
Nostalgic Memories

“Life, half is memory, half is to continue.” Life, truly’s full of memories. Laughters, happiness, excitement, sadness, betrayals... they’re all a part of our memories, but what if you suddenly lose them? Would your life still continue? This novel is about a girl named Carson who got caught up in an accident when she was 17 years old. She had a good life, her family was wealthy and was very known. Not until the day her fate twisted because of a certain person. Everything about her changed, so is her surroundings. She was asked to forget about her past, but will she? Destiny is a tricky one, that she can say. Would destiny allow her to remember her past? Or will she just live a new life with new memories? This is a journey of pain, anger, and unexpected betrayals. This is the journey of Carson towards the truth of everything by meeting new people without knowing they are related to her past, and by meeting these people, she would soon realize that people are more complicated and unpredictable than she thought.

_Mei · Adolescente
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8 Chs

Chapter 6 | President Mei

Carson's POV

I'm starting to get butterflies in my stomach, I am sweating hard and my heart is pounding nonstop. My hand began to feel clammy against my bouncing knee as I look at the time in my wristwatch. It was almost dismissal time.

Vaughn then noticed this sudden uneasiness, it is very rare for me to be acting all nervous since I always stood up in class, though in a bad way that's for sure.

"Is there something wrong? Was our test that difficult for you?" Vaughn asked while taking a glance at my face.

Test? WE HAD A TEST?! I couldn't even remember anything I did today with all this nervousness. What did I even write on that test paper? I'm pretty sure I would still get a low score even without this meeting after school but taking the test without even knowing I did, now this is a major problem, I can already see my parents smiling halfheartedly as I show them my papers.

"I wasn't able to concentrate well because of the meeting later," I said while clutching my stomach.

"Meeting? What meeting?" He confusingly asked.

"MEETING! The meeting with the president! Idiot." I said shrieking at him.

Vaughn then laughed at my statement and said,

"I know, I just wanted to hear it from you," Vaughn said in between his chuckles.

"Jerk." I sternly said.

It was almost time so I decided to leave this friend of mine while he's still enjoying his laughs. He's too jolly for a person, maybe because he has a person he's seeing, I never thought of him as a very happy person when I first met him. That's why there were times when I think that there is something odd about him.

When I got out of the room my feet suddenly froze, coldness took over my body making my whole body freeze. I have never been this nervous in my whole life, but I didn't have any choice.

I waddled as I made my way towards the student council room, everyone was looking at me since I looked like a complete idiot. I even bumped into some teachers and they all looked weirded out since I never looked like this in class.

I stumbled across the student council room while trying to take in a deep breath. I first calmed my shaking knees and put up on a normal face since I certainly look like a frightened Chihuahua.

I then plucked up the courage and peeked at the windows of the student council room, it was really dark inside since the windows are a little tinted and there were no lights, that could mean she's not here yet.

"Ahh, where's Denise... She should be here anytime now." I muttered to myself.

It was a matter of seconds when I suddenly heard footsteps coming at my back. I was starting to think it was Denise, but the steps were too heavy that it could almost flatten the grass.

"What are you doing?" a voice then came up.

Just as I've expected, it was the president. You are so in time in everything that it is starting to make me think that we are following a script. What an extraordinary coincidence this is.

"I'm looking for Denise, " I sternly said without giving a hint of my restlessness.

"Then she should be at the Execom Office, we don't share the same room idiot." The president unrelentingly said.

I know I am an idiot but being called an idiot by this idiot is making my idiocy answer her in a very idiotic way.

But of course, I don't want to make a trip to the POD office as early as now.

I walked past the president without glancing at her. I didn't know that the student council room and the Execom office have two different rooms, I thought they work concurrently since they are so busy every time.

I was about I go to the school building next to it when I bumped into Denise. She looked happy when she saw me, maybe because she never expected me to be this early.

"I was looking all over for you! I thought you ran away since you weren't at the Execom office." She exclaimed.

Oh, so she's been waiting for me there. So I wasn't early after all.

Denise then noticed a presence behind me and saw that it was the president. Denise then said to me that it's perfect timing since we are all here.

