
Nostalgic Memories

“Life, half is memory, half is to continue.” Life, truly’s full of memories. Laughters, happiness, excitement, sadness, betrayals... they’re all a part of our memories, but what if you suddenly lose them? Would your life still continue? This novel is about a girl named Carson who got caught up in an accident when she was 17 years old. She had a good life, her family was wealthy and was very known. Not until the day her fate twisted because of a certain person. Everything about her changed, so is her surroundings. She was asked to forget about her past, but will she? Destiny is a tricky one, that she can say. Would destiny allow her to remember her past? Or will she just live a new life with new memories? This is a journey of pain, anger, and unexpected betrayals. This is the journey of Carson towards the truth of everything by meeting new people without knowing they are related to her past, and by meeting these people, she would soon realize that people are more complicated and unpredictable than she thought.

_Mei · Adolescente
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8 Chs

Chapter 5 | Chance

Carson's POV

I rushed towards our classroom to find Vaughn, I can't believe he knew about this and he didn't even tell me.

I screamed his name halfway through our room hoping he would suddenly show up. I started walking again when I felt someone touch my back. When I turned my head around it was Vaughn, Vaughn immediately noticed my clenched jaw and furrowed eyebrows. He knew what was coming.

Before I knew it he broke into a run, but because of my killing intent, ehem... I mean eagerness I was able to grab his collar.

I then dragged him towards an empty shed to talk about the treacherous act he just did. I made him sit down at the chair that was in front of me so I could see his face. His hands are placed on his lap and he was giving a very infuriating smile making me want to drag him all over again.

His smile completely faded when I stood up and slammed my hands on the table while looking closely at him.

"YOU KNEW ABOUT THIS DIDN'T YOU?" I furiously said.

Vaughn then avoided eye contact with me with an expression of, "So what if I did?"

"Why didn't you tell me, my dear best friend? That the president was the only one who didn't have one?" I sarcastically said leaning my face towards him.

He then finally looked at me and grabbed my shoulders making me sit down on my chair, afterward he cleared his throat and said,

"First of all, I knew you would change your mind once you know what the club does. Second, I didn't know that the only empty spot was the presidents' since when they were recruiting for members they didn't specifically say how many they needed. They just said that they need more." He explained.

The teachers must have thought that no one would dare join if they knew that they only need one more member since it is quite expected that the only spot left was for the president.

"Though still, I can't believe that the last recruit was intended for the president, and to think that you were the one given the role with all the tragedies that happened between the two of you, destiny really is harsh on you." Vaughn mumbled while trying to resist his laugh.

Without thinking twice I slapped his head with my hand. With that his laughing intent faded as he replaces it with an ow.

With the frustration I've been feeling, I let my head fall on its own at the very dusty table. I didn't care, I was mentally exhausted with all that's been happening and it's only been a few days.

"What am I gonna do, I ran away from Denise and I don't want to join the Execom anymore." I mumbled while my head was still at the table.

"How embarrassing, if I were you I wouldn't show my face in front of this school ever again." He jokingly said.

"You should have just told me that I should quit school if that's what you meant." I replied at him lifting my head. I then fixed myself since I needed to look presentable with the many students passing by.

"Vaughn... Please help me decide." I pleadingly said while reaching out my hands to him.

"Decide? But dear, you don't have any other choice. All the clubs are full and the only ones left would require you to do auditions and tryouts." Vaughn said holding my hands.

With that statement, my eyes suddenly went dead. I seriously don't know why this is happening in my life. I thought I was gonna make a great start in this new life.

"I can sense your soul drifting away from your body." Vaughn jokingly said.

Many people were passing by with their heads turning towards our direction. From their expressions, I can see that they are very curious about what's happening between us. Though Vaughn was just waving back at them since most of them are our classmates and were asking how I was doing since I looked very problematic.

When the number of students started to decrease Vaughn then asked me if I won't give it a chance. My eyes widened with this sudden suggestion, I can't believe he is suggesting such nonsense to me right now.

"Are you joking?" I then asked.

"I mean, it's your opportunity to make up with her for wetting her papers last time." Vaughn replied.

"Aren't you just encouraging me just so you could make fun of me?"

"You know, I'm amazed you already know this much about me even though we have been friends for only a few days."

"Can't you be serious just this time?" I said letting out a large sigh.

I can't let go of the fact that I needed to make up for the damage I caused to her, though I don't think I can bear being with her for the whole year.

"You know after that, I saw her back at the student council room, I waited for our classmate to finish his training and it was already 7 pm. She was still rewriting those papers you've damaged, those papers were a mixture of student council work and essays that she was about to pass." Vaughn muttered under his breath.

Congratulations Vaughn, if you are trying to test my conscience then you've successfully done it.

Vaughn then was trying to get a glimpse of my face, when he did he then asked me if I'm starting to feel sorry for her.

"Oh, could it be you're changing your mind?" He surprisingly asked.

"You're good at persuading people you know." I complimented him.

Vaughn then laughed at what I said.

"So, you're changing your mind?" He asked again.

"Now that you've brought the topic about those papers again, I'm feeling as bad as ever."

"Just consider it as making up with her so the possibility of you going to the POD would decrease to 30%." He persuasively said.

"And you're so sure that she would accept me as her assistant? Brilliant." I sarcastically said.

Vaughn then suddenly stood up while I was still sitting. I looked at my clock then and it was already 12:55, almost time for our next subject. I then stood up and fixed my uniform. I was about to invite him to go back to our room when he said something.

