
The beginning

Hello everyone, my name is Gabriel and this is my story. I will say a few words about me so you guys can have a vague idea about who I am and where I am.

I was just a normal boy that was leaving his boring live in Europe. As I thought will be till, I died, but something happened and got me here.

When I was on my way to buy something to eat the sky darkened. A lot of black clouds where gathering in a vortex above my head. My first thought was that a tornado is created above me.

So, I stood my ground and look above waiting for something to happened.

After a few minutes, the only thing that happened was the gathering of dark clouds. So, feeling bored I restart my walk. When I move my feet, a black lightning stroked me after that everything stopped, I don't remember much, if I died or if I fell asleep or that my body was burned or was destroyed. Bahahaha

I remember that I wake up in a weird space with something in front of me. I could still feel my body but I think I was more like a ghost the flesh and blood or not? Who knows?

In front of me was a semi-transparent panel where was write something.

"Road to godhood" written in golden letters, under it was " yes" in red letters.

I look at that shit for few minutes and I tried to slide it from the right to the left, for my surprise it worked. There's a lot of things like this, write in gold and only the answer that a will chose I assume was red.

"Road to Creation", "Road to Destruction", "Road to death" and so on. I slide few hundred thousand but there was nothing that can attract my attention.

After few hours doing the same thing over and over again, I found something interesting and different.

"Why take a road when u can devour it?" It was writhed in a deep red and the answer was pitch black, so like an idiot I am I pressed yes. Do you guys think I should keep slide the panel??

But what if after I slide it and come back the red writing will not come back again?

After I pressed it the panel changed. It was my body in a 3D and I could change it how I want it.

After some work I made it 1.90 m I high with broad shoulders. The hair I change is deep red and the eyes are pitch black. The rest, I will let your imagination work.

After I finish choosing my look I slide again and guess what? Yep, I could choose my innate skills and what body I will get. So, thing got more spice from here.

Sorry if is to short :D

I hope u can give some suggestion in comments about what skills and body our mc should have.

ps: OP MC.

I have some ideas but i want more :D

NoQuestioncreators' thoughts