
Nostalgic Memories

“Life, half is memory, half is to continue.” Life, truly’s full of memories. Laughters, happiness, excitement, sadness, betrayals... they’re all a part of our memories, but what if you suddenly lose them? Would your life still continue? This novel is about a girl named Carson who got caught up in an accident when she was 17 years old. She had a good life, her family was wealthy and was very known. Not until the day her fate twisted because of a certain person. Everything about her changed, so is her surroundings. She was asked to forget about her past, but will she? Destiny is a tricky one, that she can say. Would destiny allow her to remember her past? Or will she just live a new life with new memories? This is a journey of pain, anger, and unexpected betrayals. This is the journey of Carson towards the truth of everything by meeting new people without knowing they are related to her past, and by meeting these people, she would soon realize that people are more complicated and unpredictable than she thought.

_Mei · Adolescente
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8 Chs

Chapter 7 | The Narcissist

Carson's POV

After some eternity, I was able to go home. After I delivered the last piece of the document, she made me stay at the student council for another hour! Which is like man... I thought you hated me? You were even against accepting me, I thought I was a nuisance! I can't believe I'm the one who's pissed off right now.

I returned to our room after the president finished whatever she was doing, although she didn't even thank me after all I did. I walked back to our room with wrinkles on my forehead and my smile on a downside position like an upside-down smiley face.

I hustled towards Vaughn when I saw him flipping the key to our room. He must be waiting for me since I left my bag in the room. I went straight at him and his facial expression changed as he looks away.

It was at this moment that I knew, he already expected this to happen, and yet, he made me do it.

I jerked his ear as it was wide open, he stumbles upon the sudden force. I whispered to him saying it was all his fault, I then released my grasp on him as I push him, making him back out a little.

He massaged his left ear afterward, he laughed at it and said.

"I knew this was gonna happen, but I didn't expect it to be this worse." He said as he chuckles upon his statement.

"Do you know how many times I went back and forth to the faculty room? 7 times Vaughn, 7 TIMES! Her excuse is she always forgets to hand it over to me! And it happened at least 4 times!" I screamed my lungs out.

I panted after releasing the words that are ought to get out of my chest. I looked down as tears started to form in my very delicate eyes. I don't even know why, maybe I'm just this sensitive.

Vaughn then noticed my sudden change of expression. When I noticed it I sat down in between my knees with my hands on my face. Vaughn let me ventilate for a while. Afterward, I felt a hand touch my hair. I didn't mind it at first, not until he started patting me. It was really soothing, I started to feel secured, and his support for me. With that, I lifted my head and saw his very genuine smile which made me cry even more.

His eyes widened at the sight of my misty eyes, and without warning, he suddenly wrapped his arms around me, his body was pressed against mine feeling his very warm embrace. I was surprised by this sudden movement, since I never thought of him as a clingy person. I awkwardly hugged him back as I felt more secure.

Vaughn was about to break off from the hug when I tightened my arms around him more. I heard him chuckle as he also tightened his arms around me.

I never wanted to let go, why do I feel like I'll suddenly lose him if I let go? I feel like something like this has already happened in the past, though I am not very sure, I feel like he is the truest friend I ever had, one that I would never want to lose. Even though he has a girlfriend he still spends more time with me than her. This bond between us is something that no one can ever break. Even if we've only known each other for a few days.

"Vaughn?" I whispered his name.

"Yes, dear?" He jokingly said.

I then chuckled at his statement.

"You'll never leave me, right? You'll always be here for me?" I softly said.

"Why do you talk like I'll be gone the next day? I don't have any other places to go, idiot." He laughingly said.

"Now you are starting to sound like the president."

"'Cause you really are an idiot.." Vaughn then mumbled.

I slapped his back while I was at it. He then let out a small "ouch."

We broke off from the hug while laughing at each other. He then placed his right hand on my head once again and said.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. I'll always be here with you." He then assured me while patting my head once more.

I smiled at him genuinely.

Now that I found a friend like him, I felt like I can do anything. His presence really does help me even though he pisses me off sometimes, but that's what friends are for right? There are meddlesome people in this world who will give you joy even though you don't ask for it, we're blessed by knowing someone like that, and I am very proud to say that I finally found that friend.

"Oh yeah, now that we're at it. Wanna celebrate our newfound friendship? Well, we never had a chance to go out together last time." He then suddenly thought while helping me get up.

"Wow, never knew you were the type of person to be celebrating this little occasion." I wonderingly said.

"Come on, we'll just go to a cafe and talk about things. After that, we can go to an arcade or even go shopping." He intriguingly said.

