
The grass over there seems even lusher

Finally, Locke and David went to the Mexican fast food restaurant to meet up with Nathan and others, eating Mexican rolls and barbecue together.

In order to protect Catherine, David was really suspicious of Locke as if he were a thief.

Little did he know, the more he did this, the more Locke enjoyed teasing him with Catherine.

In fact, Locke Lee wasn't really interested in Catherine; after all, men who want to date a female coroner are rare.

Instead, he had no such qualms. After all, they were colleagues, albeit reluctantly.

During the meal, everyone tacitly avoided discussing the morning's case and instead talked about their vacation plans.

Los Angeles police officers have three 12-hour shifts or four 10-hour shifts per week, so there is plenty of leisure time.

However, most people usually choose four 10-hour shifts unless they have a long vacation to take, then they will choose 12-hour shifts.

Nathan said he was going to weed the house and fix the pipes. This guy was a construction contractor before joining the LAPD, so he was wealthy, living in a big house, which also meant high maintenance costs. So, to save money, he would do it himself whenever possible.

Captain Mona said she wanted to rest well, then do yoga, practice shooting, and study.

David said he had already made plans to go sea fishing with friends.


Nathan listened with envy, turned to Locke and asked, "Locke, do you have any plans? Do you want to come and help me? I can teach you how to maintain a house, anyway you'll need it in the future..."


Locke resolutely refused. This guy thought he was an idiot, just trying to trick him into free labor, wasn't he? Besides, he didn't have a beautiful daughter!

Because he was young, Locke's appetite was about twice that of David and the others. While everyone else finished eating, he was still eating.

Locke stuffed the last piece of beef roll into his mouth and mumbled, "I'm busy too. I have to go fix my car, go on a date, and buy equipment..."

His cheap dad transferred $20,000 to him yesterday to buy weapons and body armor, making him feel the overwhelming love of a father.

Nathan's eyes instantly lit up with gossip, "A date? Ho? Is it the lady from last night?"


Locke nodded, then picked up the orange juice and took a sip, feeling much more comfortable.

Rachel Cole had agreed to a date with him over the weekend to get to know each other better, but the time hadn't been set yet.

David asked, "When are you going to buy the equipment? Can you arrange it for Sunday? I should be back ashore by then, I can accompany you..."

"Of course..."

Locke looked gratefully at David. With David, an experienced guy, accompanying him, he could definitely avoid some pitfalls when buying equipment.

And the reason David got involved was not only because he genuinely wanted to help Locke, but also because they were partners, and it was best if their weapons complemented each other.

Nathan felt a pang of jealousy in his heart. Just now, he envied Locke for being able to go on a date with a beautiful woman, now he envied Locke for being able to choose his own equipment.

Only official LAPD officers are eligible to equip themselves with weapons and equipment. As a rookie in the internship period, he could only use the standard-issue Glock 17 provided by the police department.

Seeing Nathan staring at him eagerly, Captain Mona said seriously, "If you can perform as well as Locke during your internship, killing two drug dealers, I can let you end your internship early. You still have a lot to learn..."

She lowered her voice, "You both went into Miss Greenberg's office. Why can Locke find the camera, but you can't find anything?"

Locke looked at Nathan's old face full of bitterness, feeling sympathetic. A man in his forties being scolded by a woman not even 30 years old, how could he bear it?

Starbucks. Locke walked out with two cups of iced Americano.

David hurriedly rolled down the car window and took one cup, "I'll treat you next time..."

Locke got into the car, took a deep sip of coffee, placed it in the cup holder, started the car, and complained, "I can't believe you've been doing this job for twenty years..."

David was enjoying the aroma and coolness of the coffee. Hearing Locke's complaint, he chuckled, "Kid, you can't even handle a year yet! Well, work hard, maybe you can apply to the Detective Bureau. Don't look at Tom Williams today, he's actually testing you..."

Immediately, a pair of deep eyes flashed in Locke's mind, "Is Captain Tom famous?"

David nodded, "Of course, Captain Tom Williams is a legend in many LAPD circles, a well-known Los Angeles detective, and an FBI consultant. Mona's dream is to join the Detective Bureau..."

He encouraged, "If you can gain Tom Williams's favor, it will be much easier to get into the Detective Bureau!"

Locke remained noncommittal. Whether to go to the Detective Bureau depended on the system. He hadn't figured out the reward rules of the system yet.

He smiled intentionally, "If I go to the Detective Bureau, I'll have more chances to meet Catherine!"

David's expression froze for a moment. Just when Locke thought he would swear again, he heard him say, "If you can get into the Detective Bureau, then I won't object to you dating Catherine..."


Locke looked at David speechlessly and responded with a middle finger, somewhat speechless. This bastard actually discriminated against his own profession.

"de2, Parker Street 34, someone called saying her cat is missing..."

"7ada15, py..."

After taking on this task, Locke drove to Parker Street according to the map. The reason why he was starting to feel tired of being a patrol officer was because there were too many trivial matters like this.

Soon, Locke and David arrived at the door of 34 Parker Street. It was a two-story villa that looked quite nice but a bit old-fashioned.

David intentionally wanted to train Locke, so he let him handle this case.

Walking in front, Locke knocked on the door, and an old lady with wrinkled skin and white hair opened the door. Although she looked very old, she was still elegant and dressed very well, like the Queen of England.

He showed his badge, "LAPD, ma'am, did you call to report that your cat is missing?"

The old lady was mesmerized by Locke's handsomeness and questioned, "Are you really LAPD, not a Hollywood star?"

As she spoke, she looked around, thinking she would find a camera, and finally her gaze stopped at the chubby David, smacking her lips, "What a pity, what a pity, you should go make movies..."

Feeling a bit embarrassed to be admired by an old lady, Locke still proceeded to take a statement from the old lady named Nancy, mainly asking about the cat's characteristics and when it went missing.

The LAPD naturally wouldn't waste police resources on finding Nancy's cat. Whether they could find Nancy's cat depended on whether someone reported finding the cat.

Just as Locke finished taking the statement and was about to leave

, he suddenly heard a cat meow. Looking up, he saw a white cat with amber eyes sitting on the eaves of the roof, looking down at them.

Nancy, despite her age, had good hearing and also heard the cat's meow. She hurriedly came out and called the cat's name, but the cat remained indifferent, sitting there arrogantly.

Locke was at a loss for a moment. If they hadn't seen the cat, they could have left, but now that they had found the cat, did he have to climb onto the roof to catch it?

At this moment, David spoke up, "Call a ladder fire truck!"

After more than ten minutes, a ladder fire truck arrived, with two firefighters, one male and one female.

Before long, Locke was standing on the roof. The firefighters asked them to send one person up to help, and he couldn't let the elderly David come up, but fortunately he wasn't afraid of heights.

Nancy's white cat was gnawing on an old mouse, showing none of its previous elegance, but rather looking fierce and vicious.

After it finished eating, it should go down on its own.

Watching the two firefighters slowly approach with capture nets, Locke felt a bit dumbfounded, thinking this was a bit ridiculous. His gaze wandered elsewhere.

The roof hadn't been replaced for a long time, it was already aging and discolored, with moss growing in some places, and the drainage was also blocked, no wonder the rats were rampant.

But the location of this villa was very good, adjacent to Beverly Gardens Park, with a large area and both front and back gardens. The lawn in the front garden was okay, but the backyard garden looked neglected.

Hmm, why was that patch of grass so lush!