
How Does It Feel Losing Everything

"hello excuse me,where is the patient xia xi"

"she is still in the operation theatre" the receptionist replied

"where is it located"

"just go straight and turn to your left"

with feet of an athlete xia lei ran to where she was directed and saw the bulb of the operation theatre was still on and issued fervent prayers

"let me call Tang" xia lei dialed Tang number with shaking hands but there was no answer so she sent him a message

some minutes later she saw a doctor coming out of the operating room "doctor am the patient's mother, please tell me what is going on?

"ma'am we can't say for sure, please excuse me" he said and left leaving xia lei more worried. As the doctor left xia Tang approached xia lei

"xia lei how did she get into an accident?" he asked with blood shot eyes

"I don't know, I received a call from the hospital and rushed down here and today was going to be an happy occasion for the three of us"xia lei said as she sat on the chair next to the operating room.

"happy occasion?"xia Tang said with a hint of scoff in his voice

"what do you mean?"xia lei asked taking her mind off xia xi incident "didn't Lu bachang sign the partnership contract?"

"no that bastard didn't, he even insulted me in front of his board members" xia Tang spoke with hatred