"Shopping? Really," I then laughed.

"What's wrong with shopping? I can pick your clothes and you can pick mine, isn't that exciting?" He said with enthusiasm.

"So, waddaya say?" He then said playing with his words.

"Of course, dear, anything for you." I sarcastically replied.

Vaughn's eyes widened at my reply, he looked away in embarrassment as his cheeks suddenly turned red. I then asked him what was wrong. He then said he felt his heart stop for a second there. I decided to tease him a little, I tried to peek at his face, which was covered with his hands. I looked closely at him with my eyes winking while my lips formed a very soft smile.

He finally removed his palm from his face when he felt that I was staring at him. He then suddenly pushed my head away while saying that his girlfriend's face is much prettier than mine. I laughed as he embarrassingly mentioned his girlfriend. Can't believe he also has this side of him.

"Good to know that you're still loyal." I jokingly said.

"Idiot, I'm forever loyal to her. Don't me." He tenaciously said while his face was still in embarrassment. I then laughed at the very sight of it.

I looked up at the sky which was beginning to cloud with darkness.

"Tomorrow is another day." I whispered to myself.

"I wish things can stay like this forever."


It was starting to get dark so I decided to go home, Vaughn said he was gonna go somewhere first before he leaves school so I don't have to wait for him, but since I hated eating at my house. I decided to buy my dinner at the food court so I could already go straight to my room once I reach home.

There were no more stalls opened when I went to the high school food court, so I decided to go to the grade-school food court. When I got there, only a few stalls were left, but it is better than nothing right?

I then went to a stall named, "Richard and Suzette." The only one left was the chicken roll, which was my favorite. "What a coincidence." I thought.

I was about to buy the remaining pieces when a man suddenly requested it. We babbled the same thought as we locked eyes. The man looked very familiar, he is a basketball player and a little good-looking—ok, nevermind. This man right here is my mortal enemy.

"Excuse me, Mr. Narccistic, but I believe I came here first." I formally said while raising my intonation.

"Excuse me, Miss Beautiful, but I believe you are being too assuming as I've been here long before you came." He replied mimicking me.

"With that body and height, there's no way I wouldn't notice you. You can be seen miles away with that body built." I said while looking at him from top to bottom.

"Oh my is that a compliment? Well thank you, I can now, therefore, say that you are my biggest fan." He proudly said while putting his hand on his chest.

I seriously don't get this person, and who is he for calling me an assuming person? He's already acknowledging me as his fan when I don't even like him. What a hopeless person.

"I don't know where you're getting those ideas, but right now, we are debating on this chicken roll that I have SEEN first, you can even ask the lady right here." I then said, pointing to the lady in front of me.

"Alright then, " He then placed his elbow on the counter. "Who came here first?" He asked.

"I believe it was you, handsome." The lady said while giggling at her statement.

What the— fine, good-looking people always win. Though this lady's response is very unsightly.

"Fine then, I'll just go look for something else." I then gave up.

I was about to go when the player called on me again which made me look back in disgust.

"I am very sorry milady, that was very rude of me. Because of my hunger, I forgot that I should become a gentleman in these difficult situations for I am gifted with a very appealing face that would make all the girls go in my favor."

Did he just confess that he only seduced the lady to be on his side because of that doll-like face? What a creep.

"You know what, you can have it. I don't want to waste my time on this. It's all yours, I'll just go get something else." I irritatedly said as I walk out.

In the end, I was able to buy a leftover hot dog that was slightly burned, "It's better than nothing." I thought.

I bought myself some water since it's the only thing that can save me for now. I went to an empty table and stood by it since there's no chairs. I was about to eat it when the player, again, went to me bringing the food we just debated on. He still bought it after all.

"You sure you gonna eat that?" He suddenly asked.

"Why else would I buy it?" I sternly said.

He put up a smile at my reply, he then handed his food that he just bought.

"Here, I couldn't let a company's daughter eat something like that. I was just joking earlier." He laughingly said while handing out his food.

"Then why did you insist on buying it?" I asked.

"Well, it's because I wanted to buy it for you. As sorry for the other day." He then said, putting up a very genuine smile.

"Why didn't you just say so?"

"Since you're family's very rich, I didn't think you'd just let other people buy you something since you can just buy the whole shop or something."

I wanted to laugh at his statement but I tried my best not to. Can't believe he is a funny person, I won't really mind if he buys me food, I'll even be glad that someone would still buy me something even though they know that my family's rich. It's always the thought that counts, as they say.

"So, would you like a trade?" He then asked, insisting the chicken roll that he bought.

