
A Week

Time passed faster then I ever expected. I was spending most my time with Kayden but Garroth also visited and we'd have red velvet cake together after dinner. Kayden knew and didn't mind it and sometimes he even joined us in what we started to call cake time.

It was one of the nights Kayden decided to join. It was always fun actually. We messed around and sometimes there was a board game we played. It was newer ones and they taught me how to play. I was always happy when I went to sleep.

There was a loud noise.. I think it was an explosion woke up and not even two minutes later Garroth came running in with guards, "we are under attack .. Come with me Beth. We are going to a safe house far from here."

"Okay, " it was an explosion. Crap. I got up and quickly got something on my feet. We fled through the halls with the guards flanking us. "Where's the rest of your family?" I breathed out as I wasn't used to running.

"We split up when there is an attack. Father goes to one, mother and Alva go to one, Benjamin and Kayden go to one and typical I go alone but I go the furtherest and you are coming with me, " he wasn't even out of breath and I was jealous but now wasn't the time for that.

"Okay, " We ran and ran. Lots of soldiers were coming in from well everywhere. Garroth grabbed my hand and had me staying away from the fighting. He put in the same spot while he wasn't entirely in the open from the guards he was still endangered.

Eventually we made it to an armoured car. "But why am I not going with your brothers if you are supposed to go alone?"

"Because it is scary and I have been hanging in your room a lot so I thought it was best if you came with me. Plus I want you with me so I can help you not be scared, " Garroth was blushing and that made me blush but it still wasn't the time.

"Thanks, " I was breathing heavy from running. I don't run often, I did when I was younger but I didn't like it once I was fifteen. I need to run more I guess. Then my family crossed my mind.

"Oh no no! My family! What's going to happen with my family??? " I was panicking now. Myself I could care less about when it came to danger.

"They are going to be evacuated and we will try to locate them. I sent guards to go take care of them, don't worry, " Garroth put an arm around my shoulder and I sobbed.

I said I would never let the princes see me cry but I can't help it. "They can't be hurt. I couldn't live with myself knowing that they got hurt and I wasn't with them."

"Beth as soon as we leave here and everyone is evacuated we will look for them okay? It'll be a day or two before we can but just calm down until then," Garroth was rubbing my back now and it helped a little but I needed my family.

My family was my life. I'm no one without my brothers and sister. "Garroth I can't calm down. They are my whole life. I don't have anything if I lose them, " I buried my face into my hands. I curled my knees up and just tucked my body as close together as I could. This can't be happening.

"Beth you have me and you have Kayden too. I know they mean everything to you but you have us too now. We'll get you through whatever the outcome is," he wrapped his arms around my curled up body.

It was good that I was with Garroth. I don't think the others would have been so kind and hugged me. I untucked myself and I slouched back. "Okay. I'm okay for the time being. Where is the safe house located?"

"In a blue village. We will stop at an inn before we reach there to quickly change. I'm lucky I had the tailor make simple clothes for you a few days after you arrived, " Garroth kept an arm around me. It was as if he let go, I would break and I felt that way too.

But then I shivered. It was freezing out and my adrenaline must have finally given up. "I'm cold, " I whispered it but Garroth heard it and he looked for a second.

"There is a compartment with a blanket in it if you want it, " He still didn't move his arm and I nodded. He hesitated before moving his arm to lift one of the seats. There was a big blanket and it looked so warm.

It definitely was when Garroth laid it over both of us. I hesitated at first too but I scooted closer to Garroth, "this is so much better. All your blankets are so soft."

Garroth laughed a little on that one and he smiled at me when I scooted closer. He put his arm back around me and was rubbing my shoulder. I was blushing way too much so I hid my face in the blankets. "Oh uh if we are going to a blue village the clothes can't look new so we'll have to mess them up a bit."

"That's alright. I want to make sure you are safe so I'll ruin some clothes, " I laughed but still kept most my face hidden. I was too embarrassed about blushing.

"That's good, " I mumble. I was getting a little sleepy so I snuggles into the blanket more and leaned against the side of the car.

"Do you want to use me as a pillow? It would be much comfier then the car side and I can make sure you stay warm, " he lifted the arm that was resting on me and I flicked my eyes around suspiciously.

"Are you sure? I will probably have a nightmare and that wouldn't be very good, " I sit up though and we made eye contact. My face wasn't covered.

"That's okay. I'll wake you up so you know you are safe. Just use me as a pillow to sleep, I honestly don't mind."

"I ummm okay," I stuttered and lay against him. It was very comfy and he was rubbing my arm again which just made me even more tired then before. "Thank you Garroth. You are a really good person, " I mumble as I slowly fall asleep.