Denise then suddenly pushed me towards the president. I just ran away from her and now I am coming back. Now, my body's tenser than ever, this is finally it, but I don't want to see her reaction yet. I didn't plan to meet her first before Denise, 'cause I might end up messing it again, and now I just did.

"What's going on?" The president asked.

When we were finally face to face her very intimidating face was drowning my dignity.

"Well, she's a new member of the Execom! Your new assistant!" Denise introduced me while placing her hand on my shoulder.

The president then sneered at her statement, she looks utterly disgusted by now.

"Her? Really? Are you trying to fool me? I'm sorry but I am declining this offer, go find her another club." She demanded while turning her look to the student council room.

"The Execom needs another person for the members to be complete! And Carson accepted this invitation!" Denise explained.

"So you only wanted to complete your members that's why you are insisting that girl to be my assistant, how brave of you to be saying that in front of me." The president then sharply said while turning her look back to us.

Now I'm stuck in between these two, they might even start fighting anytime now.

"And who's fault is it? We couldn't complete our members because of you, one after another quits the job or some can't even dare to sign the application form once they knew you're the only option." Denise replied savagely.

The president wasn't able to say anything and silence dominated the very tense atmosphere.

"I'm fine, I can manage on my own. I don't need that stupid club of yours." She then said, turning her back on us.

Oohoooh you are not turning down our offer Ms. with a bitchy attitude. I need this club and I already promised to a dear friend!

Without warning, I stepped out and held her off.

"Chotto Matte yo, orokana daitoryo." I blurted out, while extending my arms.

"Dare o baka to yonde iru no? Aho." The president suddenly said with a perfect accent. I never thought she would answer me back! I was left speechless but this is my chance to persuade her to let me join!

"Ah–ehem. Uhm, actually they didn't really recruit me, it was a teacher. She asked me what club I wanted to join in but I don't particularly know the other clubs. So I asked her for a suggestion." I explained to her politely.

The president then began to think, her very long eyelashes were almost covering her eyes while her head's down the soil as she thinks for a decision.

I noticed this sudden move of her, she's starting to think twice of her words since a teacher is involved. So I decided to convince her more.

"Hmm, just what would she think if you rejected me and I come back to her to find another club... Surely she'll get disappointed because her suggestion was also turned down in any case." I mockingly said.

The president's face then was looking a bit worried, but what I can say is that it looks like she is finally changing her mind.

"It was a nice excuse, good job!" Denise whispered to me.

The president lifted her head and looked at us with a very serious expression, well she always has been.

"Fine, since a teacher is involved." She stubbornly said.

Denise then smiled brightly and hugged me, she thanked me multiple times. I did the same to her while thinking if I should be happy with this or not. Now that I've been accepted, I just hope I'll be able to survive throughout the year.

As my arms are still wrapped at Denise's thin body, my head then went towards the side where the president was standing. She had a very irritated look on her face, which scared me a bit. My eyes then widened as she suddenly called on my name. She went towards the door to the student council room and looked back at me again.

"Are you coming or not?" She tempestuously said.

Wait, I'm starting now? Like, right now? Wait, I didn't prepare for this, why now? Ahhh, ok I don't have any choice, just go on with the flow.

Denise then let go of me when she realized that the president's voice tone change. The president then went inside the room leaving the two of us outside the room.

"Do you speak Japanese?" Denise suddenly asked.

I don't even know why I know those words, it just suddenly came out of my mouth.

"Nope, I don't even know why I know those words." I replied.

"Do you know that the president is half Japanese?" She asked while making eye contact with me.

"Say what now?"

"Her father, I think, as I heard from rumors." She then added.

"So that's why she answered me back, just when I thought I can finally make her speechless." I thought to myself.

Denise then bid me goodbye and good luck, my heart suddenly started thumping hardly as I walk towards the student council room. When I enter this room, it will only be just the two of us.

There's nothing that could go wrong right?


"I... I–I REALLY HATE THAT WOMAN!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was catching my breath since I was too exhausted and I can't lift another foot on these stairs.

