
Northern Hour

Elio is struggling to get over his past, he’s scarred and will never be the same. Without warning, a deadly virus breaks out on his home planet, and his world comes crashing down. Elio finds himself thrust into a world of chaos, void of any order. Murder, Theft, and Various Heinous crimes take center stage on a Silver Train. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, I'm still new to writing, so there may be grammatical errors at first. The horror/thriller aspect comes out later on in the story. Also the really juicy parts of the novel take a while to get to but i promise it'll be worth the wait!

FiaVillin · Horror
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs


Elio walked down the dimly lit corridor of the Greyhound, his steps echoing softly on the plush carpeting. The train's design was modern and elegant, and the lighting cast a warm, ambient glow, creating a sense of comfort and luxury.

He entered his roomette, closing the sliding door behind him with a soft click. The roomette was a sanctuary of solitude and peace, a compact but well-appointed space. Elio's eyes, adjusting to the subdued lighting, fell on Annora, who was curled up on the roomette floor.

Elio felt a smile tugging at his lips as he reached down to pick up his beloved cat. He fell backward onto the bunk, the softness of the bedding providing a welcome contrast to the harder train seats. The bunk was a haven of relaxation, and Elio cradled Annora in his arms, their bond of comfort and familiarity a soothing presence.

As he cuddled with Annora, Elio let out a contented sigh. His annoyance from the encounter with the chatty stranger in the dining car slowly faded, replaced by the comforting presence of his feline companion. In the dimly lit roomette, he closed his eyes for a moment, finding solace in the embrace of a loyal friend.

Elio's frustration lingered as he continued to grumble to Annora. His tone, however, was gentle and his voice carried more of an exasperated sigh than anger. As he vented his frustration about the encounter with the stranger, Annora sat in his lap, her tail flicking in response.

With each word, Elio's hands absentmindedly squeezed Annora a little too tightly. He wasn't aware of it, but the slight discomfort didn't deter Annora from her quiet purring. She was well-acquainted with Elio's moods and knew he needed her presence.

As time passed, Elio noticed the subtle change in the weather. The wind outside grew more violent, causing the train to sway slightly, and the gentle rain that had started earlier now intensified, creating a soothing backdrop of sound against the train's steady rumble.

Elio shifted his focus from his inner frustrations to the symphony of rain and wind, and as he did, the remnants of his annoyance began to dissipate. Annora, sensing the shift in her owner's mood, nuzzled her head against his chest, as if to say, "It's okay, we have each other." Elio sighed and relaxed, realizing that sometimes, in the midst of life's irritations, there were moments of solace to be found.

Elio let out another heavy sigh as he realized that Annora was not pleased with being held so tightly. She made her discomfort known by attempting to scratch him lightly on the face.

"Okay, okay," Elio murmured, releasing his grip on her. "I'm sorry, Annora." Elio's release of Annora was gentle but reluctant. He carefully set her down on the roomette's carpeted floor. 

She hopped onto her paws, stretching her sleek body in a feline arch before sauntering toward her cozy carrier. Annora was clearly pleased to have her freedom back, and she gracefully slipped into her carrier, curling herself into a comfortable position.

Elio watched her with a soft smile, his fingers absentmindedly brushing through her soft fur one last time. He appreciated her, and in many ways, she was his anchor amid the turbulent sea of life's complications.

As Annora settled down for her nap, Elio's thoughts turned inward. The gentle rattle of the train on the tracks and the pattering of rain against the window became a soothing backdrop to his contemplation. He pondered the recent events, the encounter with the talkative stranger, the comfort of solitude with Annora, and the journey that lay ahead.

Elio knew that boarding the Greyhound was a significant step, and it was both exciting and daunting. The new experiences, the challenges, and the unknown awaited him at Eastside Academy, and they danced in his mind like shadows in the half-light of his roomette.

He considered the strength of his family's support, symbolized by his aunt Opal's smile and his sister Eleanor's unwavering presence. Their love had carried him this far, and it was a comfort he could carry with him on this journey.

Elio gently whispered to Annora, "I should probably get some sleep too, Annora." With that, he carefully climbed off the bunk, leaving her to her peaceful nap.

The restroom connected to the roomette provided a brief but refreshing shower. The warm water cascaded over Elio's tired body, washing away the weariness of the day. The soft, fluffy towels in the restroom made drying off a comfortable experience.

