
chapter two

As soon as Nora got to her office got into her office to meet her client.   

 " Aplogies for my tardines". She  said to the lady, which she accepted and they both got into a serious conversation on an up coming fashion show that was aimed to kick off in few weeks time.  

 After several hours of discussion, they finally arrived at a conclusion. As the lady left the office, Nora got up and streched herself feeling so exhausted, she checked the time and found out it was already time for her close of work. She quickly headed straight out of the office and met Stella at the door, who handed her bags, she dismissed Stella for the day as she she also walks towards her car for home. 

When she arrived home, she rushed to the fridge and took a bottle of cold water, she immediately drained all the water in the can. She suddenly remembered that she intended on calling Emma, after taking a quick bath, she sat down, took her phone and  dailed Emma cell phone number. Emma picked at the first ring.

 " it's seems you where expecting my call". Nora asked when the line connected.  

" yeah, I just arrived home now, l was about to call you right now before the call came across". She replied.

"Ok, hope the event went well?".  "It did, plus my boss couldn't stop singing your praises, you really did well and saved her from the disaster that she imagined would have happened, being that her wedding was a lavished one." Emma explained. 

"Am so glad that everything was done before it was too late, anyways, I know you must be tired right now so let's talk later." Nora said. 

 "Yes are right,I am so tired, good night." She replied to Nora.  

" Good night too" she said as the line went off.  

Nora got up from where she was sitting and went inside her room, she fell on her bed facing the ceiling, She placed her two hands to support her head behind. While staring at the ceiling blankly, she recalls her past and how her life has taken a drastic turn for the good, as she is known to be one of the sort after makeup artist and stylist in the beauty industry. Nora happens to be a single, beautiful lady in her late twenties and seemed to have gone through alot to have owned her own Establishment. She continues to stare at the ceiling, minutes later she fell asleep without broadering about dinner.

6:30am, the alarm ranged loudly and woke Nora. She got up, stretched herself feeling refreshed, after a good night sleep compared to last night . she got off the bed and goes into the bathroom for shower. Few minutes later, she came out, got dressed, entered her car and left for work.

 At around 7pm, Nora got home and discovered her room was dark she stretched out her hands to the switch, after several tries the bulbs were not functioning, she went inside and found out some her electrical connections are faulty. She took out her phone to try connecting a friend nearby but to no avail. She decided to try Stella's, after few rings it connected.

 "Hello Stella".

 " Hi". 

 " Do you know of any technician, who can assist in checking electrical wiring, there is a power failure in my apartment and need it to be attended to." Nora to Stella.

 " I know of some one but am not sure he will be available this night ". Answered Stella.

 " when will he be available to check on it". Nora asked.

  " I guess tomorrow, I will inform him to come over and check the fault , since it's Saturday. " she replied.

" ok, thanks alot and good night."

"Good night too". Stella said to Nora, then the call went off.

 The next day, it was a Saturday morning, Nora got  up and did her morning routine which was, taking a bath, getting dressed and her break fast. As she was about making breakfast, there was a knock on the door. She dropped what she was doing to go see who was at the  door.

  " good morning ma'am". Said a young man in his early twenties.

Nora was dumbstruck at the young man she opened the door to see.    ".....ahm...you...are....you...looking for who?." She asked stammeringly.

" am max, I was directed to this apartment concerning an electrical fault, hope am not in the wronged place." He explained.

"oh! Yes, I requested for a technician on the electrical fault in my apartment." She replied. " please come in". She added, she takes him to the control unit of the wiring In the apartment.

Soon max stepped forward to have a closer look after putting on his safety measures and started to work on it.

"He doesn't look any where close to a technician instead he fits in to a male model"  she murmured to herself.

 "Are you talking to me " max asked therefore breaking her thoughts.

  "Oh no, not at all, please go on with your work". She said feeling embarrassed when she found out that, she was thinking aloud. She quickly left the place and went inside her apartment.

 Max stopped what he was doing and stared at her while she was leaving until she was out off sight.     " wow! She indeed very intriguing ". He chuckled while he said to him self. Within few hours, he was done with the repairs, he informed Nora that he was done and began to tidy his tools to leave. She handed him his payment and he left.

Weeks past, Nora was in a showroom giving directions on the already made hairstyles in preparation for a photoshoot which started not long ago. When she was done giving recommendations to the various models that where to show off the designs. It was time to take break, she decided to work done to the cafeteria for lunch when she bumped into someone. 

"am so sorry, I wasn't looking, are you hurt?". A male voice asked in a concerned tone, which she immediately recognized as she raised her head up.