
ch 2 :[Self-Existence]

He sighed with difficulty [huh huh huh] What a horrible pain!

[Aaaah] They are devouring me crazy.

Why all this?! , Why me?! . Why?! Huh?. I guess it doesn't matter. Just to close my eyes.

Seiko closed his eyes in the shadow of crazy pain

After a while:

Oh how many times! . Hour? Day? Year? Decade? Century? I don't even know! All I know is that I don't feel anything anymore.

He didn't know Saikou at the time. The cells of his body no longer know the term pain because of the long time of sternal pain.

Saikou let's just shut up and watch.

After one year:

We find Saikou in the same position without moving an inch.

All of a sudden..! !

A thick black circular gate appears. Saiko's face turns to it in one second

Saikou: [What's this portal. So who is coming? The gods? The warriors? The monsters? Or maybe a savior? No way. So what's next?!!]

A person wearing a black dress comes out of that gate. A face without feelings. Two eyes look like a vacuum. No!! But the vacuum itself.

Saikou: [From this I've never met him! Wait... Why is it like... Impossible?! What is this crazy why does he look like me!! .]

That person speaks:

[Yoo I didn't think I would ever do this. I think you know who I am. I am you from the future, Saikou.]

Saikou was surprised and questions came to his mind, but one thing he felt at the time was that he was saved despite everything.

Saikou: [You or oh I am hurry up and help me start our revenge.]

Saikou Future: [Hff I didn't expect to say this to myself, but you must die, past me.]

Saiko's past amazes.

Saikou: [What?! Why should I die and can I die at all? Even though I tried it myself.]

Future Saikou: [I'll kill you to cut off my connected destiny.]

Seiko didn't understand what he said at the beginning until after the incident that happened afterwards! !

The future Saikou created a circle around the present Saikou and started to activate it

Saikou: [What!! The effect of regeneration is beginning to wear off. Will I really die! Hahahaha I didn't think I was so crazy to get to kill myself then neither did I. I want to kill me. What a joke hahaha.]

Saikou shouts

Saikou: [Did you think I would let you kill me]

Saikou moves his head and searches to find anything to use. He finds a sharp bone from the monsters that used to prey on him, but he can't move because of the magic circle

Saikou: [Let's move! Oh, the body is useless.

Future Saikou: [Did you think you could move hehehe I think I was a little bit of a fool after all haha]

Saikou did not know that after regeneration began to dissipate and as a result of his cells becoming unrecognizable, he acquired the skill of pain control!

Saikou: [Think think when you can move automatically!! When I feel pain, if I cause pain in the specific area on the part of the patient, it will be triggered by the involuntary nervous system of the body, but this is accompanied by the risk of loss of consciousness due to an excessive load on the spinal cord. If I lose consciousness, everything will be over! Let's risk everything.]

Saikou starts by making pain in specific areas to move automatically, but this is difficult for the body as it moves automatically due to the pain caused.

Saikou the future: [how how! This is out of logic! Damn I seem to have underestimated myself in the past.]

The future Saikou cannot stop it because the circuit is activated.

The future Saikou presses on the magic circle followed by a slowdown in the movement of the past Seiko, but he can hold the convex bone and start directing it to his heart.

Future Saikou: [Stop you don't know what I'm risking here!!]

Saikou: [hahaha fuck you myself and everything.]

Saikou stabs the bone in his heart

Future Saikou: [Whoa hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...!]

Saiko's heart stops and falls to the ground followed very shortly by the future Saikou

saying: [It's all over]

The future and the past died together. It seems to be the inevitable effect of cause and effect. With the death of the past, the future has become non-existent.

All of a sudden!! !

The magic formation of a whole circle glows black and the two bodies begin to get closer to each other until they merge into a very strange state of black magic.

The built-in Seiko wakes up!

Saikou: [What's this?! Did I not die? Did I not kill myself?

By asking myself these two questions if... Hahahaha hahaha I got hurt! I am the past, the present and the future at the same time. What a crazy hehehe.]

Suddenly several notification windows pop up in front of Saikou! !

Saikou: [What is this written? I became known with a question mark? Huh?]

[So I mean I became. Without the line of life. There is no fate attached to me. Hahahaha now I understand why I wanted to kill myself at the beginning.]

[Hmmm I seem to have obtained the energy of darkness from my future self for this self and with the best environment of the cliff! To absorb the darkness!]

[Let's shut up now and watch.]