Afterward, Elio changed into a set of soft, cozy pajamas he had packed for the journey. They were a familiar comfort, something that reminded him of home and offered a sense of security in this unfamiliar environment.

Returning to the bunk, Elio lay down, pulling the soft covers over himself. The rhythmic hum of the Greyhound's engines and the gentle sway of the train were like a lullaby, creating a tranquil atmosphere. As he settled in, the sound of the wind and rain outside the window served as a soothing backdrop.

In the quiet darkness of his roomette, Elio's thoughts began to drift. He couldn't help but reflect on the events of the day and the recent changes in his life. There was a mix of nostalgia for the life he had left behind and anticipation for the new experiences awaiting him at Eastside Academy.

With his eyes closed, Elio surrendered to the gentle embrace of slumber. His thoughts merged with the sounds of rain, and he was carried away into a peaceful, dream-filled sleep, with Annora curled up nearby, sharing the warmth of the moment.

The next morning, Elio awoke to the gentle caress of dawn's early light, which filtered through the train window, casting a warm, golden glow across the roomette. Stretching his limbs and yawning, he eased into wakefulness.

Elio's eyes settled on the window as he gazed outside, seeking the familiar comfort of the landscape that had accompanied him on his journey. However, something was amiss. The mountain, a constant presence during his travels, stood before him, yet its shape seemed subtly altered.

The mountain's contours, once well-defined, appeared distorted. It was as if nature itself had taken an unexpected turn, bending the familiar into the unfamiliar. Elio furrowed his brow, his gaze focused intently on the perplexing scene.

The change was not a play of shadows or a fleeting illusion; it was a genuine transformation that defied explanation. The mountain's deformation nagged at Elio's consciousness, refusing to be ignored.

Intrigued and disconcerted, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this curious sight than met the eye.

Elio was about to descend from his bunk, contemplating the mysterious distortion of the mountain, when a familiar, comforting sound filled the roomette. Annora, his faithful feline companion, greeted the new day with her usual enthusiasm. Her eyes sparkled with a curious charm as she meowed in a way that only a cat can, inviting Elio into her world.

Elio smiled, giving Annora an affectionate pat, their silent communication carrying an unspoken understanding. Her soft, warm fur under his fingertips was a comforting presence.

However, this moment of connection was abruptly interrupted by a sudden, urgent notification that appeared on his terminal. The device beeped insistently, and Elio's attention was immediately drawn to it.

The notification was marked as an emergency and originated from the Greyhound's personalized app. Elio's heart quickened as he read the message. It conveyed alarming news – a landslide had occurred due to the heavy rainstorm that had raged during the night.

The message urged passengers to remain in their rooms until further notice, emphasizing the safety measures being taken by the Greyhound staff. Elio's mind raced as he processed the information. The thought of a landslide raised concerns about the safety of the train and its passengers.

Annora, sensing her owner's distress, nuzzled Elio, a silent offering of comfort. With a deep breath, he picked her up and gently cradled her in his arms.

Elio continued to read the notification, absorbing the information it provided. The message explained that the cleanup crew estimated it would take at least four hours to clear the tracks, allowing the train to resume its journey. While the delay was regrettable, it was clear that safety was a top priority for the Greyhound staff.

As he digested this news, Elio's gaze was drawn to the window. The unfolding scene outside told a story of its own. A group of men and women, dressed in thick suits designed to protect them from the elements, had disembarked from the train. They were joined by assistant robots equipped with heavy machinery.

Elio watched as they began to make their way towards the site of the landslide, their purpose clear. The group's determination and efficiency were evident as they set out to clear the tracks, ensuring the safety and continuity of the Greyhound's journey.

Elio's sense of relief was accompanied by admiration for the dedicated crew. The events of the morning had brought an unexpected twist to his journey, but the professionalism and prompt response of the Greyhound staff reassured him.

With Annora still in his arms, he continued to observe the crew's efforts, silently hoping for a swift resolution to the situation.

The people on the ground appeared to be experts in their field, carrying tools and equipment designed for the task at hand. Some of the assistant robots were fitted with specialized machinery for excavation and debris removal.

Elio, still holding Annora in his arms, turned his attention from the window to his feline companion. She stared up at him with her head tilted in that characteristic way cats often do when they're curious or intrigued. It was as if she sensed that something significant had just occurred, and she was awaiting an explanation.

