
Family Part 2

It's now after we ate and my siblings will be home in anytime. "Oh you guys will have to forgive my siblings. They are imaginative young kids honestly," I smile and they both just nod.

"Yeah they are sometimes but they are good kids. Oh here they are, " mom smiles as she opens the door and I saw my youngest sister first who almost yelled in shock. She was only six.

"Bet!" she yelled as she ran over and that got the princes laughing. She has trouble with 'th' sounds. It's cute though.

"Sophia! Hi!" I bend down and pick her up and smile. "Can you say hi to my friends?"

"Hi Bet's friends," I smile and hold her for a little longer.

"She can't pronounce her 'th' sound. Stop laughing, " I scolded the princes and they looked a little shocked. "Oh sorry, " I gave my best innocent smile.

"Uh huh sure you are Beth. It's fine, you can be a little relaxed around us, well me. I probably make you more nervous, " Garroth smiled and I had to set Sophia down as my other siblings returned as well.

"Hey guys," I was in one big hug and I couldn't stop smiling. My siblings were everything to me and to be able to still hug them even a few times makes me happy.

"Hey Beth, " the oldest said and looks at the princes. "Oh Prince Garroth and Prince Kayden, I am sorry." he bowed for a second and stood back up with a smile.

"Hey, we are just here with you sister. We thought we'd come meet the family, " Garroth gave my brother a high five and I was happy. That didn't last forever. "We can stay for maybe an hour longer but than it's time to go home Beth," Garroth whispered to me and I sighed.

"Okay.. Hey let's go play a board game while I am here, " I bring my siblings upstairs and the princes follow which I don't expect. "Uh you don't to play, " I nervously laugh.

"I wouldn't mind. It'll be fun unless it's siblings only, " Garroth stopped were he was on the stairs and Kayden was behind him.

"I would like to play too. Why not get to know your siblings? I like seeing how kind they are to each other, " Kayden adds in and I sigh.

"Yeah I guess they are. Sometimes they are but that's all siblings. Uh it's an old game so don't judge it's appearance, " I was back to messing with my damn fingers but oh well. Garroth must have noticed this and changed his mind.

"Actually, I think we are overstepping. Spend sometime with your family, we'll be waiting downstairs okay?" Garroth smiled at me and I looked at him.

"Thank you. Just let me know when it's time to leave and don't let my parents bore you." I smile as I go up the rest of the stairs.

That hour went by too fast. We finished our game and it was time for me to leave. I hugged all my siblings and said my goodbye but it wasn't forever this time.

"I am sorry about snapping at you and not letting you play the game. I just wanted it to be like old times but it's not any more. I just need to accept that, " I was upset but I didn't let that show. I couldn't ruin the make up that Arielle did and I wouldn't let the princes see me cry.

"It's okay Beth. It was nice talking to your parents. They were a little crazy, " Garroth joked and I shook my head. I was still upset so I couldn't smile.

"Are there plans for dinner tonight or will I be eating alone?" I had no idea what was going on for dinner unfortunately that wasn't part of me waking up.

"It's alone unless you want company, " Kayden offered but I shook my head no.

"I would like some alone time. Coming home has made me realize how much I truly missed them the last two days, " I almost had tears but I kept them back. I instead turned my head and looked out the window. I was sitting as far from the princes as I could and I guess they understood.

We went back to the castle in silence but it wasn't uncomfortable. They don't understand it and they aren't going to try. Once there I let them help me out of the limo but I want alone time and went head of them.

Once in my room I slouch and take off the stupid tiara. Arielle is right behind me and gets my makeup off. "You can go. Just bring my food once it is dinner time, " I was dismissive but whatever.

She left and so did the others. I climb in bed and cried. I actually cried. I couldn't help it, I just had been very stressed and seeing my family made me break.

There was a soft knock on the door about an hour later. Who could that be? Ugh I got up and fixed my face the best I could. Can't hide the evidence of me crying for an hour very well thought.

"Who is it?" I called through the door.

"It's Garroth. I came to check on you.. You seemed very distraught and I know you wanted some alone time but I thought maybe talking to someone who knows would help, " he said back through the door and I sigh.

"I don't look very pleasant right now. I am okay Garroth I just needed to let my stress out so don't worry, " my voice broke and I cursed myself.

"You don't sound okay Beth. I don't mind how you look because you probably still look very pretty. Please open the door, just so you aren't alone, " his voice was so soft even though it had to be loud enough to come through the door.

Great because I need a prince to see me like this.. I slowly open the door but I'm hiding my face the best I can. I don't have any makeup on. "I'm just hurting is all. My family is doing so well and that makes me happy but I'm not there with them, " I walked back over to my bed and I laid down still hiding my face.

"I don't know what it's like as a blue but I do know that it's not easy being away from your family, " Garroth sat at the chair that was in my bedroom.

"How would you know? You've lived in this castle your whole life. You've never seen your parents not eat to make sure that you can. You wouldn't understand Garroth, " I turned away and looked at my wall. It was easier to look at then the prince right now. I can't believe I'm letting my emotions go in front of him. I won't cry though.

