
Ikenna the dark hunk

Sunday saw Nabila in her garden picking flowers for the living room arrangement. "Nabsy are we fighting" Amaka appeared out of nowhere

"Ki hakuri" Nabsy apologised rising to hug her. Amaka side-stepped her embrace

"Sorry now" Nabsy pouted "It has been a crazy couple of days"

They made up and Nabsy stepped back to admire Amaka. "You look nice today" she complimented her skinny jeans and red scoop neck top. Nodded in appreciation at the tiny braids and tugged on her hoop earrings. "That reminds me I have to be somewhere. Can you give me a lift?"

"Yeah of course" Amaka answered confused at the subject change. She brought Nabsy up to date on the twins as she followed directions eventually pulling up in front of a large bungalow. The house was startling white and looked like a giant sugar cube. She walked in behind Nabsy and heard her respond to a male voice.

"What a surprise" he said

Amaka was confused, didn't Nabila say she had to be here. Why was he surprised?

"I want you to meet someone" Nabila giggled excitedly "This is Amaka" she pulled her into his view. What a view it was. He was dark like the Ghanaian chocolates Amaka indulged in. He had distracting eyes; very bright and mischievous like he was always thinking naughty thoughts. In a Chelsea jersey and cargo pants, he hovered above them both and had to lean in to view Amaka properly. It made her feel dainty and tiny. She loved it.

"I have heard so much about you. Informed that it would be my pleasure for us to meet" he held on to Amaka's fingertips smiling widely. He didn't finish his sentence. His eyes did.

Amaka blushed like a 14year old. Think of something witty to say...think think think. But all she did was giggle.

"Amaka darling, this is my friend" Nabsy failed to suppress her smug smile

"Okay" Amaka nodded like a bobble head doll

"Ikenna Nwosu" Amaka pulled her hand away like she had been scalded by hot oil. This was Ikenna Nwosu? The little rat bastard that pointed out her lack of dignity. The one who insulted her. The one who made her cry. Amaka turned around and walked out

"Maka wait" Nabsy ran and got in the car with her "What was all that about?"

"Why would you put me in that situation?" Amaka's fingers gripped the steering wheel

"What do you mean? I thought you liked him"

"Why do you care huh? Nabila why can't you learn to butt out of my life"

Nabsy stared at her friend shocked. "I'm-m s-sorry" she stuttered

"So he is your friend" Amaka's voice rose as the events of that night came back to her. "You weren't there when he said those things to me"

"What things?"

"He said I had no dignity. Me."

"Ikenna said that? When?" Nabila kept glancing back at the house

"The night I called him...said he had better things to do" Amaka could feel the weight of unshed tears

"You called him?"

"Femi had just hung up on me as well..."

"Femi called" Nabila interrupted "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because!" Amaka shrieked "You would have judged me. All you do is talk and talk but it is not your life. Is it a crime to love the father of your children? You get in your car and drive home to your husband" She gave a bitter laugh "You don't know what it is like"

"Amaka you don't know anything about my marriage"

"You and Jamal have worked things out. I had to come hijack you from your house only to be brought here and embarrassed"

"How was I supposed to know what happened? I am not psychic Amaka and I am tired of apologising for things that are not my fault" Nabsy opened her door and stepped out

"Well excuse me for having a bad day. Go back to your perfect life"

"You are acting like a child"

"Maybe it's from hanging around my children all day" the minute she said it Amaka wished it back. Nabila turned around and walked back into the sugar cube house.

That evening Amaka moped around staring at her phone. She never lost her temper, it just wasn't her. She had contemplated various ways to apologise, and steeled her heart for the retaliation she surely deserved. God knows, Nabila had the ammunition.

"Mommy why are you sad?" Chiamaka ever observant climbed into her lap

"Because I was mean to Aunty Nabila and I want to say sorry"

"Why were you mean?"

"I was upset and sometimes adults want everyone else to feel the way they feel"

"That's silly."

"Grown ups can be silly. Go play with your brother" She smiled and stroked her daughter's head.

Amaka walked into the kitchen and dialled Nabila's number

"Nabsy I am so sorry for my behaviour this afternoon. I never should have said those things to you. I don't know what came over me; I did not mean a word I swear. What can I do to make it up to you?"

"I can't discuss this over the phone"

A half hour later, Nabila was at her front door. They shared a tight hug

"I am sorry"

"No I'm sorry"

"You love Femi and that is okay. You never have to justify anything to me. Do you understand?"

Once the twins were tucked in, over chocolate biscuits Amaka agreed Ikenna was a hunk and congratulated Nabsy on her good taste "but he is a jerk."

"Doesn't that just make him hotter?"

"No Nabsy. It makes him a jerk" Amaka pinched her

"Why haven't you touched your coffee?"

"I've sworn off caffeine"

"Blasphemy" Amaka slapped her hand on the kitchen counter "You sin against Nescafe. Why would you do th...?"

"I'm three weeks pregnant"

Amaka spat out her tea.