
Nostalgic Memories

“Life, half is memory, half is to continue.” Life, truly’s full of memories. Laughters, happiness, excitement, sadness, betrayals... they’re all a part of our memories, but what if you suddenly lose them? Would your life still continue? This novel is about a girl named Carson who got caught up in an accident when she was 17 years old. She had a good life, her family was wealthy and was very known. Not until the day her fate twisted because of a certain person. Everything about her changed, so is her surroundings. She was asked to forget about her past, but will she? Destiny is a tricky one, that she can say. Would destiny allow her to remember her past? Or will she just live a new life with new memories? This is a journey of pain, anger, and unexpected betrayals. This is the journey of Carson towards the truth of everything by meeting new people without knowing they are related to her past, and by meeting these people, she would soon realize that people are more complicated and unpredictable than she thought.

_Mei · Adolescente
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8 Chs

Chapter 4 | Execom

Caloy's POV


A big-voiced being called on me while I was walking home, and it was my classmate and best friend, Mau.

"What's up?" I asked him, stopping in the middle of the road since there weren't any cars passing by.

"Can I walk with you?" Mau asked.

"That sounded gross man," I replied at him laughing.

"Come on, this is the only time we're able to go walk home together," Mau said placing his hands around my neck.

"Do I have a choice?" I then said to him while removing his hands from my neck. He then laughed at me and said how serious I am today.

We always walked together when going to school or going home since our houses were near. Though not as near as Carson's, our house is next to theirs. Their house is like a mall and is like a whole building! Her father is a very rich businessman and CEO of their company. Though Carson is extremely rich, she still prefers walking since their school is not that far away.

We stopped halfway when the stoplight turned green, we then waited for the sign to turn red. While waiting Mau then opened a topic.

"A girl suddenly grabbed me and took me away from my fans just earlier..." Mau said excitedly said.

"Took you away? Like, she stole you away?" I asked with a face of, "I can't believe you just let her do that."

"Of course man, I mean, it was the first time someone did that to me! Though yeah, she wasn't my fan but she thought I was getting bothered by my fan's presence that's why she wanted to help me. Isn't that charming?" Mau said proudly said.

"I don't know man, I have a strong belief that she got pissed after you've shown your narcissistic side." I jokingly said.

The spot-light then turned red. We then crossed the road going to the other walkway.

"Well, she did get pissed actually." Mau said while looking at the road.

"You gotta remove that side of yours, my friend." I then said to him.

"What am I supposed to do, I am born beautiful. People who saw me said their spirits and well-being are being cleansed whenever they see my face." Mau said emphasizing his words.

"Whatever you say." I replied to him.

Mau then was still admiring his face while I was lost in thought. Who in the world would steal him away? What a brave soul I may say.

"What's her name?" I curiously asked. While looking at my friend who was still touching his very glass-like face.

"I didn't have a chance to ask what her name was since she was very angry. Though I saw her badge and saw that she is a grade 11 student." Mau then replied.

Grade 11 student? Wait, don't tell me it was Carson? No, no maybe not. I don't think she's that kind of person for now. Though it is still possible...

"Do you like her then?" I asked him.

"I still can't say for now, though I want to know her better. It's been a while since I've talked with a girl who's not a fan of mine." Mau seriously said.

I can't believe this was Carson, I know she's the only one in the whole school who would do something like that. That's how kind she is, though she might not remember the many things he did for me when we were young. Like how she stood up for me when I was trying out for the badminton club, the adviser didn't want to accept me because of my dark skin. To be honest, I can't understand the logic of that, but because of Carson, I was accepted to the badminton club with her very intimidating words.

And because of that memory, I've fallen for her even more. For 5 years, I've been in love with my best friend and it is still counting. I... don't know what to feel if it was her that dragged Mau but, I just hope she wasn't. I can't bear seeing her be with another boy when I'm right here, struggling on when I should tell her how I feel. So please, Carson, don't fall in love with someone else, not now, not my best friend...

Carson's POV

My mind kept bringing me back from the time I met with that player. I pressed my head upon the armchair I was sitting on while still thinking about how embarrassing that was.

I closed my eyes for a moment just so I could relax for a bit. When suddenly, I started hearing voices in my head. The voice is quite faint and creepy. It kept saying my name over and over again, it is quite annoying actually. I don't know if it's in my mind or what.