I woke up but it has only been an hour. Garroth wasn't rubbing my arm anymore but he also fell asleep laying his head on mine in a way. Well I wasn't going to move. He didn't wake me up so I won't wake him. He must be comfy to have fallen asleep. I got comfy again with small movements and went back to sleep as well.

This time he woke me up, "Beth, hey it's okay now." I was very startled and I moved my head a little quick. He still had his on top of mine and yeah we collided. "It's okay don't worry you didn't hurt me. You started having a nightmare. I fell asleep too but I don't sleep very heavy."

"I am sorry. Uh I uh I, " I was stuttering again and I really need to stop. "If you want me to move I can."

"You don't have to. I'm comfortable like this actually. It's only been an hour and a half so there is still another half hour until the inn if you need more sleep, " I just realized his other arm was around me too. He was hugging me again but in a relaxed way. Oh I don't know what's happening.

"I am okay but I tend to drift off when I'm warm and comfy," I let out a sigh. I was so glad be couldn't see my face. Ugh I was probably bright red.

"You okay?" He moved his head from mine and was about to look at my face.

"Yes I'm okay. It's just been such a frightening night and well uh I'm okay, " ugh I couldn't say I was embarrassed or that I was blushing. His arms never moved and I felt kinda awkward not hugging him back... so I just did. "Thank you Garroth."

"Y-your welcome Beth, " he stuttered! I am not the only one flustered now so I looked at him and he looked back. "Ha so I guess we both aren't used to this huh?"

"Nope but I find it comfy if you still do, " I kept my arms around his torso. That was actually more comfortable then when I had them curled into me.

"I do Beth, " he was rubbing my arm again. Why does he keep doing that. It makes me even more flustered.

"So uh how was your sleep?" I awkwardly asked so I just laid my head back against his chest.

"It was comfortable. It was a good sleep that I haven't had in awhile even though it was short, " he shuffled a little under me and I giggled. "What's funny?"

"A Prince who isn't used to being so close to a girl. I don't know I guess it's more of surprise since you are the Crown prince I thought girls would be all over you, " I blush realizing that was me right now and I sat up and dodged his head. I was bright red for sure.

"I don't actually talk to many in the court. They do try but uh you are the closest I've been to a girl personally other than my mom actually, " Garroth was blushing even more but I smiled.

"I haven't been personally close to a guy outside of my family so I guess it is the same Prince, " he was still red but smiled at the comment. "Sorry I moved. I uh realized what I asked and yeah, " I nervously laugh but he was laughing a little harder.

"You are fine Beth. Although now I'm not as comfy or warm, " he gave me a cheesy smile and he got a big eye roll in return. "What? I was comfy too."

"What if someone sees that though. Won't that look weird? Im literally snuggling with the crown prince, " I sigh.

"So what? They can say whatever they want Beth. Plus it's not that bad."

"But I'm supposed to give all your brothers a chance to know me and that wouldn't look to good. I guess I wasn't expecting to get so close to you so fast either, " I started messing with my fingers. Twisting them and pinching them too.

"I wasn't expecting it either Beth but we just kinda click. Also cake time helped with that too, " I had no idea if he was smiling because I wasn't exactly looking at him but I think he was.

"You started cake time. You kept showing up at my door, " I stuck my tongue out and he laughed.

"No one has ever done that and I felt like you might have needed someone in the castle to talk to after a long day, " he stuck his tongue out at me and I giggled. It was fun but it would only last so long. I guess now I hope he picks me but I'm not too sure.

"Garroth.... do you want to pick me? " I shouldn't ask but I had to. I should be with Kayden and Benjamin right now but I am here because that's what Garroth wanted. He came to me and checked on me after my parents house and he was always there after a long day with a piece of cake.

"I would Beth. I want to but my brothers need their chance too.. Why?" Garroth actually made me look at him this time. "Do you want me to pick you? "

"I uhhhh y-yes I do.. " I was basically glowing red and Garroth just kept staring at me.

"Once this is over, you'll still spend time with my brothers. You shouldn't choose without knowing us all, " Garroth smiled at me and wouldn't break eye contact.

"So what are we going to do until then? Plus will we still be able to do cake time?" I smiled back and wrapped the blanket around my shoulder. We must have went North because it's colder than I remember.

"We'll be open with each other and cake time is definitely going to keep happening. It's the highlight of my day sometimes, " Garroth picked his arms back up. He wanted me to snuggle again and I wanted to as well. It was cold and he was so warm. He knew that.

So I snuggled him. I just pretended he was a normal person and right now he was.