
The Legend of the Los Angeles Police Department

David looked at Mrs. Nancy in front of him with some emotion. He had just learned outside that Mrs. Nancy was the wife of the corpse they found.

Who would have thought that the corpse would turn out to be the legendary detective Henry Morgan of the Los Angeles Police Department?

And Mrs. Nancy was Henry Morgan's wife, or, to put it more accurately, his widow now.

Henry Morgan rose to fame in the mid-1980s. At that time, Los Angeles was rife with gangs, drugs were rampant, and street battles among gangs were common. The nights turned into a real city of sin.

Corruption was rampant within the Los Angeles Police Department, discipline was lax, leading to chaos and disorder throughout the city, and crime rates skyrocketed.

Due to outdated forensic technology, many homicide cases ended up unsolved, becoming cold cases. Henry Morgan emerged during this period, solving consecutive homicide cases and bringing criminals to justice, temporarily restoring the reputation of the Los Angeles Police Department.

Of course, compared to today's ace detective Tom Williams of the Los Angeles Police Department, Henry Morgan's clearance rate was incomparable. But considering the era he lived in, he was truly admirable.

In that era, Henry Morgan almost single-handedly upheld the bottom line of the Los Angeles Police Department, earning him the title of Los Angeles City Hero.

This was also the reason why Detectives Edmund and Theresa were so hesitant when questioning Mrs. Nancy.

Because Henry Morgan was truly a legend within the police force and a city hero. Facing his widow, many interrogation methods were simply not applicable, even though she was now the prime suspect.

David also felt the pressure. He had joined the LAPD largely because of the inspiration from Henry Morgan's heroic deeds.

After contemplating for a moment, he found a tactful way to start the conversation and asked, "Mrs. Morgan, could you tell us how Henry passed away?"

"It's been a long time since someone called me that..."

Mrs. Nancy Morgan smiled slightly, looking at Locke. "Henry was as tall, handsome, and confident as you when he was young. Seeing you, I'm reminded of him..."

She then looked at David. "But as he approached retirement, he became like you, gaining weight and losing his former charm, and his hearing began to decline..."

Locke and David exchanged a glance, instantly understanding why they were specifically called in by Mrs. Nancy Morgan. She saw Henry Morgan in them.

Without waiting for David and Locke to ask, Mrs. Nancy Morgan began speaking on her own.

She appeared calm, gently stroking the cat, with a nostalgic look on her face, calmly saying, "This was Henry's joke. He wanted to see how long it would take for you to discover he was dead..."

Locke and David both looked astonished, finding it hard to believe Mrs. Nancy Morgan's words, especially since the detectives had just acquired some new information before they entered the room.

That was, Henry Morgan's retirement pension had been continuously withdrawn, leading everyone to suspect Mrs. Nancy of embezzling Henry Morgan's retirement funds.

"Three years, it's been three years, and you've finally found him..."

Mrs. Nancy Morgan looked at Locke with gratitude in her eyes. "Boy, I heard it was you who discovered Henry. Thank you. Although he spent three years with me, he shouldn't be lying there..."

According to Mrs. Nancy Morgan, in his later years, Henry Morgan suffered a stroke and had to rely on a wheelchair and crutches. Three years ago, he accidentally fell down the stairs.

At that time, he hit his head, and Mrs. Nancy Morgan immediately wanted to take him to the hospital, but Henry seemed to anticipate something and stopped her.

He said he didn't want a funeral like this, being admired by the younger generation of the Los Angeles Police Department, so he asked Mrs. Nancy to bury him directly in the backyard.

Mrs. Nancy Morgan glanced up at the mirror behind Locke and David. "In the first few years after Henry's retirement, the Los Angeles Police Department often invited him, but as time passed, the department gradually stopped inviting him to events. Maybe it was because he had mobility issues, maybe it was because he was losing his hearing. The Los Angeles Police Department started to forget him, and he slowly became just an ordinary old man..."

"So, Henry said, this was a joke he played with the Los Angeles Police Department, to see when you would discover he was dead..."

At this point, her expression finally changed, and her voice choked up a bit. "He died in my arms, and I don't know if I killed him. If I had taken him to the hospital, maybe he wouldn't have died..."

"I wanted him to be discovered sooner, so I didn't dig a deep hole. He was buried very shallowly..."

"It's strange, at that time, he had already started to stutter, but that time, he spoke unusually fluently, as if he had regained his former vigor and confidence..."

"Now, he can finally go where he should be..."

David listened to Mrs. Nancy Morgan's account with a somber expression. He was starting to believe Mrs. Nancy Morgan because this was indeed something Henry Morgan would do.

Based on his understanding of Henry Morgan, the legendary detective of the LAPD was a proud and self-assured person. He used his death to mock the forgetfulness of the Los Angeles Police Department.

However, the fact that Henry Morgan's retirement pension was embezzled was undeniable.

According to Mrs. Nancy's account, Henry Morgan had been dead for three years, which meant that his retirement pension had been embezzled for three years, a serious accusation in California.

Just as David was about to inquire about this matter, there was a knock on the interrogation room door.

"Knock... Knock..."

Anna Davis pushed open the door and entered, followed by a middle-aged white police officer with three stars on his collar.

David immediately stood up and saluted, saying, "Good afternoon, Chief..."

Locke followed suit, realizing from David's address who had come in with Anna. He had only heard the name this morning.

Garrett Miller, the Chief of the Western Division of the Los Angeles Police Department, and the direct supervisor of the entire Wilshire Police Department.

Garrett Miller addressed Locke and David, "Officers, your work is done. You can go off duty now. Thank you for your efforts..."

Locke and David didn't leave immediately but looked at Anna Davis first. Seeing her nod, they then got up from their seats and nodded in acknowledgment to Mrs. Nancy Morgan before leaving.

Before they even reached the door, they heard Garrett Miller warmly greeting Mrs. Nancy Morgan.

At the door, Captain Jones greeted them with a handshake. "Good job, guys..."

Detectives Edmund and Theresa also came over to thank them.

On the way to the parking lot, Locke and David were both somewhat silent. Everyone would grow old, and the heroes of the past would be forgotten, let alone them!

Locke leaned against the door of his F-150 and looked at David, who had already gotten into his car. When David lowered the window, Locke asked, "Is there anything else?"

David shrugged, shaking his head. "How would I know? But since Chief Miller came personally, maybe there's hope. After all, this is a scandal for the Los Angeles Police Department..."

He started the car and turned to continue, "This is something for the big shots to worry about

. Remember to talk to Captain Jones tomorrow morning..."

"Got it!!!"

"One more thing, don't mention Henry Morgan's case to anyone lightly!"

"Uh, got it!"

As Locke watched David drive away, he also got into his car.

Just as he was about to start the car and leave, something suddenly flashed on the dashboard.