'good guy' sucks sometimes...)