"I guess I wouldn't. I didn't realize your life was so hard, " his voice was once again really soft and caring. I don't get it.

"I don't get why you came here. You hardly know me and you'll probably not pick me anyways. A blue queen wouldn't do much, " I finally sat up to face him. My eyes were red and puffy. He didn't look shocked but just frowned.

"Beth, I don't care of your color. I don't know if I will pick you or not but don't think it's because I am thinking of who will make a great queen. I know you would but that's beyond the point, " Garroth stood up and walked over to me. He wasn't being proper and he wasn't even standing that straight now that I saw. He was really here because he cared.

"You have to be looking for someone who would make a great queen. You have a duty as the crown prince. Even I know that, " I scoot over and he sat down next to me.

It was so weird having him be so close to me and it not be for escorting me around. "I also have a duty to myself. My parents remind me that I should marry out of love, " I laughed at that one.

"You are lucky then because no one in the blue marries out of love. My parents didn't love each other but they were forced to be married. That was what I was waiting for, forced marriage and then pretending. I guess I have both still, " I pull a blanket over my shoulders and tuck myself into it. I was against the wall at the back of the bed while the prince was on the edge.

"You aren't being forced to marry?" Garroth looked confused.

"If one of you don't pick me, the Queen picks who marries me. I don't get to say who I want to marry in either of those terms, " I give a smile but Garroth frowns. "It's okay, I don't mind."

"No, no it's not. I will talk to my brother and the day before we choose we all talk about it and make the decision together," Garroth gave me a half smile before shaking his head. "I don't want to force a marriage."

"It wouldn't be you who forces it. I'm okay with being picked by people. I wasn't supposed to be living a life of luxury anyways so one thing can be wrong," I smile again but he just looks at me.

"What was your life like before you were chosen to be a royal?" that question shocked me.

"Well it was hard. I didn't to to school so everything I know is thanks to my mom. The board game we played was the one we got out of the trash because we couldn't afford a new game. A lot of the times my parents and I would skip meals to make sure the younger ones got the food they needed, " as I was explaining my life his face grew with disgust from how it was. "My clothes had some holes but that was okay. I made sure my siblings were properly clothed before me so I didn't leave the house much."

"That sounds horrible... I can't believe people live like that. I don't understand why my parents allow that in their kingdom," Garroth was disgusted with his parents.

"Well it's the status system so I guess it is to be expected. My family is living a better life and I am too in a way, " Garroth let his hand on mine and got very serious. Much more than before.

"I will make sure your life is a life of luxury from now on. You deserve a better life then what you were expected to have and you will get that life, " I smiled at Garroth and nodded to make him feel okay. I don't get why he was being so serious.

"I already have a better life. I don't deserve the tiara I wear to show the status I was given but it is a must, " Garroth shook his head and let go of my hand. His hand was so warm and now mine was cold.

"If you ever want to leave the castle and go somewhere just let me know. I will take you anywhere you want to go, " Garroth stood up and went back to the chair. "I am going to just sit here with you. We don't have to talk but I don't want to leave just yet. If that's okay."

"Hmm that's fine. What about red velvet cake huh? dessert before dinner?" Garroth laughed for second.

"Well it's about dinner time. Let's eat real food and then we eat red velvet cake. I will get them to bring the whole cake, " He winked and I laughed too.

"We can't eat a whole cake between us Garroth" I smiled.

"Well we can certainly try. You need happy food so what are we gonna eat for dinner tonight?" he stood up and went to the door. There was always my butler there. I have no idea when he leaves or eats but I'll ask one day.

"Hmm make it a surprise," and he doesn't argue. So he whispered the order to the butler and the butler left. "So I have a random question."

"Ask anything you want, " Garroth said as he walked back over.

"When do the maids and butler's eat? I haven't noticed them gone to eat, " I am just curious is all."

"Well the maids are eating right now and the butler will eat after them. It is just rotating so you never know when you are missing one of them, " Garroth sat back at the table and I got to the edge of my bed.

"That's different. I feel so weird talking to them like I do. I only do it when I'm in public and my mom was not happy," I sigh remembering the disappointment in her face as I told Arielle what to do.

"You have a role now though. You are doing a good job playing that role, " Garroth reassured me. He was messing with his hair and he seemed nervous. I wonder why he was nervous but I didn't ask.

We didn't talk a lot until after we ate our dinner. He picked steak and it was soo tasty. I have never eaten steak before. "That was my first time eating steak. It was amazing, " I smile and he chuckles.

"I picked right then. The cake will be here in ten minutes. I'm had them make it fresh for us, " he smiled proud of that.

"Aw fresh cake is always the best, " I giggle and stand up for a second. I went to the window in the dining area in my room.

"After cake do you want to go for a walk? The gardens are always lovely at night, " Garroth gave me a gentle smile but I shook my head. I just liked looking out the window.