I have been going back and forth from the student council to the faculty room, which is like one building away! AND THIS IS MY THIRD TIME ALREADY! WHY CAN'T SHE JUST FINISH ALL THE PAPERS AT ONCE AND LET ME DELIVER THEM ALL AT ONCE! THIS IS TOO ABSURD!

When I finally reached the faculty one of the teachers there had a confused look on her face. She must be thinking about what I have been doing at the faculty since it's my third time already.

"Are you the new Execom member?" She suddenly asked, as I was putting down the documents the president ordered me to bring.

"Yes I am." I said while catching my breath.

"That's good! Now she won't be doing all the job on her own, thank you very much for supporting our student council president!" She gratefully said.

I put on a fake smile since I can't afford to smile yet with all this exhaustion and this aggravation I'm feeling.

I went out of the faculty and returned to my depressed state. While I am walking down the stairs I bumped into Caloy who was bringing some test papers, guess he's also delivering these papers to the faculty.

"Haven't I seen you three times already?" Caloy said with a hint of confusion on his face.

I left out a big sigh and answered his question.

"I'm a member of the Execom now, and as you can see, I'm being enslaved by the slave master."

Caloy laughed at my statement, which almost made him drop the papers he's holding.

"How did it happen?" He curiously asked while fixing the papers he's holding.

"It's a long story that is not worth remembering." I lazily said.

Saying to other students the hostile attitude I encountered from the president is really nerve-racking because I always encounter her at the wrong time that makes me feel really tense and thrilled at the end of our conversation. That's why I'd rather not talk about it and maintain my positive figure.

"You know, the president really is awful." Caloy suddenly mentioned.

That surprised me, I never thought he also holds a grudge against her.

"All she's been doing is to make the students suffer from her strict rules and her very intimidating words when it comes to students she prefers to be expelled. 3 students have been expelled and it's been only 3 months."

I never thought he has a say in this situation at hand, I thought he is the type of person who does not care about his surroundings.

"She talks to the students like they're her people, she is even much stricter than the principal and is full of pride..." he continued.

All these statements are making me more nervous for the days to come. I don't want to expect anymore that she'll eventually change as time passes by, she is beyond repair for now.

"Uhm, could we stop talking about her now. 'Cause, this is making me more nervous. I'll be staying with her for the rest of the year..." I said while lowering my voice. I just suddenly realized that everyday, after school... I'll be in that room, following everything she says and seeing her face everyday. Now, this is torture.

"Oh, sorry I forgot. Well, my only advice to you now... always be careful and don't trigger her madness." Caloy then said while scratching his head.

I gave him an emotionless look while he grins at his statement.

"Well, I'll go deliver this to the faculty. See you around." He then said while walking past me.

See you around." I replied while looking at where he's going.

I returned to the student council room afterward. I was dragging my feet and my body felt all weak at the thought of possibly going back to the faculty.

I looked at my clock before entering the student council room, it was 6:20 in the evening. How long have I been playing as her slave? I need to go home.

I entered the room and saw that the president is still working on some papers. Just what are these papers and what kinds of words is she writing? She's been writing nonstop for hours! Is this a new way of teasing?

"Hey, am I done here? It's getting late already." I asked in an ill-mannered way.

The president then stopped what she's doing and a hint of disappointment formed on her face.

"Just what do you think of the student council, a joke?" She fiercely said, she then went back to writing.

I am really pissed off right now, but I'm trying my best not to. This girl right here is not worth getting my nerves on, I'm simply wasting my energy for her and she's not a person worth working with.

"Here, I forgot to hand it over to you a while ago. Now go back to the faculty." She demanded while handing over the paper.

Oh my god, you daughter of a— ok, relax Carson. Just as I've said, she is not worth getting pissed at.

I grabbed the paper she handed which surprised her a bit, she then told me to be careful next time or else she'll be asking me to do them. I faked a smile as I look back.

I got out of the student council room, for the 4th time. My eyes were bulging, my jaw clenched. My lips curled and my eyebrows furrowed. I was on the verge of tears, I never thought I would feel this irritated. I thought I could handle these emotions, guess I can't.