Elio spoke to Annora, relaying the information he had read in the emergency notification. He described the landslide caused by the heavy rainstorm during the night and the estimated delay of at least four hours for the cleanup crew to clear the tracks. "Annora," he began, "there's been a landslide due to the rain. It's going to take them at least four hours to clear the tracks. We're going to be stuck here for a while."

As he finished summarizing the situation, Annora responded with a meow, her feline voice carrying a hint of emotion.

Elio couldn't help but smile at her reaction. He could swear that her meow held a touch of annoyance or even impatience, as if she were expressing her own opinion about the situation. He petted Annora's soft fur, reassuring her that, just like him, there wasn't much they could do but sit back and wait.

With the announcement of the delay, Elio realized it would be a while before they could continue their journey. The opportunity to bond with Annora seemed to present itself again. Elio carefully placed some fresh food in her bowl, the aroma instantly catching her attention. Annora meowed in response, her excitement evident, as if she understood Elio's words.

Elio smiled at her, saying, "Alright, Annora, enjoy your breakfast. I'm going to grab some food for myself, and then we'll have some fun in the pet area, okay?" Annora meowed happily in response, a clear agreement to the plan.

Elio walked over to fill her water bowl, making sure it was placed at a distance from her food. It was a habit he had developed to ensure her water stayed fresh and clean. With that done, he gave Annora a final reassuring pat and told her he'd be back soon to take her to the pet area. She continued to eat her breakfast, content with the promise of playtime.

Elio exited the roomette, ready to find something to eat and prepare for what looked like a longer stay on the Greyhound.

Elio stepped out of his roomette and the neighboring door swung open almost simultaneously. His gaze naturally turned towards the door, and there, he saw a tall girl with striking features. She had a cascade of light blonde hair that framed her face, and her eyes were a brilliant shade of light blue that seemed to sparkle.

Their eyes met, and there was a moment of mutual recognition, as if both were surprised to encounter another person in this confined space. Elio was the first to break the brief silence. "Uh, hi," he offered, a little unsure of how to proceed.

The girl's gaze remained fixed on him, her expression unreadable. It was as though they were both evaluating each other in this unexpected meeting on the halted Greyhound.

Mia, with her light blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, greeted Elio with a polite "hello." Just as they were about to exchange further words, a voice echoed from the room Mia had stepped out of. It was another girl, and her voice had a hint of curiosity as she called out to Mia by name.

"Hey, Mia, who are you talking to out there?" the voice inquired, her tone filled with intrigue.

As Mia explained the brief encounter in the hallway to her inquisitive companion, Sophia, another presence made itself known. A girl with rich brown hair and vivid, cerulean blue eyes emerged from the room behind Mia. She peered out from behind Sophia's shoulder, her gaze locking onto Elio with unabashed curiosity.

Elio couldn't help but feel a sense of bewilderment as he found himself caught in this unexpected trio of strangers. It was as if he were crossing paths with a tapestry of individuals, each distinct in their own way, and each encounter left him with more questions than answers.

Elio couldn't help but wonder if these two girls were twins. They certainly shared a striking resemblance, with the most noticeable difference being their hair and eye colors. Mia's and Sophia's features seemed to be cut from the same cloth, creating an almost ethereal connection between them.

As Elio contemplated this peculiar possibility, Mia's eyes widened for a brief moment, as if she had just realized something. Then, she quickly composed herself and extended her hand toward Elio. With a warm smile, she introduced herself, "I'm Mia, and this is my sister, Sophia." Her voice carried a hint of apology, as if she had momentarily forgotten her manners.

Elio looked at Mia for a moment, his mind racing as he tried to figure out how to respond to this unexpected encounter. He checked his terminal and noticed that there were only 40 minutes left before breakfast in the dining car would end. Realizing the limited time, he decided to ignore Mia for now and swiftly turned around, making his way down the hallway toward the dining car.

The mysterious and brief encounter with Mia and Sophia lingered in his thoughts as he walked away. However, his immediate priority was breakfast, and he didn't want to miss the opportunity to eat before it ended.

As Elio continued his brisk walk towards the dining car, he suddenly heard a voice behind him. It was Sophia, the brown-haired girl, who had now joined her sister Mia. Sophia seemed a bit miffed, with her hand on her hip and a disapproving expression on her face. She exclaimed, "Rude much?"

Mia quickly intervened, placing a calming hand on Sophia's shoulder. "Sophia, it's alright," Mia said, her tone soothing. "Maybe he's just in a hurry. We should get going too."