"Promise me, you won't abandon her, I really believe that she'll be able to change if a person stands by her side." Vaughn said drawing out his pinky.

I then chuckled at his statement.

"If she'll cooperate with me then we'll have no problem, and I do hope she'll change for the better." I then replied smiling at him, drawing out my pinky for a promise.

The bell then rang when we were about to enter our room, our teacher then followed as we enter. Now I'll have another teacher to pester, ahihi.


"Tomorrow we will be having a short quiz, don't forget to study." Our math teacher announced.

I hate math quizzes, I hate counting, I hate multiplication, I hate everything about math. Why do we even need to study these letters when they're not even numbers. Why do we need to find our x when our y cannot even be answered? Ok, I was just kidding.

I started fixing my things since I'm going straight home after a very stressful day. All I could ever think about now is lying on my queen-sized bed and jumping all over my pillows. I closed the zipper on my bag and placed it on my back, I was about to exit on the back door when a classmate of mine called me, she then said a Class A student was looking for me. Before I knew it Denise was standing outside the front door and I didn't even notice.

I left my bag at my chair and went over to Denise. I needed to give my proper sorry since I left her hanging in the library.

"I'm sorry for running away, I was just very surprised and my body acted on its own." I pleadingly said.

"It's ok, it happens all the time. You're not the only one who has done it before. Some even tore their application apart, and some ran away after their first meeting and never came back. That's why I'm glad that you're talking with me right now." Denise said putting up a smile on her face.

Well, that was pretty unexpected, I never thought someone had done worse than me. That just explains that the whole student body despises her, and now, I'm gonna be stuck with her for the whole year, and who knows what might happen to me in the months to come.

"So, do you still want to join our club?" Denise asked.

"Well, after a long talk with my best friend, I think I'll consider joining it now. I don't have any other choice, do I? Since most of the clubs are full." I then replied.

Denise then was laughing and at the same time, very happy with what I've responded to her.

"Tomorrow, come to the Execom office near the Student Council Room at dismissal time. We will have a proper introduction of the other members of the Execom and of course, the president whom you'll be working with." She explained narrowly.

Just hearing the word "president" sends chills down my spine. It is already making me nervous, how am I supposed to cope up with this tomorrow? How would she even react once she found out that I'm her assistant? Would she even accept me? After all the trouble I've caused her, now I'm gonna trouble her more with my mere presence. Now that I'm thinking about it, I think I change my mind.

When I broke off from my thoughts, Denise wasn't there. I became confused then since she was just in front of me a while ago.

"She already left a minute ago, you were lost to your thoughts. She was asking if you if the schedule's alright but you weren't responding. So I just told her to leave you be." Vaughn then said while sweeping the corridor.

Okay, there's no turning back Carson, you've already made up your mind. You will join the Execom and as much as possible, get along with the president. Okay, this looks like a plan that I'll never succeed. Alright, just go on with the flow Carson.

"What are you doing? You look like a freezing chipmunk." Vaughn said from afar.

"Oh shut up." I replied.


I then went home that day, 6:30 in the evening. I waited for Vaughn since he kept grabbing my bag when I was about to go home, and now I feel like my stomach's gonna start eating my intestines soon if I don't eat something, I wasn't able to eat lunch with all that's happened. Eating dinner is all I could ever think about, or so I thought.

I got home and was about to open the door when I heard my mom and dad speaking to each other, I thought it was only nothing, not until I heard my name.

"Carson doesn't seem to remember anything from her past, though it is a good sign since she needs to forget that disastrous past of hers." My father said.

Disastrous? That's how bad my past was?

"Moreover, there's only one thing that she should remember, she will still inherit the company and take my place when the time comes. That is the sole reason why she was born." My father continued.

The sole reason why I was born? Is this why he worried for me because no one would inherit his company if I died? Is this why he only talks to me if it's about the company? Does he even love me as a family? No, there must be something wrong with what he said, mom, please say something!

"Carson seems to be doing much better now, you think it is fine for me to go back to our foundation? The kids have been waiting for me since Carson was caught up in that accident." My mom then asked.

Kids? What kids? Foundation? Wait...

My head then suddenly hurt like hell, it feels like my brain is being twisted. I was remembering something, though everything was all blurry and there were also voices, though I don't understand anything, the only thing I'm seeing right now is an image of me and my dad fighting. I don't know what we're fighting about, but from what I'm seeing, my dad and I never had a good relationship, even in the past.

I then sat down at the floor just outside the door. I was holding my head in disbelief, I was on the verge of tears but I didn't want to cry. If I did I have a huge feeling that they might scold me. I can't believe that all this time, they were only worried for me because no one would inherit their properties if I did die 'cause I'm an only child!

I crossed my legs then placed my hands on my face, I was calming myself down trying not to breakdown. I kept forcing myself to think of other reasons why they've said those words, but I couldn't, my father is a very straightforward person, he meant what he said, there's no other meaning behind it.

When I heard footsteps coming to the door, I immediately stood up and fixed myself. I tried to forget what I've just heard and forced a smile on my face. It was a good thing I didn't cry.

My mom then suddenly opened the door, she got surprised since I was really close to the door. Mom then asked me what took me so long, with those words I suddenly remembered what she said just now. I looked at her in the eye while asking her in my mind, "why do we have to be so rich?"

"Is there something wrong, Carson?" My mom worriedly asked.

I was again on the verge of tears, but I couldn't show it to her so I quickly hugged her. My mom hugged me back and I was really happy.

Even though I am only being used, I hope they won't throw me away.

'Cause I am a useless being anyway.