
Norma 2222

In the year 2222, the world has evolved into a technologically advanced society where humans live in bio-domes, protected from the harsh realities of the outside world. With the help of cutting-edge technology and medical breakthroughs, people can now live well beyond their natural lifespans. However, amidst this futuristic paradise, one family stands out from the rest: the Normas. John and Simply Norma, along with their three sons - Hydro, Oxy, and Nitro - are a quirky and unconventional bunch who have chosen to live life on their own terms. While the rest of society embraces the latest technological advancements, the Normas prefer a simpler, more natural way of life. They cherish the value of traditional skills and knowledge, which have been passed down through generations. Each member of the Norma family possesses unique talents and personality traits. John is a skilled craftsman, able to build and fix anything with his own two hands. Simply, the heart of the family, is known for her delicious home-cooked meals and her infamous "mom jokes." Hydro, the eldest son, is a chemistry genius with an exceptional green thumb, while Oxy, the middle child, combines his mathematical prowess with a passion for fashion design. Nitro, the youngest at just two years old, is a linguistic prodigy who has already mastered multiple languages. As the Normas navigate their daily lives within the bio-dome, their unusual ways and extraordinary abilities begin to attract attention. In a society that prioritizes conformity and relies heavily on technology, the Normas' adherence to tradition and natural living makes them stand out like sore thumbs. Despite the challenges they face, the family remains united by their unbreakable bond and their determination to stay true to themselves.

porlororyor · Ciencia y ficción
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23 Chs

The Norma's Way

As the first rays of sunlight filtered through the bio-dome's translucent walls, the Norma family began to stir. Unlike the Jasypes, who relied on their neural implants to regulate their sleep cycles and wake them at optimal times, the Normas allowed their bodies to follow a more natural rhythm.

John was the first to rise, stretching his muscular frame as he stepped out of bed. He made his way to the kitchen, where he began to prepare a simple breakfast of fresh fruits and vegetables from their garden, along with a pot of fragrant herbal tea.

The aroma of the tea wafted through the house, gently rousing the rest of the family from their slumber. Simply was the next to appear, her blonde hair tousled from sleep and a warm smile on her face.

"Good morning, love," she murmured, planting a soft kiss on John's cheek. "That tea smells divine. Is that the new blend Hydro created?" ^_^

John nodded, his eyes crinkling with pride. "It sure is. That boy has a real talent for coaxing the best flavors out of our plants. I don't think I've ever tasted anything quite like it." :D

As John and Simply chatted, their sons began to trickle into the kitchen, drawn by the promise of a hearty breakfast and familial companionship. Hydro, as usual, was the first to arrive, his green eyes alert and his demeanor calm and focused.

"Morning, everyone," he said, grabbing a plate and helping himself to a generous portion of fresh produce. "I'm planning on spending most of the day in the garden. The tomatoes are nearly ripe, and I want to make sure they're getting enough water." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Oxy, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes, gave his brother a playful nudge. "You and those tomatoes, Hydro. I swear, sometimes I think you love them more than you love us!" XP

Hydro shot Oxy a deadpan look, but there was a hint of amusement in his voice as he replied, "Well, at least the tomatoes don't keep me up all night with their constant chatter about fashion and design." -_-

The family laughed, the warm sound filling the cozy kitchen. It was moments like these, filled with good-natured teasing and easy affection, that made the Normas feel grateful for their close-knit bond. :D

As the day wore on, the Norma family found themselves gathered around the dinner table, enjoying a hearty meal of fresh, homegrown vegetables and roasted chicken from their own small coop. While most of the bio-dome's population relied on lab-grown meat or nutrient spheres for sustenance, the Normas took pride in raising their own animals and growing their own produce.

The conversation flowed easily, punctuated by laughter and good-natured teasing. Oxy, always one to stir up a bit of mischief, turned his attention to Nitro.

"So, little bro," he grinned, his eyes twinkling, "I heard you asking Mom for a bedtime story last night. What's the matter? Afraid of growing up and facing the big, bad world on your own?" ;P

Nitro's cheeks flushed, his little face scrunching up in indignation. "I'm not afraid of growing up!" he protested, his voice rising in pitch. "I just... I just like the way Mom tells stories, that's all. It helps me relax and stimulates my imagination." >_<

John, trying to hide his smile behind a forkful of roasted vegetables, chimed in, "Is that so? Well then, I guess you won't be needing Mr. Snuggles anymore, either." :3

At the mention of his beloved stuffed rabbit, Nitro's eyes widened in alarm. "No!" he cried, his voice trembling slightly. "Mr. Snuggles isn't a bedtime story. He's a... a scientific specimen that I'm studying for my research on the effects of prolonged hugging on the psyche of young geniuses." O_O

The family burst into laughter, their amusement only growing as Nitro tried to maintain his dignified facade. XD

"It's okay, sweetie," Simply said, reaching over to ruffle her youngest son's hair. "There's nothing wrong with wanting a little comfort and magic in your life, no matter how old or smart you are. And if anyone gives you a hard time about it, you just send them to me, okay?" :*

Nitro's face softened, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Thanks, Mom," he said, his voice quiet. "I guess it's not so bad, being the baby of the family. Even if Oxy and Hydro are a couple of big, dumb oafs sometimes." :P

"Hey!" Oxy and Hydro protested in unison, their faces a mix of indignation and amusement. ಠ_ಠ

As the brothers continued to bicker and tease, John and Simply exchanged a knowing look, their hearts full of love and contentment. :') They knew that their way of life, with all its simplicity and self-sufficiency, might seem strange to the rest of the bio-dome. But for the Normas, it was a life that was real and true and full of love, and that was all they would ever need.

As the family finished their meal and began to clear the table, their laughter and chatter filling the cozy kitchen, they knew that they had something precious: a bond that could never be broken, and a love that would always see them through, no matter what the future might bring. 

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