
North Key

Money..dignity..misunderstanding.. imperfection..these factors caused the disintegration of my family so I made a promise to myself to make them "human" and to bring them back together again. This is a fictional, dramatic story...

Nomensa · Fantasía
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16 Chs

my first love 1

Did your mother ever tell you not to fall in love, and if you love someone, do not stop your life for him, do not make your love for him greater than his love for you, and not to become attached to him ?

My mother did. She warned me a lot, but I did not listen..

It all started when I met Osama. He was the only person I loved.

My life at that time was built on coincidences, as if I was destined to love him. Our story began in preparatory School, this may seem artificial, but it is the truth, I was watching from the top the boys ، girls and especially the lovers Suddenly I felt something strange behind me and I turned around without realizing it suddenly , I saw a green-eyed boy with Brazilian skin lightly tan and wavy yellow hair.

I admit I liked him a little, but I also didn't care that I expected I'd never see him again but I saw him the next day when I went to buy bread and medicine I was on my way back from the bakery and he was sitting in front of a carpenter's shop that had closed, and when I saw him, my heart beat increased and I sped up in my steps without wanting to, I don't know how I got away from him, at that moment I didn't feel the time And I started crying for no reason, I didn't know then what happened to me, I don't even know his name ,and in the sports class, my friend Rania came and asked me if I knew a person named Osama and that her friend Sarah loves him... This is how I got to know him، at that time، I was not interested, but when I close my eyes at night I see his picture...

Is this fate or coincidence?