
No Romance, Please

Fate or accident? I don't know what it was. It played a cruel trick in my life and one day, I was not living anymore. I died! I got transmigrated into my favourite novel, ‘Romance, Please’! (Ok, I agree that it's not a good title but still, I used to love this story.) In the book universe, I pretended to be a princess, started to live in the palace, and even got my very own platinum tiara. I lived much better than in my previous life. But I had to pay the price... The book I loved the most wanted me dead, just for the sake of another character’s development. I had to die in two years, again for the story to progress. Should I wait and watch for the plot to kill me? That's not me! I just chose to rewrite the novel from scratch, together with the villain. Fates started to change. I was made into a queen, the sole ruler of my kingdom. Then again, I had to pay the price. This time it was to sacrifice my love. Plot twist, No Romance, Please, cause it's injurious to health. ************************************************************ Warning: This is a twisted, erratic, nonsensical romance book.

DyaAran · Fantasía
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144 Chs

Nip It in the Bud

The eyes of the man who was lying on my knees which contained a mixture of beautiful green, gold, and brown gazed into my eyes with some seriousness. His hand was holding mine in the air, not letting me touch him anymore. He was silent and stagnant. His tranquil gaze didn't leave my face for quite some time. If he had spoken anything, I would have replied. Cause, what I needed the most at that moment was something that could wake me up from this enchantment. Something that could break me out of this trance. But he didn't. That moment, I heard my heartbeat, clearly as ever.

A pair of rainbow lorikeet squawked above the glass roof of the royal pond room, reviving me. I was the one to break the eye lock first. I looked up in shock then looked down at Victor who was looking up at those birds now.

I understood the situation. I panicked and immediately pushed him away, with force. Because of my unexpected exertion, he fell into the pond. This had already scared me. I pushed myself up as I continued to search for him above the liquid surface.

"Vic... Vic..." I was very shocked and unable to speak.

Within a few seconds, Victor surfaced. Now his body above the chest was visible to me. He was about to spew the water inside his mouth. I panicked more.

"Don't... Don't spew into my pond" I cried. Of course, that was my bathing water. I never let any others use this pond. It was mine and mine only! I didn't want it to be dirty!

He nonchalantly did what he wanted turning a deaf ear to me. Then wiped the water off his face.

"I've already bathed in it. What's the point?" he asked as he made an angry face then stepped on the stairs and stood before me. When I saw him fully drenched in water, I felt guilty and a little anxious. I avoided looking at him instead, considering his honour. I randomly looked at a plant next to the pond.

"Why did you push me?" he calmly asked.

I didn't know why either, I just knew that I panicked at that moment. So I nervously bit my lip, which didn't suit my hothead nature. I hated this guy for making me go out of my way. Still, I couldn't act courageously when he stepped even closer. I ended up clutching the sides of my gown. He stepped even further making me flinch in fear. Of course, this guy was murderous whenever he was angry. Since I was not brave enough to shout, I shut my eyes tight, expecting his words or maybe something violent like a slap.

"Do you have a towel?"

I wasn't sure if I heard it right so I opened my tightly shut eyes and looked up, still with fear. He was looking at me then.

"I need a towel" he repeated.

'When did he learn to manage his anger?' I pondered as I involuntarily nodded in confusion before realizing the statement.

I understood he needed a towel later, then hurried out of the room with a heart beating off my chest. I made sure to bring him a towel soon. Later, I've asked Nilo to bring him a set of clothes as well. I didn't mind the dubious look on Nilo's face but only focused on helping Victor then left the area.

I sent Victor back to his room so that he could rest. Because of what happened that day, I was feeling guilty, worried and anxious.

When I pushed him into the pond, if he had protested or argued like usual, things would have been different. I would have just brushed it off as usual. But the way he calmly asked for a towel indeed disturbed me.

After that, I didn't cross paths with Victor that day but my thoughts were revolving around him. When I went to the pond for my evening bath, Victor's "I've already bathed in it" echoed in my head.

I kept looking at the pond without entering. Violet and Lilly poked me twice and asked me to enter the pond. For some reason, my pride didn't let me bathe in the same water he fell into. I was going to tell my maids to change the water then. Still, something in me warned that Victor would be even more worried if he comes to know that I've changed the water because of this. This feeling prevented me from doing so.

