
No One Left

At a time when things began to get awry when it seems as if all would become extinct and the big guys only would remain. Mase Henshaw, a kid who grows through the course of the, changed things even though it is not his will at times. He moved from being a naive 10-year-old kid to becoming a powerful individual who changed the state of things and probably determined the state of his country. Through this phase, he found love, one that he might or might not keep, and he found friends, some that probably would leave him, at the end of it all, would Mason find joy in all of his exploits? This book developed through chapters and I believe you would love it as it continues. Just keep to it, it is a great journey when you sit by an epic narrator, so don't blink, cause you might miss that tremendous line. Thanks for reading No One Left.

the_celestial · Historia
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37 Chs


When I defeated Rio to climb up to 2nd, it wasn't a close fight at all. Emphatically, it was not a match for positions between two martial arts students, but a match for pride between high school boys trying to keep hold of or reclaim face.

Rio has always been a cute little boy, tall, huge with good muscles, and a very handsome face. He has impressive body features so even without his athletic and martial arts prowess, he was already a popular figure around the school. Just as every popular person would not welcome anyone that poses a threat to them being in the limelight, Rio tried to make sure he shows everyone who attempts to join him on the center stage their place in the audience.

There are three ways by which you can pose a threat to Rio's prestige; firstly if you join the football team and began to do so well that you are receiving praises from everyone, if you try to challenge him to a duel in martial arts thinking you'd defeat him and lastly if you like the same girl as him.

I have crossed those three paths intrepid, so Rio and I are now mortal enemies. Rio joined the football team before me and was already a regular starter and an integral part of the team by the time I joined. I did so well in my first few months on the team and was soon voted as the captain much to the annoyance and disapproval of Rio. Rio likes Jane who is my best friend and also likes Katie who prefers to speak with me that with him. The last nail in the coffin was when I climbed up the ranks incredibly fast when I joined the mortal combat.

Rio had thought I would challenge him to a duel when I climbed up to 3rd. He had dropped to 2nd then after Katie had defeated him. His defeat to Katie left a significant dent in his pride so he was trying to save face by fighting with me and beating me to a pulp.

I accepted to fight him and the news of our fight was soon spread throughout the school. It was a fight between the 2nd and 3rd best students in martial arts, moreover a fight between the previous number one and another who has speedily climbed up the ranks. The fight became more popular because Rio wanted the whole school to witness my humiliation, he had said that to me before the fight.

On the day of the fight, another student was called to be the referee and the fight started. Students had secretly betted on who they thought might win putting their bets in the hands of the game master who organized it though sponsored by Rio.

The fight started and Rio charged at me, running at full speed aiming to finish the fight in one single hit. I stood and waited for him to get to me, he sent a kick to my rib and I blocked it with my palm, he sent another to my chest and I blocked, another to my head and I used the lightfoot skill to dodge that. He kept on attacking every angle of my body, sending kicks, blows, and everything while I kept on avoiding them.

Rio did this for about ten minutes and he soon got tired as his kicks and blows became very slow and harmless. That was my plan right from the start. I sent a lightning-fast kick across his neck and he was too slow to block as the kick sent him flying backward, I met him while he was still struggling to stand and kicked him across the chest making sure he won't get up again.

The crowd erupted in cheers as Rio couldn't get back up before the referee said the last number. Those who had put their money on me shouted and jumped for joy, some running to hug me, planting kisses on my cheek while others quickly run to the game master to accrue their profits before it becomes late. The majority had betted on Rio to win the fight and you could see them quietly leaving the duel area while furiously cursing at the incapable Rio. Rio's reputation plummeted that day while I became a prestigious figure within the school.

It was a very good day for me, I climbed up to second, received a lot of cash (I betted on myself) and also an advanced reputation, what more can I ask for? Regardless of the goodies, it was the beginning of a new rivalry between Rio and me, a rivalry that has not been put to rest since that day. We haven't fought since that day, Rio has been staying away from me at football training though I've been crossed a lot of times on my way to training by some students who would warn me to drop out of the school football team, there has been no confrontation whatsoever between us and he hasn't pressure Jane ever since.

When Rio figured out his qi energy and most importantly moved it around his body while I couldn't find mine, I knew he was going to come looking for me but I didn't know he was going to resolve to fight me unofficially. I knew he would challenge me to a duel, that's why I wanted to figure out this qi thing fast.

"I challenge you to a duel, Mase, it is going to be the day after tomorrow, in front of the whole school, I will get my revenge and I will put you back in your place but I have an offer to make," Rio said.

Jane who had come to my side amid everything nudged me not to accept his proposal whatever it could be but I was going to listen to it first before I make a decision not that I could back out of the challenge after as that would mean forfeiting the fight.

"What is your offer" I asked.

"If you win the fight, I'll be your boy till we leave high school and you would be my boss having access to everything that belongs to me including my foodstuffs but if you lose the fight, you'll leave the soccer team, leave the martial arts class and finally, you won't go near either Jane or Katie again."