Elio couldn't help but overhear their exchange, and he felt a mix of curiosity and apprehension about these two sisters who had suddenly entered his world. Nonetheless, he continued walking, his steps hastening as he headed to the dining car, determined to make the most of his remaining time for breakfast on the Greyhound.

Sophia couldn't help but huff in exasperation and roll her eyes, clearly irritated by the encounter with Elio. With a disapproving glance in the direction Elio had walked, she continued down the hallway, her footsteps echoing faintly.

Mia, on the other hand, simply shook her head at her sister's reaction and followed along. As they moved further away from Elio, she couldn't help but wonder about the mysterious boy they had just encountered. Mia pondered who he was, where he was headed, and whether it was mere coincidence or fate that they might cross paths with him again in the future.

Elio made his way into the dining car, and once inside, he quickly reached for his terminal. With a few taps, he requested the same chubby little robot who had served him dinner the previous evening. It didn't take long for the request to be sent, and within minutes, the familiar little robot appeared before him, ready to assist.

Elio took a moment to consider his breakfast options as he settled into the comfortable chair in the dining car, his eyes scanning the digital menu displayed on his terminal. The little chubby robot, ever attentive, inquired about his culinary preferences. Elio contemplated for a brief moment, pondering the flavors and textures he desired this morning.

After a thoughtful pause, Elio finally made up his mind and looked up at the chubby robot. "I'm in the mood for something with bread and plenty of vegetables," he stated.

The chubby robot, with a nod of understanding, offered a few recommendations from the breakfast menu. Its round frame and pleasant demeanor made it seem as though it genuinely cared about Elio's dining experience.

Elio's gaze moved thoughtfully over the digital menu, and his finger swiped through the available options. After considering the choices for breakfast, he decided on a vegetable-filled bread dish, opting for a side of tea and a sweet slice of apple pie to satisfy his dessert craving.

With the order settled, the chubby robot swiftly collected the details, its round form buzzing with efficiency before disappearing into the bustling kitchen area.

Elio shifted his attention to his surroundings, his eyes drawn to a subtle detail – a narrow crevice in the border of the table. His curiosity piqued as he wondered if this small feature served a specific purpose.

Elio's curiosity led him to examine his immediate surroundings more closely. Above him, he noticed a row of buttons, one of which had a small symbol resembling a curtain. Intrigued, he reached out and pressed it.

To his amazement, a series of blinds began to emerge from the narrow crevice along the table's border. The blinds slowly extended, filtering the natural light that streamed into the dining car. As Elio observed the intricate mechanism, he realized that this thin crevice ran from one side to the other, creating an elegant arch that added to the car's ambiance.

The blinds, with their subtle golden accents, cast intricate patterns of light and shadow on the polished wooden tables. The car's design was a marvel, combining modern technology with classic elegance.

Elio's exploration of the dining car had unearthed a feature that he found rather intriguing. The button he had pressed allowed for the subtle adjustment of a thin privacy layer. It was a signal to fellow passengers that the person seated in that specific area desired solitude and didn't wish to engage in conversation.

Satisfied with his newfound knowledge, Elio decided to turn his attention to the Greyhound's layout. Using his terminal, he accessed the train's digital map. Eager to plan ahead, he sought out the location of the pet play area for Annora.

Within a matter of minutes, the familiar chubby little robot returned to Elio's table, expertly balancing a tray of food. Elio expressed his gratitude with a warm thank you and another tip, which made the robot's optics gleam with delight. With a cheerful spin, the robot scurried away to tend to other passengers.

Now alone, Elio delved into his breakfast. The smell of freshly baked bread and the aroma of tea filled the air, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere in the dining car. Elio's senses were engaged as he savored each bite, appreciating the flavors and the care put into the meal.

As Elio concluded his meal, the warm ambiance of the dining car gave way to a different scene in another part of the Greyhound. A diverse group of passengers had congregated in the train's exclusive sky-top lounge car, which was nestled on the highest level of the Greyhound. Accessible only during specific hours – early in the morning and late in the evening – this coveted space adhered to a first-come, first-served policy due to its limited capacity, allowing a maximum of 30 passengers at a time.

The lounge car exuded an air of luxury and comfort. Its spacious design accommodated various seating arrangements, from plush armchairs and sofas to cozy nooks with panoramic windows. Soft, ambient lighting cast a warm glow over the room, creating a relaxed atmosphere. The decor was tasteful, featuring a blend of rich, earthy tones and soothing pastels that appealed to a wide range of aesthetics.