I convinced myself that bringing water up to the first floor would be time-consuming and a waste of human power. Finally, I let my pride go and glided into the pond. That was the first time I was feeling nervous to enter a pond in my life!

Everything was ok for a minute or two but suddenly when the thought that he was here a while ago arose I felt goosebumps all over. 'What nasty thoughts are you having Atty?' I scolded myself. Then hurried out of the pond as fast as I could.

It's not like I haven't been to swimming classes. I have used the same swimming pools with my friends, but when it came to this guy, I wasn't feeling normal anymore. 'What the hell?' I cursed myself as I hurriedly got dressed and hurried to my chamber at jet speed. I shut my door immediately since I wanted to be alone.

This chamber itself became the next problem. My brain chose to remember the time he kissed me in that room, out of all the memories stored in it.

'I was already having enough amount of trouble. What's with this one? It was just a smooch!' I shook my head as I fell on the bed.

That lingering sensation caused by my bath was still sticking to my body giving me cold shivers. I covered myself well under the blanket and avoided cold shivers. Finally, somehow I slid into the hands of my sleep.

The next day, I woke up with a nightmare in which I was sitting under a beautiful tree and Victor was peacefully sleeping on my lap. A pair of rainbow lorikeet was signing sitting on a branch of that huge tree. I looked up at those birds and smiled contently. "Your Highness!" I heard Victor softly calling me in his handsome voice. When I looked down expecting a smiling face, he smirked instead, as he told "You've lost. You've lost very badly!"

I was startled and woke up immediately. My heart was beating fast. 'What the hell?' I mumbled. 'This is not good. Not good' I mumbled again and again. 'Why am I dreaming about him every day?' I pondered then placed my head which felt heavier on my hand. Once again I was startled.

I was having a high fever for no reason! I wondered why I got the fever when he was the one who fell into the water.

I was not ready to play this game. I can't afford to have these feelings. I was not willing to ask for more trouble. I was not ready to get attached to anyone, not to mention, he already had someone in his heart and will not reciprocate my feelings.

'I would never be hopeless like that. I would never lose!' I made up my mind. I chose to nip it in the bud!

I immediately called Violet. She entered my chamber.

I tried to hide my fever since they would make a big fuss out of it. I sat straight and wrapped myself including my head with the blanket so Violet wouldn't find it from my face.

"Your Highness, are you ok?" she questioned when she saw me.

"I'm cold. Don't mind me!" I spoke from the inside of my blanket refuge. Are all my guards here?" I asked.

"Three of them have already arrived!" she replied.

"Victor, is he already here?" I find it difficult to say his name properly. 'What the hell Atty? Are you that spineless?' I continued to blame myself.

"He is here, Your Highness!"

"Is he ok?" I involuntarily asked then gritted my teeth with a frown since I was suddenly worried about his health a moment ago. Then immediately scolded me for doing so. 'Am you having multiple personalities of what?' I scolded myself again.

"He is, Your Highness!" said Violet. 'He is fine. You're just rotting' I blamed myself again.

Finally, I spoke the words I meant to speak!

"Tell Henry to stay here today. Ask Victor to do Henry's job instead of him!" I said.

It was Henry's turn to bring food to the prisoners. But I had made Victor do it since I didn't want to confront him anytime soon.

Just like that, I thought I could escape these mysteriously annoying feelings. But I was wrong and I understood it very soon when I visited the prison that evening.

When trying to not fall in love, there are three major feelings you should avoid at all costs. They are confusion, jealousy, and devotion.

The confusion phase will leave you troubled since you couldn't help but wonder whether you have any special feelings or not. The second one called jealousy will prove to you that you care. When you reach the third phase you will end up ignoring everything else and surrender! Then there will be no turning back!

As for me, it only took three days to pass all their phases. Very quick, isn't it? But what chance did I stand against that super handsome villain of my favourite novel? I lost, awfully!

I was aware of all the consequences, still, I tormented myself with confusion the day before. I've got to experience the second one, jealousy on the following evening!

And on the third day, I hopelessly fell head over heels in love with that arrogant, narcissistic, and untamed duke of Dagresh!

Rainbow lorikeet is a parrot species that are found in Australia.

They are really beautiful.

I'll add a photo of a rainbow lorikeet in the comment section so you can have a look.

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