
Nostalgic Memories

“Life, half is memory, half is to continue.” Life, truly’s full of memories. Laughters, happiness, excitement, sadness, betrayals... they’re all a part of our memories, but what if you suddenly lose them? Would your life still continue? This novel is about a girl named Carson who got caught up in an accident when she was 17 years old. She had a good life, her family was wealthy and was very known. Not until the day her fate twisted because of a certain person. Everything about her changed, so is her surroundings. She was asked to forget about her past, but will she? Destiny is a tricky one, that she can say. Would destiny allow her to remember her past? Or will she just live a new life with new memories? This is a journey of pain, anger, and unexpected betrayals. This is the journey of Carson towards the truth of everything by meeting new people without knowing they are related to her past, and by meeting these people, she would soon realize that people are more complicated and unpredictable than she thought.

_Mei · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
8 Chs

Chapter 3 | Club

Carson's POV

English time ended and it was before our recess time. I laid my head on my arm chair as I sigh of relief. During our English class today our teacher made me read lines and explain them all throughout the allotted time for the subject. It was clearly shown that our teacher was very pissed at me for sleeping through her subject yesterday. It was as though my brain was squeezed releasing all the brain cells hidden within, though I'm glad I was able to answer.

"You look exhausted." Vaughn said while fixing his things.

"I would be surprised if I wasn't." I lazily said.

I closed my eyes first just so I could relax for a bit, the peaceful atmosphere in the room as students go out one by one to eat at the food court is the best time of the day. This is the only time I could really relax. I was slowly falling deep in my sleep when a person suddenly knocked at our door, I didn't mind it at first since it could just be a student looking for his friend in our class.

"Carson, a teacher's looking for you." Vaughn said while shaking my left shoulder.

I slowly opened my eyes and asked him what he said. I wasn't able to fully grasp it since my eyes were still heavy.

"A teacher's looking for you outside." He repeated.

My eyes suddenly widened as he mentioned that someone was looking for me, and it's even a teacher! I didn't immediately got up since I thought it was nothing.

I got up from my sit panicking and because of how rattled I am, I hit my knee on the sit beside mine. I silently moaned in pain while Vaughn was giving a face of, "OOOOOH", while laughing. I slapped his shoulder before I went out to meet with the teacher. When I got out she had a worried face which made me nervous since it might be something about how I am in school or because of my 3 months absence. After some seconds, she finally spoke.

"How's your knee?" She worriedly said.

I literally had an emotionless face, my mind was like, "Are you serious right now? Could I take back all the nervousness I felt?" How did she even see me? As far as I know the windows are a little tinted. Such kin eyes I must say.

"I'm fine miss hehe." I said sarcastically.

"Oh good." She replied back and smiled.

Silence then dominated between us.

"So what, after ruining my beauty sleep that's what we're gonna talk about? My knee? How kind of you to be worrying about me. I'm so flattered." My mind playfully said.

There's been a moment of silence between us. I don't really know what she wants from me, she was just staring at me which is pretty weird. I'm starting to feel conscious with her staring, why don't she just let me go if she wasn't gonna say anything. We're just both wasting our break time to be honest.

"OH!" She suddenly blurted out.

My body nearly jumped as she said that.

"You need to pick up a club soon since you've been left out for 3 months." She finally said.

Okay, I take back all I said. Now this is getting exciting.

"Uhm, if I may ask what can you suggest?" I then asked.

"Oh, if I were you I would join the Student Executive Committee, aka Execom." She persuasively said.

I don't really get what it is if I based it on the name itself. So I asked her why I should choose it.

"Well, 'cause they need more members!" She replied.

I'm starting to make this expressionless face a habit of mine because of this teacher who's in front of me right now. And also, I take back what I said, this isn't exciting at all.

"No, I mean. What do they do?" I asked with a hint of getting pissed.

"Well you could see for yourself once you join!" She cheerfully said while offering the club application form.

I've been keeping up this face of mine for quite some time now, she looks like a philosophical person who would embarrass you if you ask questions.

Because of the urge to get out from this situation, I accepted the membership application, thus joining the Execom without knowing what it really was. But I'm glad I was finally set free from that very awkward situation.

I went back inside still looking at the club application. The word "Execom" was already written on the paper, was she really planning on persuading me to join that club? She must be really glad right now because she didn't had a hard time persuading me.

When I was back at my sit, the peaceful atmosphere that I felt a while ago was replace by a deafening sound which is non other than my very precious classmate's mouths spitting unnecessary words, but of course, you can never avoid this in school.

When I settled down Vaughn asked me what the teacher wanted. Of course I wouldn't tell him about my knee or else he'll just laugh his lungs out.

"She asked me to choose a club since I've been left out." I said while starting to fill the application.

"So what did you choose?" Vaughn asked while peeking at the application.

"I didn't really choose it, the teacher just recommended it to me." I said while pushing his face away.

"Execom? Oh my." He said while trying to hide his laugh.