At any given time, a mix of passengers could be found here – some engrossed in their books or digital devices, others chatting amicably over cups of coffee or tea. A harmonious murmur of voices filled the air, underscoring the convivial nature of this space.

This scene provided a stark contrast to Elio's preference for solitude, yet it was a testament to the Greyhound's ability to cater to various passenger preferences. While Elio had chosen not to engage with his fellow passengers, this lounge was a hub of social interaction, where individuals from all walks of life came together, if only briefly, to share in the unique experience of traveling aboard the Greyhound.

Sophia, with her vibrant energy, entered the sky-top lounge with quick, purposeful steps. She was determined to secure one of the last two available spots in this exclusive space. As she stepped inside, she felt a rush of excitement, knowing that these seats were highly coveted, and she was on the brink of claiming one.

The sky-top lounge was not only a luxurious retreat but also a place of limited occupancy. Its advanced systems were designed to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience for its occupants. If the maximum number of passengers was detected within the lounge, a set of automated security protocols would engage. The large, ornate doors would automatically lock, ensuring that the atmosphere remained pleasant and spacious for those already inside. These doors would only unlock if someone from within chose to leave, allowing for a dynamic and exclusive environment that maintained its sense of comfort and tranquility.

Sophia and her sister, Mia, were keenly aware of this feature, and as Sophia hurried to secure her place, she understood the importance of making it inside before those last seats were taken.

As Sophia swept into the sky-top lounge, a male voice from the group of huddled teens couldn't help but comment, "What took you so long, Sophia?" The rest of the group, sitting in a circle and engrossed in conversation, collectively turned their heads in curiosity, their attention now squarely fixed on the newly arrived duo, Sophia and Mia.

The teen who had addressed Sophia was none other than Nico, with his shiny blonde hair and piercing dark green eyes. Upon hearing his question, Mia offered a casual explanation as she took a seat. Her voice was calm and measured as she shared, "Oh, it wasn't much, just bumped into a neighbor." Mia settled down next to a girl with long, light pink hair and striking light green eyes.

The girl with the long, pink hair leaned in with a friendly smile, her light green eyes curious. She inquired, "Did you have a nice night yesterday?"

Mia thought for a moment before responding, "It was alright, nothing too exciting."

Sophia, who had taken her seat begrudgingly beside her sister, couldn't resist a snort of derision. She crossed her arms and muttered, "I don't want to talk about him anymore."

Curiosity sparked in Nico's dark green eyes as he probed, "What got your panties in a twist? Did he do something?"

Sophia couldn't help but roll her eyes at his candidness. She retorted with a sigh, "You're as vulgar as always, Nico. And it's none of your business whether they're twisted or not."

The pink-haired girl decided to intervene, hoping to diffuse the building tension. She cleared her throat and spoke, "Alright, alright, let's get back on track. We've got other things to discuss. I mean, have you all forgotten why we're all gathered here?" She glanced over to the tall, center-seated male, her eyes gesturing toward him.

The male, with his striking wavy black hair and captivating sky-blue phoenix eyes, stood at a commanding 201 cm tall. As he opened his eyes, which had previously been closed, he swept his gaze around the circle of teens. His deep voice resonated as he spoke, "Well, since we're all here, we might as well get this meeting started."

Back with Elio, he found himself in the pet-play area on the fourth floor, accompanied by Annora. She was engaged in a lively game of chase and pounce with another female cat. They leaped and darted around a well-constructed cat tree tower, their furry tails swishing in excitement.

Elio couldn't help but smile as he watched the two feline friends. Their playfulness was infectious, and it brought a sense of warmth to his heart. The room was well-lit, with large windows that offered a view of the passing landscape. Soft music played in the background, creating a relaxing atmosphere.

Elio decided to capture this delightful scene and pulled out his terminal. He framed the shot carefully, ensuring he caught the essence of their joyful play. As he snapped the picture, the two cats froze for a brief moment, their eyes shining with curiosity as they looked toward the terminal's camera. The result was a charming image of two spirited cats at play, a memory to cherish.

After capturing that heartwarming moment between Annora and her newfound feline friend, Elio felt compelled to share the joy with his loved ones. He sent the photo he had taken to Eleanor, as well as to his parents, via his terminal. A sense of satisfaction washed over him as he envisioned their smiles when they received the image.