Well, I can't refuse a good food can't I? Since he already made it clear, maybe I should accept it. Food.is.everything

I then gave in and handed mine to him. He then looked glad as we exchange our food. I began to eat the food I've been longing for and it tasted really good! Much better than the hotdog that tasted like a real dog.

"It feels like I'm eating a coal." He seriously said while trying to catch more of its taste.

"I thought you'd said it tasted like a dog." I then jokingly said.

We then laughed at how judgmental we are on the hotdog even though the stall where I've brought it was only beside us. I could feel the glare of the man who sold it to me.

We then ate quietly, enjoying every bit of our food when I suddenly thought why is he even eating with me?

"Wait, why are you eating with me? Where's your so-called fan club?" I confusingly asked.

"If you're worried about them they already left, so don't worry, today my attention is all on you milady." He seductively said.

Just what is up with this man, I think he needs to see a therapist and have his mind check 'cause it looks like he lost a screw on his head.

He then noticed my expression change, he then asked if I have a problem eating with him.

"I wouldn't have a problem eating with you if you didn't smell like sweat." I sternly said.

He then began to smell himself, his body and his uniform. I looked away as he does it since I didn't want to see anything inappropriate.

"I don't even smell anything." He then said.

Of course, it's your body idiot you're already immune.

"And even though I stink you should feel happy and excited since you get to eat with a handsome boy like me." He continued.

I've had enough of his narcism, it's seriously irritating and suffocating.

I then grabbed my food and went to the other table that was beside us. I then saw a glimpse of the sellers on every stall laughing at us.

Before I was able to put my food down, he screamed at me again and said that he was only joking and was asking me to come back. I then sighed at his pleading and went back.

He then became quiet as he finishes up his food. While looking at him, I suddenly remembered that I don't even know his name, Vaughn already said it to me, but his name was really complicated that I forgot.

"I've been bumping into you quite often, and I still don't know your name." I then said.

The sellers then looked like they were very disappointed at me, they were doing a face-palm while looking at us.

"Ah, finally, you asked." He said while placing both his hands on the table.

He then flipped his bangs and put his left hand on his waist.

"I, the most popular and handsome guy in this school. A model, a pro basketball player and chick magnet. The only boy with a porcelain like face and lips as red as roses—"

This guy never gets enough of himself. I then finished my food immediately, while he was still spouting things about himself and left immediately.

"The guy who is loved by everyone, a teacher's pet, a kind and lovable student. It is I, Mauvais Amour— wait HEY!" He then immediately followed me as I was already halfway through the bookstore that's only beside the food court. What am I supposed to do, his eyes were closed he proudly introduced himself.

"I was only joking! Come on, slow down." He then said.

Joking? What a joke.

"Ok, ok. I'm Mauvais Amour De Acosta. You?" He ecstatically said.

"Caridad Carson Colmenares." I plainly said.

"So you're Carson." He then said.

"You know me?" I asked.

"I've only heard that you got caught up in an accident." He then replied.

I then went out of the school while Mauvais here is still following me suspiciously.

"You still gonna follow me?" I then asked

"I don't want a girl to be walking home alone from school." He then said.

"Well too bad, I walk home alone every day." I then said while stopping at the red stoplight.

"Well, shall I walk you home from now on?" He then said, offering his hand.

"No." I tenaciously said. Well, I don't want a popular guy to be hanging around with me, I don't want girls glaring at me wherever I go.

"Aww, too bad." He then said, going back to his straight up position.

While walking through the pedestrian lane, I then wondered how unique his name was. I then asked him where his parents got that name.

"Oh, so now you've taken an interest. Ok let's see, first of all, call me Mau, since it's much simple." He then said.

He started talking about himself while the numbers of cars passing by decreased. It was already night time and here we are, still walking from school.

"My father's French, and my mom's a Filipino, but even though I have a foreign dad we didn't have good life since our business got bankrupt because of another company. Ever since then we had a hard time with money." He gloomily said.

So even though he's all mighty and happy all the time, he still has things going on with him...

We then crossed another pedestrian lane as the light went green, he then continued his story.

"I'm now working as a part-time model, even though it is only a small company it still gives a good amount of salary perfect for my schooling and lunch money, and with my skills in basketball, I can have a scholarship at our school once I've become a varsity player, and with that, I can help my mom with the expenses. Well, it's my dream to become a pro basketball player after all." He then said, looking happy as he mentions his dream.

I can't help but feel happy, even though he's all proud and narcissistic you can't deny the fact that it's all true. He does have a good face after all, and his skills are phenomenal.