"Fate really is harsh on you." He jokingly said though I wasn't sure if he really was joking. Well, I'm gonna pass this application later in the afternoon, gosh I hope this is a good one.


When afternoon came I went to the gym to ask the student coordinator to sign my application. When I got in the gym, I saw a crowd of students on one side. Because of my curiosity I went over to check what they're going crazy about since their voices are reverberating at the gym. When I was halfway across them, I saw a faint figure of a man standing at the center, I didn't even need to get a closer look, he was the player that my classmates had gone crazy about when we watched their game. I then immediately returned to where I was supposed to go, can't believe these girls even have time to fangirl over a player.

I then went over the sports office to find the student coordinator. I knocked at the door and a very tall man opened the door for me, "He must be a varsity player." I thought. I then saw the student coordinator who was already waiting for me, I then gave my application and he signed it immediately. I thanked the student coordinator after I got my club application signed then I went out of the sports office.

When I got outside, the same crowd of girls were still there. It looked like they were really bothering the player. He doesn't even look like he got to rest after their game.

I then locked my eyes on the player standing there, he look like he was very uneasy with all the girls around, he even started to speak a little awkward towards the girls.

I then started to feel pity towards the player, "Should I help him?" I thought to myself.

Without warning, my mind made its choice and my body acted on its own. I feel like a soldier going to a war without a weapon. I literally have no plan.

My feet were dragging me towards the spot were they are gathered. I made my way towards the crowd and through the very narrow spaces. When I got through I immediately grabbed the player's hand which put him on a shock. Even though they are very excited they still kept their distance from him, that's why the player was pretty surprised when I did that.

We locked eyes while the atmosphere was really awkward. And another reason for it is because I was thinking of a plan while staring at him. His eyes are more beautiful than I thought, it had a bluish shade and were a little sharp looking but either way they still look kind and soft. The last time I locked eyes with someone was with the student council president, which is a very horrible memory that I don't want to remember. His eyes are much more charming than the president's very intimidating eyes.

"Come with me, right now!" I demanded him, and of course I just spoke what came into my mind. I couldn't think straight with our eyes on each other.

The player had a very shocked expression, of course he would, a girl just showed up out of nowhere asking him to come with her.

The player was speechless thus, it was my chance to get him out of there.

"Who are you and what do you think you're doing stealing our precious Mauvais?" A girl with a chipmunk face said.

Our? Since when can people own other people? No one owns ourselves other than us you obsessed little chipmunk.

Well, I already expected them to react either way. Guess I'll be forced to say this.

"I'm his girlfriend, you have a problem with that?" I intimidatingly said.

Everyone's jaw dropped, I didn't take a look at the man I was holding but I'm pretty sure he is very shocked as well. The girls then started to take their distance from us, I then used this as a chance to get away, and more surprisingly, the player went on with it. Guess he really was uncomfortable.

I then went towards the courtyard while I was still holding this hand, I didn't take a look at him while we were walking but he was unexpectedly quiet. When we got there I stopped by a chair that was already rusting though I didn't care since I needed a breather. I sat down on the chair while the player was still standing, staring at me. When I was able to catch up my breath with all the nervousness I felt there, I started the conversation.

"Were you feeling uneasy with al the girls around you?" I asked while fixing the way I was sitting.

The boy had a serious face at first, but then he suddenly burst out laughing. I was really confused since I didn't even say anything weird.

"Was that the reason why you suddenly stole me away?" He asked while still laughing.

I was still confused at this point, so I just stared at him blankly.

"I'm used to having fans and crowds, I mean, with this very good-looking facing? I doubt that I won't have my own fangirls." He proudly said while emphasizing his face.

I then awe in surprise, I can't believe this person is an arrogant being making me want to throw him back at his little fandom.

"I enjoy their presence, it flatters me to know that many people appreciate my handsome face and talent. But a person introducing herself as my girlfriend is such a bizarre experience that I never thought I would experience so still, I appreciate your intention just now." He arrogantly said.

"Wait, was it really the reason?" He continued while still happily teasing me.

"I thought you were getting bothered by it!" I screamed at him.

The player then laughed as if he would never laugh again.

"Ahh, I thought you were one of my crazy fangirls that wants an alone time with me." He then bent his knees to get a closer look on my face.

"But as I look at you now, you're just a girl who wanted to help. I still appreciate it though." He said while smiling at me and patting my head.

I then was very embarrassed that I wanted to storm out this instant! Just as I've said, I speak and do what's on my mind without thinking twice, sorry mr narcissistic, I had enough of you. I then slapped his hand that was patting my head and said.

"I'm sorry I have to go, I just wasted 20 mins of my free time for nothing." I said while storming out, leaving the player behind.

The player seemed surprised when I slapped his hand, maybe it was the first time someone did that to him.

"WAIT! WHAT'S YOUR NAME?" He shouted at me.

I stopped walking and screamed back at him.


With that I left the vicinity and went back to our room.