As an hour and a half passed by in the delightful company of the cats, Elio decided it was time to return to their roomette. He called Annora over from her playdate with a gentle voice, and the little cat responded with a graceful leap from the cat tree tower. It was clear that she had enjoyed her time in the pet-play area.

With Annora back at his side, Elio collected their belongings, making sure not to leave any of Annora's toys behind. He looked around the pet-play area one last time, savoring the memories of the playful cats and the soothing ambiance.

Elio carefully placed Annora into her cat carrier, making sure she was comfortable for the journey back to their room. He secured the carrier, ensuring that Annora was safe and snug.

With Annora in tow, Elio headed back up to the fifth floor, passing through the various cars of the Greyhound. The train was vast and full of interesting spaces, but he was content with their cozy roomette.

As Elio reached the fifth floor, he couldn't help but notice the sky-top lounge in the corner of his eye. However, a quick glance revealed that the lounge had reached its maximum capacity.

Elio turned away from the crowded sky-top lounge and headed back to his room with Annora in tow. He had decided to make the most of this time onboard the Greyhound by getting some research done. Knowing that he would soon be at Eastside Academy, Elio was eager to gain an early advantage for his upcoming class project.

As he entered his roomette, he settled Annora in her familiar spot and then took a seat at the small desk. Elio powered up his terminal and began his research, focusing on gathering information about the professor who would be guiding his class project. It was his way of preparing for the academic challenges that awaited him at Eastside Academy.

Approximately three and a half hours after the train delay caused by the landslide, the clean-up crew had successfully cleared the tracks. The Greyhound's engines roared to life, and the train started moving again, its rhythmic sway gradually returning.

Elio couldn't help but ponder the potential consequences of this delay. Would he arrive late for the campus tour at Eastside Academy? He checked his watch, realizing that time was ticking away, and he needed to make efficient use of the remaining moments.

As the Greyhound continued its journey, Elio felt a mix of anxiety and excitement. This delay had put his plans in jeopardy, and he was determined not to miss any crucial events at the academy. He quickly glanced at his checklist to ensure he had everything he needed for a smooth transition upon arrival.

Elio meticulously began packing up the items he had taken out during the journey. He neatly stowed his books, gadgets, and personal belongings back into his carry-on luggage, securing everything for the upcoming arrival at Braqard's train station.

With everything neatly packed away and his checklist completed, Elio turned his attention to Annora, who had been eagerly playing with her toys. The soft hum of the train's engines had a soothing quality, creating a tranquil atmosphere within the roomette. Elio wanted to ensure Annora wouldn't get bored while he took a short nap, so he decided to speak with her for a moment.

"Alright, Annora," he murmured softly, "I'm going to take a quick nap. You be a good kitty and have fun with your toys, alright?"

Annora, with a contented meow, acknowledged Elio's words and continued to engage with her toys. Her playful antics added a touch of liveliness to the room, contrasting with the gentle sway of the train. Elio smiled as he watched her, reassured that she would be occupied during his nap. He made himself as comfortable as possible on the bunk, surrounded by the comforting presence of his feline companion, and with a sigh of relief, he closed his eyes, eager to recharge and prepare for the next part of his journey.

Elio stirred from his short nap to the faint sensation of the train coming to a stop. The rhythmic sounds of the Greyhound's journey had momentarily ceased, and when he opened his eyes, he could see that the roomette had grown dim as the afternoon light filtered through the windows.

As he began to stretch and rouse himself, there came a gentle knock on the door. Elio shifted his gaze toward it, and a feminine voice reached him from the other side. It was Lisa, his First-Class Guide.

Elio quickly sat up, feeling a mixture of anticipation and curiosity. "Come in," he responded with a slightly groggy tone, and the door opened to reveal Lisa, dressed in her professional attire.

She smiled warmly, acknowledging his presence, and began to speak, "Good afternoon, Elio. We've just arrived at Nashville Terminal. I hope you had a restful journey. Is there anything you'd like to know about disembarking and what to expect once we're there?"

Elio glanced at Lisa with a grateful nod, appreciating her attentiveness. "I'm all set," he replied. 

Lisa had not come alone; she had brought along two burly staff members to assist with the luggage. Their strong, capable presence reassured Elio that his belongings, including Annora's cat carrier and his backpack, would be handled with care.

