
I'll be here for you. And you can cry in my arm.

Thomas Huxley with his smile lit up visibly. He looked satisfied at the faces of the board of directors who looked very disappointed. He did not expect the gossip about his son and daughter-in-law to be spread widely in the media. It would bring him good profit this time.

At least, almost the entire board of directors chose to withdraw from the project that would be worked on by Marioline.

Although, Thomas Huxley is not yet in full control of his family company. He is pleased to learn of Wade and Marioline's failure.

Edward Huxley? The man could only show a straight face. During meetings with the board of directors, there is always a discussion about him and Abigail. A bad image affects the company's performance to develop

Edward tried to cover his ears tightly, pretending not to hear.