
Chapter 2 Take responsibility

The baby was taken away as they attended to the mother. After cleaning her up she was given back to the mother in order to feed. The nurse walled out of the room to the waiting area to inform the man about the good news." Excuse me sir" she called out. " Please follow me." She added as she led the way to the room and pushed the door open. " Congratulations, your wife has given birth to a baby girl." she said as she led him to the bed side and left shortly after. Ria looked up at the astonished man in bewilderment. The man looked back at her and they stared at each other speechlessly. In the deafening silence, the baby started to cry which quickly got both their attention. Though instead of tears she was crying glass which kept pouring on the bed. They looked at each other in surprise. Ria had started to panic as she looked at the guy. He walked up to her and picked up one of the glasses and examed it closely." She's crying diamonds." he said in surpise. Ria was surprised as well yet again.

"Diamonds." She said in shock. The guy nodded at her indicating that it was the trut. Ria had mixed immotions, she was both happy and yet very confused. In the amazement the two had forgotten that the baby was still crying. Ben was examing the diamonds in astonishment. Today was really a weird day for him. He had helped a dirty woman in the ally, who the doctors assumed was his wife and when she gave birth, her child actually cried diamonds. On the other hand, as the baby still cried, Ria was in a daze on how she had wanted to end her life but now it seemed that she had to protect her child

For if she didn't who knows how its life would be. The baby's cries loudened bring both back to reality. She took the baby in her arms embracing it, she sang for it a lullaby and put her to sleep. She turned to the man who was standing silently staring at her. " Am sorry, my name is Ben. I bring no harm." he said quickly. She looked at him blantly, she didn't know whether she could trust another guy or not. She stared at him until he spoke again. " I swear I won't put you or your child's life in danger believe me." Somehow the situation made Ben feel awkward. For he never knew what else to do to make the girl speak or something. " You have to take responsibility." she finally said " You have to own up to your title." which confused the guy. " What do you mean by my title?" the asked. " You tools the nurse that you were my husband right? So...., you have to own up to it." she said without giving him a chance to process what was going on. Ben stared at her in utter amazment and then faced her miracle baby. Ria felt pressured and defeated cause it was taking him forever to respond.