With Annora's carrier nestled securely in his arms and his backpack slung over his right shoulder, Elio stood up and made sure everything was ready. He was well-prepared for the transition from the train to the terminal

Elio descended from the train with the assistance of Lisa and the two helpful male staff members. They expertly handled his luggage while Elio, wearing disposable gloves, cradled Annora's cat carrier in his arms, making sure she felt safe and comfortable.

The Nashville Terminal was bustling with activity as other passengers disembarked from the train, and Elio was grateful for the efficiency of the Greyhound's staff. It made his transition from the train to the terminal smooth and hassle-free. Elio expressed his heartfelt gratitude with a warm thank you, his voice reflecting his appreciation.

With the luggage neatly arranged on a luggage cart, Lisa extended her gloved hand for a handshake. Elio, also wearing disposable gloves, firmly shook her hand, a small gesture of appreciation for the assistance. He offered a friendly smile, expressing how pleasant it was to meet her. As Lisa headed back onto the train, Elio watched her depart, feeling grateful not only for the practical help but also for the warm interaction.

Outside the bustling Nashville Terminal, Elio took a moment to collect his thoughts. The anticipation of arriving at Eastside Academy had him feeling both excited and a bit nervous. To continue the journey smoothly, he pulled out his smartphone and called for a taxi to take him to the academy. The familiar hum of the city surrounded him as he waited for the taxi to arrive.

While waiting for the taxi, Elio spotted a group of familiar faces. Among them, he noticed Sophia, Mia, and their group of friends. But what caught his attention was a tall young man with wavy black hair and striking sky-blue eyes. He felt a sense of déjà vu as if he had seen someone who bore a striking resemblance to this young man before.

As Elio and the young man with wavy black hair and striking blue eyes locked eyes, a sense of familiarity washed over them. The handsome, dark-haired boy's sky-blue phoenix eyes searched Elio's face as if he were searching for something. Elio found himself similarly drawn to the young man, as if they shared a connection beyond their current encounter.

Meanwhile, Mia approached Elio, her expression curious, and asked, "Do you have a ride arranged?" Her eyes were filled with a mix of concern and interest.

Elio nodded and replied, "I've called a taxi. I'll be fine."

Nico, who had also noticed Elio in the crowd, couldn't resist calling out to get his attention. His voice was warm and friendly as he remarked, "Well, well, I didn't think we'd meet again here." A subtle glint of recognition shimmered in Nico's eyes as he spoke, Elio simply nodded, acknowledging the unexpected reunion.

As Nico extended his hand towards Elio's shoulder, Elio reacted swiftly, intercepting Nico's hand with a firm grip. His eyes bore into Nico's with a determined, no-nonsense expression, conveying his desire for personal space.

"Hands off," Elio declared, his tone strong and unwavering. It was evident that he was protective of his personal boundaries and preferred to keep others at a distance.

Mia, who had been silently observing the interaction, couldn't help but be drawn to the disposable gloves Elio was wearing. They stood out, raising her curiosity. She wondered about the story behind the gloves, what had led him to wear them in the first place, and why he was so adamant about keeping his hands protected.

The taxi Elio had called for pulled up to the terminal, its engine humming softly. The driver, a middle-aged man with a friendly demeanor, got out of the car and efficiently assisted Elio in loading his luggage into the car's trunk. Elio turned towards Mia and her group, his expression still holding a touch of irritation. He had experienced quite a day already, and the chance encounter with Mia, Nico, and their friends had only added to his sense of unease.

"Goodbye," he curtly bid them, his tone carrying a hint of the tension that had marked their previous interaction. He was eager to leave this awkward reunion behind. With a final, somewhat forceful gesture, Elio shut the taxi door firmly, signaling his readiness to depart. The driver, a seasoned professional, took his seat behind the wheel, his hands resting confidently on the steering wheel.

The engine purred to life, and the taxi began to roll forward, leaving Mia, Nico, and their friends behind. As the vehicle merged into the flow of traffic, Elio couldn't help but cast a final glance at the group he had just encountered.

Mia, Nico, and their friends watched the taxi depart, their expressions a mix of curiosity and surprise.

Elio gazed at Annora in her cozy cat carrier, her demeanor a stark contrast to the flurry of emotions and unexpected encounters he had experienced earlier. The feline lay there quietly, perhaps offering a moment of solace amidst the chaos of recent events.