"You taking an interest in me now?" He then asked while putting his left elbow on my right shoulder making me stumble a bit.

"I am indeed interested on your story, but the person telling it is not so interesting." I then said while removing his elbow that was on my shoulder.

"Man, you're such a straight-forward person. I like that." He replied, smiling genuinely at me. Well he does seem to enjoy my teasing.

I then got home safely and it was already dark. I asked him if it is fine letting him walk on his own. He then said his apartment's not too far from my house. I then bid goodbye while the maids inside our house were giggling behind me.


I got up early the next day since this is the day me and Vaughn were gonna go out. I didn't really sleep well last night since I was too excited, and I even managed to get up this early, for the first time.

I then went down the stairs and saw my dad, who was still at the dining room. He then asked me where I was going. I then said I was gonna hang out with Vaughn, my new friend. My dad then looked a little suspicious and concerned. Why would he even be anyway? He paused for 30 secs before giving me a go signal. I then went our happily and was about to walk when my father screamed from the house and said that I should bring the driver with me. I don't even need a driver, the mall is only a 10 mins walk from our home. With a car, it can be shortened to 5 mins.

"Don't be hard headed, go take the driver." My dad then demanded.

"Alright, as long as he doesn't follow me around." I then said.

I then went to our SUV and sat at the front, I didn't like the front sit not being occupied since I don't want to make the driver feel that he's our driver. I tend to call them on their names and not on what their occupation is.

Without noticing the time, we were already at the mall. From what I know, I just sat at the front seat just seconds ago. He drove faster than I expected. I then bid goodbye to him and asked him to go home first since I might get a bit late. He then nodded at me and started its engine.

I went inside the mall with only a few people since it was still early, though I decided to go to our meeting place while there's still a sit for two. When I got there I found a place near the window with a very soft looking sofa for two. I then sat at the sit that was on a corner and felt comfortable.

A waitress then went to me and asked if I'm ready to order. I then said to her that I was still waiting for someone, so I asked for a menu. She then handed out the menu that she was holding. I then looked up to see her face and give my thanks when the waitress' face suddenly looked like she was stunned or something, she was looking very closely at me which was kinda weird.

I then asked here what was wrong, she suddenly shook her head and said it was nothing and said her sorry for suddenly spacing out. She then said to call for her when she's ready to order, and from there, she walked out.

I decided not to mind the waitress' behavior since she looked really tired and it also looked like she hasn't slept for days. I then busied myself on the menu afterwards while waiting for Vaughn.

In the end, I was only able to order coffee since it's been an hour since I came here when we were supposed to meet 30 mins ago. I tried texting him though he wasn't responding to my messages. So I decided to just wait for him more.

It was lunch time and the cafe started to get a little crowded. Good thing they weren't asking me to leave the cafe first since I've been here since their opening, and yeah, Vaughn still hasn't been replying to my texts. "Maybe something happened that's causing his delay." I then thought. I called the waitress that served me just now and ordered something that could fill my stomach.

Customers started to leave one by one, it was already noon and he still hasn't come. I've started to get worried since there's no way he would delay this important event, plus, he didn't even say anything yesterday about postponing our plan.

It's been 6 hours and I still haven't left the cafe. The staffs of the cafe started to take notice of me since it looked like I was most likely gonna eat dinner at their cafe.

The waitress who's been serving me until now approached me and asked if I still need anything. I then said to her that I was still waiting for someone. She then gave a very confused gaze on me since it looked like I was waiting for nothing.

"Give me another hour, please." I then pleaded.

The waitress nodded upon my wish and left me.

After she left my phone suddenly rang. I immediately picked it up and saw that it was Vaughn. "Finally." I then thought.

I placed my phone on my right ear and started scolding him for leaving me hanging and making me wait for 6 hours.

"You should have told me that you're gonna cancel our plan instead of not showing up for 6 hours." I then said. I wasn't really mad at him since it looked like it was an emergency.

"Really, the staff here has been looking at me since this morning, don't make me wait for another 6 hours next time dummy." I jokingly said letting out a small chuckle.

But with that, he was still quiet.

"Vaughn?" I then asked in a worried tone.

But upon waiting for an answer, I heard a different voice. It was a voice of a girl, she was crying. Her cry looked really hurt which nearly made my heart stop beating.

"Is this Vaughn's girlfriend?" The girl then asked while she was catching her breath.

I got goosebumps when she mentioned that word. Girlfriend? Wait what is happening? What the hell happened to Vaughn?

"If you are, please meet me right now at his house. Please..."
