
Chapter 2 : The Village

After getting scared you are awoken by the man who let you into his house he greats you with a smile and food he says"here go eat something you looked starved and scared",although not feeling cold you realise that a blanket was on top of your body.

Almost visibly shaken the man is unsure if it was because of being cold maybe sad or angry still unsure he tells you"What's the mater is every- -thing okay ",whilst you look up to him and reply with a soft but rusty tone that's almost oddly soothing you say"n-no everything is fine its just that i was scared of not waking up and staying in the darkness",not knowing why you where talking about but still knowing that you where scared he tells you to get up and ready because"we are going outside to meet the elders",.

At the elders house you both go inside and he speaks to you and sais"what may your name be young one",not knowing how to respond and puzzled by the question you say"i- don't know",he looks quite surprised about you he sais it's okay don't worry you are safe saying this since his face tensed up but now he looks a bit less tense then before"sir can he stay with me",the man who let you inside his house said then the elder smiled and said"well take care of him",determined to do that he tells you to go wash up tho not understanding he walks you to the baths as tho remembering something vividly a bout the baths of coming here you remember the word '𝘛𝘙𝘈𝘐𝘕𝘐𝘕𝘎' not knowing what that is you ask the man but almost like hesitating he looks back and sais"my name is jo-",been cut off he looks at you while you finish it"john",grinning for no apparent reason.

He then says in joking tone while turning"just call me b-",again cut of by you but doesn't turn to look and you finish it of"boss",not knowing how you knew this you look at his back as he starts walking.

"So uh boss you we are going to the showers right?",you ask in a mild puzzled tone,while walking he stops at a store and walks up to it not knowing what to to he gestures you to come with him john/boss walks up to the man behind a wooden some what of a desk/table while you look he stares back at you and walks of behind a curtain door to the other side of the shop he walks out while questioning yourself with the question ""why do these clothes lool so familiar but to what"",while dazed he walks up to you and hands the cloths to you with a smile then john/boss tells you to "fallow me",without hesitation you fallow him to another building which looked interesting and of course it was the bath house the women standing at behind the semi desk looks at both of you and john/boss looks at your face with a bit of a dumb expression he says"that is a counter",you have a semi smile and of course john/boss walks up to the lady behind the desk and hands her over three weird looking circles and gestures you to come in going inside was amazing it was warm and there where clouds your expression in awe he looks at you and smiles he the proceeds to take of and put his clothes on this weird looking hole he noticed you looking at him putting his clothes away amd tells you to put those cloths in their and take of your clothes and throw it at a corner.

Walking inside with a towel around your waist you both sit down in the water warm and hot as it is you didn't know how it worked but it still felt good ... after what felt like an eternity both of you pack up and leave while going to dress yourselves you see a man that was coming in half dead blood and wounds all over his body john/boss looking at you and signaling with his eyes to avoid that man you listing and pay that man no attention any more and just get dressed while exiting another man walks up to you and was about to ask something but bit his tongue to hold in his question and walked of a bit angry while walking john/boss says how about we train your body so you don't get blown away by the wind and get lost he says with a smirk.

At the back of his house he trained you not only physically but mentally to so you can be ready for anything that might cross paths with you,your sword,and your head or mind that way there's always a chance to survive or win almost any battle you may encounter almost winter you prepare to go to sleep;due to some after improvised training of intense lower core and upper core to maximise your body's strength and to finish it by reading books to sleep soundly.