As the taxi sped on, Elio's thoughts swirled. He pondered the strange events of the day, from his encounters on the train to the cryptic presence of Mia, Nico, and their group. The journey felt like an entangled web of curiosity and uncertainty, leaving him eager to reach his destination. Around two hours later, the taxi approached the grand front gate of Eastside Academy.

Elio was greeted by a breathtaking sight as the taxi pulled up to the front gate of Eastside Academy. The sprawling campus seemed like a miniature city in its own right. Towering gothic-style buildings loomed overhead, adorned with intricate stonework and ivy-covered walls that gave the place an air of timeless elegance. 

The campus grounds were a meticulously maintained garden of tranquility, with wide, tree-lined walkways and perfectly manicured lawns. The grand entrance was framed by two colossal marble statues that stood as silent sentinels to this hallowed place of learning.

The security guard stationed at the gate was a picture of professionalism. His uniform was perfectly pressed, and he wore a peaked cap that added to his imposing presence. He looked at Elio with a measured scrutiny, a blend of curiosity and duty in his gaze.

The guard approached the vehicle, his uniform crisp and professional. With a stoic expression, he inquired about Elio's presence.

Elio, still captivated by the grandeur of the academy, explained his situation to the security guard. He mentioned the landslide-related train delay and how he was a new student at Eastside Academy. To confirm his identity, he provided the security guard with his student number.

The security guard nodded and spoke into his walkie-talkie, "Dispatch, I have a new student here, Elio, student number 542879, can you confirm?"

A brief pause followed, then a voice crackled through the device, "Confirmed, Elio, student number 542879, you're clear for entry. Welcome to Eastside Academy."

"If you have any luggage that needs to be sorted, you should head to the admissions department. They'll help you with the process." The security guard continued, "Also, if you signed up for a tour around the school, the afternoon tour starts in about 15 minutes. You can head to the meeting point for that; it's a great way to familiarize yourself with the campus."

Elio's face broke into a relieved smile. "Thank you," he said, relief in his voice as the security guard signaled for the gate to be opened. He had indeed signed up for the tour, hoping to get a glimpse of the sprawling academy before classes officially began.

Elio provided the taxi driver with directions to the admissions department, and they arrived at their destination in about eight minutes. As the taxi driver waited nearby, Elio stepped out of the taxi and He detailed the train delay due to a landslide and how it had affected his schedule. 

The staff listened attentively and asked for his dorm number. With a reassuring nod, they assured Elio that they would have his luggage promptly delivered to his dorm room. Elio's luggage was neatly tagged with his name and dorm number to ensure a smooth delivery process.

Elio expressed his gratitude to the admissions department staff for their assistance and then inquired if it was permissible to bring his cat with him on the campus tour. They assured him that it was acceptable as long as Annora remained within her carrier.

With that assurance, Elio turned back to the taxi driver and asked if he could help unload the luggage and deliver it to the admissions department. The driver agreed, and within a mere two minutes, they efficiently transferred the luggage to the department staff.

Elio then approached the taxi driver again to settle the fare using his terminal. Once the transaction was completed, he waved a friendly goodbye to the driver. With his luggage now in the capable hands of the admissions staff, Elio turned to inquire about the location of the afternoon tour guide, eager to commence his exploration of Eastside Academy.

A seasoned staff member gave Elio a warm smile, and offered to personally escort him to the tour starting point. Elio thanked the senior staff member and followed as they made their way to the designated location. 

The tour was about to commence, and Elio felt a mix of excitement and anticipation. He watched as the senior admissions staff member gradually walked away to attend to other responsibilities. Elio stood at the meeting point, ready to join the tour

The afternoon tour guide introduced himself as Ferni, a friendly and well-spoken individual with a deep passion for sharing the school's history and resources. With a welcoming smile, he gathered the group of 30 people, including Elio and a few others with their pets, to embark on the guided tour.

Ferni led the way, navigating the sprawling campus of Eastside Academy with confidence. He skillfully introduced the group to the school's landmarks, academic wings, and important buildings. As they strolled through the picturesque grounds, Ferni shared intriguing anecdotes and details about the academy's history, renowned faculty, and various academic departments.

Elio paid close attention, absorbing the wealth of information Ferni provided. The tour was not only informative but also a chance to get a feel for the academy's vibrant atmosphere.

Elio's eagerness to officially start his studies at the academy mounted with each step he took. The prospects of learning, growing, and embarking on new adventures were all within reach, and Elio couldn't wait to begin this exciting chapter of his life.