"CURSE YOU! NEXT TIME I WON'T BE EASY THAT EASY TO MANDATE! I HOPE YOU'LL TRIP ON YOUR WAY HOME ASSHOLE!" I screamed in my head. Of course, there's no way I can say that, or else a trip to the POD would be done in just a second.

With that, I left the place mumbling to myself while walking with heavy feet.


Caloy's POV (flashback)

The fast pacing cars are scaring the heck out of me, they looked like they're gonna bump into us anytime. It's night time and my parents decided to move into a new neighborhood, the town where I was born was a remote place and wasn't very near to malls or diners and mom said it was a pain to travel 30 mins just to get something to eat. That's why my father decided to live somewhere near the city.

"Mom, why do we have to move? My friend's gonna be left all alone in that neighborhood." I asked my mom while playing with the seat-belt that was tightly strapped.

"Caloy, just as I've told you. We need to go somewhere near your school and we found the perfect place! It's only a walking distance and life is much smoother there." My mom explained.

"But what about my friend? She'll be left all alone, she won't have anyone to play with." I gloomily said.

"You can still see her at school right? She'll be fine." My mom assured me.

I looked through the window and all I see are headlights of cars lighting the very eerie road. The trees beside the road are enormous, looks like big snakes and other creatures rule those dark contorted looking trees. The road here really is scary... Hope our new home is better than this place.


"Caloy, wake up. We're finally here."

I was awakened by my mom, I checked my clock and saw that it was already 11 in the night. I went out of the car and saw our new house. It was bigger than our house back at Recuerdos, our house there was a single storey while the house in front of me right now is a two storey house. I think I'm finally liking this new place.

We first put our bags down and went to our separate rooms since we were all tired. My room was located on the second floor, which is like, the only room there. Our house isn't that big but it's homey and kinda relaxing.

I then knocked myself down on my bed. The mattress was so soft and comfortable and everything felt like a dream since I've always wanted a room of my own.

But as I look at the ceiling that night, I kept remembering my dear friend back there. I was her only friend and she seemed to hold back her tears when I said goodbye, she was trying to feel happy for me.

"She'll be fine, she will be able to handle herself more now that we'll be on our first year of high school at the start of the school year." I then thought to myself.

My eyes then got heavier as time passed by, with that, I finally gave in to exhaustion.


Morning came and I woke up from the sound of trucks coming to our home delivering our other furniture and appliances. I couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to go down and check our things.

I went out of the house and scanned my environment. Everything looks peaceful and all, not until my eyes got caught by the huge house beside us. It looks like a mansion! How did we even get to live near this building?

While scanning carefully the details of the mansion beside us, a man went out of the house, a driver was waiting for him, he even opened the door for him! How cool!

Next, who came out was a woman, she looked really pretty and had a luxurious outfit. It was elegant and very fashionable. Next was their maids that were carrying suitcases and travel bags.

I was admiring these people's fashion when suddenly, a girl that looks like my age came out of the house. I was dumbstruck by her face and charming look. My heart suddenly beat faster and my body felt really cold. That girl must be their daughter, but what is this feeling?

She looked like she cried. She was holding onto her shirt while looking at them with sparkling eyes, I felt really sad as I watch her gaze at her parents with sadness.

"Don't go, please." She begged her mom.

My attention was caught by her trembling voice, her parents must be busy all the time since it looks like time is money for them.

"Carson, go back inside." The woman then said, pushing her daughter inside the house.

The girl then just stared at them blankly, her tears started to fall and her mom and dad didn't even take a glimpse of their daughter and just left. She then stood there still looking at the corner where their car was.

I looked at her in awe, I felt really bad for her. She doesn't look like she has any siblings since she is out on her own. A girl with a maid outfit then asked her to go back inside. She then went inside, drowned from her tears.

I felt really bad for her, I wanted to hug her and tell her that I'll be right here if she ever feels lonely.

With that, I left our house. I walked through their door with this unfounded courage and knocked on it.

"I want to get to know her more." My mind spoke.