When I started to get annoyed I lifted my head and turned my look on my left side when suddenly, Vaughn's face was close to mine causing us to bump our foreheads.

"SO IT WAS YOU!" I screamed at him while massaging my forehead.

Vaughn then laughed while holding his forehead.

"You're too serious looking this morning, you didn't even greet me good morning!" He exclaimed

"Why would I say good morning to a boy who already has a girlfriend." I replied.

"Well she isn't here so wouldn't it be fine?" Vaughn said while looking outside.

"What you planning to cheat on her now?" I asked jokingly while looking at him.

"Oh no my dear friend I am very loyal to her." He then proudly said while placing his hand on his chest.

I just let him be proud of himself while I rewrite some notes in my notebook but after a few seconds his expression changed. It went from proud to worried.

"Well, actually I'm not even sure if we are in a relationship. She wasn't that sure when I asked her out, she only said she wanted to try it. She didn't even look like she liked me back, but she wanted to learn how to love me that's why she accepted me, but either way, I don't think the feeling's mutual." He silently muttered.

I wasn't focusing on what he was saying actually, it's just one of the misunderstandings couples experience so it's not a big deal. I then just continued writing my notes without taking a glance at him.

"Wait, are you even listening?" Vaughn then asked.

I took a glance at his face before turning my look at my notebook again.

"You have a very unique relationship I could say, not that I'm interested in it." I lazily said.

Vaughn then went silent, which made me a little worried since I might have offended him.

"Well you should have said so! I just wasted a couple of my energy talking about it." He then exclaimed placing his elbow on my shoulder while looking at what I was doing.

Okay, that made me nervous for some seconds, I thought he got offended by what I said.

When I finished writing my notes I pressed my head once again in my armchair while Vaughn was minding his own business, he was doing some essay that he hasn't passed yet.

I turned my head to my right so I could have a much clearer view, but when I did I saw a girl sitting beside me. I was very surprised since it was the first time I saw her. I then lifted my head to ask Vaughn who this girl is. Vaughn then laughed at me and said.

"She's been here long before you came."

I've been going to school for some days now and I didn't even notice her in all those days. Her lack of presence is really scary, I thought my third eye has been opened since I have already experienced a near-death situation.

"Why didn't I notice her at all?!" I screamed at him which made some of my classmates turn their eyes on me, except for the person beside me.

Vaughn then indirectly said to me to keep quiet since we were grabbing the attention of others.

"No one notices her that much, she never talks to anyone and she's been like that since grade school, she still talks to everyone though it became worse when she reached senior high." Vaughn then explained.

I stared at her once again, she was writing something on her notebook, not taking an eye off of it. I didn't want to take a closer look since she might get flustered. So I just stared at her, admiring her concentration on whatever she's doing.

The bell then rang breaking the staring session I was doing.


English time again and I was blankly staring at the ceiling admiring how white the paint is. Seeing this very clean ceiling cleanses my soul, not until our teacher called on me causing me to jump off from my sit.

"Give us a sample quote by a famous writer." She demanded.

Oh, I know one. Aha, if she thoughts that I know nothing then she's wrong!

"Do not let your right hand know what your left hand is doing." I proudly said.

Everyone then burst out laughing, and of course, Vaughn was leading them. I seriously don't know why they started laughing, for what I know what I said was correct. It is even a quote! Won't they just be proud of me that I still remember some even though I had amnesia?

I then just stood there watching my teacher look down with embarrassment while covering her face up with her hand. Why don't they just tell me what's wrong instead of making me stand just to get laughed at?

Vaughn then suddenly slapped my hand while he was still in between his chuckles.

"Carson, you idiot it's the other way around!" He then said.

"Ooooooooh. Is that so." I then started laughing at my idiocy.

I then laughed together with my classmates not caring about the teacher who was in front. She looking pissed as ever.

"What do you think you're doing?" She asked angrily.

With that tone of voice, I stopped laughing. It was too scary.

"Uhm, reciting?" I answered.

Everyone then couldn't stop laughing and the teacher looked like she was gonna eat me alive.

"What you said wasn't written by famous writers, you were able to say something but the whole sentence was entirely wrong!" She disappointedly said.

