
There I was...

Wind rushing past me, the coldness, the tickle of moisture against my skin. I felt both heavy and weightless at once. My body felt numb and tingled like waking out of a dream. My ears were ringing loudly as I struggled to open my burning eyes, hesitantly against the paranoia in my mind that I might see something terrifying; I succeeded.

I started a gasp, in error as my lungs could not fill with the abundant vital gas that was whooshing before and beneath me. My sight greeted with the horror of a forested scenery to which I was rapidly plummeting. I forced again to breathe, my sleeping arms somehow obeyed my brain and rushed to cover my nose and mouth and finally I gained a breath. My foggy mind cleared for a sec and experienced a thought. "Fuck!".

An upwind crashed against my being, my body was flung violently upward, my vision tumbled as though I dove into an oncoming wave at the beach and was toppled helplessly. I was released from the nauseating spiral only to find the scenery adjusted to my unavoidable plummet to a fast flowing river.

'I can't swim! I can't swim! SHIT!' These frantic statements spammed my mind as my eyes closed involuntarily and my body tensed, breath held as I accepted my doom.


The awful gushing and whirling of the icy flow smacked against my eardrums, causing a shriek from my absolute discomfort to escape my lips; the precious air I fought to catch was now lost.

As the murky coldness submerged and flung me around. I watched the bubbles unblinkingly. Trying in earnest to find a meditative trance and take my mind off of breathing to aid in prolonging my consciousness. I held hope that this would be over soon and I would find my skin scraping against ground.

Nope. I slammed into something solid. A grunt of agony, another waste of my already slim keepings of oxygen. I felt the sharp, shocking stings of an injury on my back. I was probably bleeding, I saw red in the bubbly currents.

My eyes shut and my body released its final store of breath.

My ears unbelievably rang high pitched as my thinking halted to nothing. No pain, no coldness. Just dark and then...

Coughing. Spluttering. The sound of heaving gasps for air returned my consciousness. Sounds of woman in labor?..

I was alive! Still? Some miracle or curse. My still burning eyes revealed blinding white sunlight. my lungs ached, but they were working and air was filling them and I was exhaling.

As my body met the Sun's rays, a delicious warmth flooded slowly over my shivering being. My vision faded into the blinding white-gold of the Sun light.

All at once the light and heat vanished, like a cloud had covered the sun. I opened my eyes, realizing that I had involuntarily closed them. My body felt queer, light.

Gasps of surprise reached my ears as my eyes adjusted to the brightness of my new surrounding.

There was a green- gold light above me, some lady in Ivy coloured robes was holding me. She was saying something, I don't know why, but I started to cry. The woman with curly, floral pink hair who was holding me seemed to wrap me in something warm.

'EY! I'm a grown woman! what do you think you're doing? Is this the hospital or something? You don't look like a nurse!' I protested in both shock and bewilderment that I was still alive. I felt no pain, only a little chilly-warmer now being put in whatever the lady was putting me in.

The sounds of a newborn wailing. Wait!- That was me! My eyes blurred from tears and I became aware of my lungs aching as a voice, my voice sounded from unfamiliar lips. I tried to raise my hand to turn and see where I was but I saw only the plump tiny arm of a babe.

'Did I? Did I die? Was rebirth an actual thing?! Is that what this is?' I wondered. I saw something that blew my mind and made me curiously excited about this unusual event. The lady that was walking with me in her arms, had wings!

"It- the child is healthy. However, the child seems to have a unique... appendage, similar to that of the masculine persuasion." The woman holding me spoke to someone. She walked me over to another woman.

I was being handed over and I wondered; this lady now holding me, looking back at me with the most beautiful, soft, green eyes- was my mother?. Her hair was hazel and wavy, her skin a sun kissed golden brown. She felt warm and comforting, different to the woman I saw first.

The light of happiness danced in those green eyes as I was held to her marshmallowy breasts and kissed ever so lovingly. I think I made a sound like a chuckle. I felt suddenly calm, yeah.. I'm sure this pretty woman here is my new mother. I wanted to think more about how I remembered my past life or how I died and wound up here; but my eyes were beginning to close on me and I began to drift into sleep.

As familiar darkness enclosed my mind, a gentle reassuring feeling that I was safe swept over me.

I saw it. Behind my closed eyelids.

A Character sheet.