She looks so stressed out at this moment. Sorry, miss, but I can defend my answer.

"Isn't St. Matthew one of the writers in the Bible?" I then asked.

The class then altogether shouted, "OOOOHHHH!" which made the very stressed out teacher look even more pissed.

I don't know why they reacted that way, but with what I'm seeing right now they are having fun because of my idiocy. At least I was able to make my class laugh, unlike this very serious teacher who did nothing but call on me every single time.

The teacher was about to comment on something when the bell rang stopping her from commenting on my behavior. She then said she'll continue our discussion tomorrow while her eyes are dead set on me.

The teacher then went out, with that Vaughn suddenly hit my head causing me to react to it.

"Congratulations Carson, you've pissed the English teacher once again!" He then said throwing pieces of paper on air making it look like a party popper.

"If she doesn't want to get pissed by me then she should stop calling me during class!" I exclaimed.

"Why were you even staring at the ceiling in the first place, you were the first person I've ever met with no absolute care about anything." He then said trying to resist his laughs.

"Still, St. Matthew is a writer." I insisted.

"You really are a joker, you know that?" He said while patting my back like there's no tomorrow.

Vaughn then noticed Caloy who was outside waiting for me. I was in the middle of fixing my things when he pointed him out.

"I won't be joining him today since I need to submit my form."

"Well, you should tell him that then."

With that, I stood up and grabbed my club application. I went out and told Caloy that I won't be joining him today.

"Want me to assist you?" He asked

"No it's fine, go have your lunch." I then said

I first visited the classroom of the president of the Execom since it is most likely where she'll be, but then I was told that she went to the library to finish her essay.

I made my way towards the library after being told that she might be here. I then entered the library and scanned my ID. While I was at it I asked the librarian if a girl named Denise Lyra Ramos came in. The librarian then pointed out an empty section of the library.

The library was full of students, some were reading, and some were playing board games. On the other side of the library, a group of teachers is gathered eating their lunch together. There were many sections in the library, like the academic section for the Academic Team of the school, the Nonfiction section for books that are nonfiction, same goes for the fiction section. In the inner part of the library, there is also space for students who want to do their projects in a quiet place. Now that's where the person I'll be meeting will be.

I then went over to her while she was busy writing, piles of books were scattered on the table, and pieces of paper are flying all over. I needed to talk to her somehow since the teacher made my deadline today.

"Uhm, excuse me... Are you Denise?" I politely asked.

Denise then sharply lifted her head and stood up noisily causing some students to turn their eyes on us.

"ARE YOU PERHAPS THE NEW MEMBER?" She excitedly asked while holding my hands. Wait, since when did she take hold of my hands?

"Uh, yes I am." I said still wondering when it happened.

The librarian then shushed us making Denise lower her voice down. She then sat down again on her chair and offered the chair in front of her for me to sit in.

"So sorry for being excited, I've been waiting for you since yesterday!" She excitedly said.

I then suddenly remembered the very embarrassing event that happened in my new life, the time I met the narcissistic player. Many coincidences had happened involving that very arrogant player, but up till now, I don't know his name.

"So, before I submit my form, could you tell me what this club does first?" I asked while rolling the application form.

"Ok, let me explain briefly. Our job is to become the right hand of the Student Council officers, in short, assistants since they all have individual jobs as a Student Council officer. An assistant is always there at the side of the officer so a bond could also form between the two." She explained.

Well, I guess it isn't that bad since you only need to support an officer. Hoping I'll be assigned to a kind officer.

"Anyway, there is only one officer who doesn't have one, so... You will be filling that position." She continued.

Wait, I think the teacher exaggerated too much... lack of members? They only need one more! I thought I wasn't the only one she persuaded. Come to think of it, who could this person be?

I thought deeply making me lose track of what she was saying. Wait... the only person who doesn't have an assistant. The person who everyone hates, the person... I met at the student council room. Holy shit.

I stood up on my feet which interrupted her talking.

"Don't tell me..." I said with a very panic-stricken face.

Denise looked down and had a sad expression, she looks like she already knew what I was gonna say.

"Yes, the vacant one is the student council president..."

I was already expecting that answer from her, but why do I feel so surprised? I couldn't help but tremble with the sudden turn of events.

Without thinking twice, I excused myself and ran away leaving Denise behind.