

Chapter 1.

Xiao was walking along the seaside barefooted holding her heels.


"Why!? Why did they do that to me? Now that they have all, why...why did he betray me and run away with my friend.... Lin Ruge and Huan Mo I won't late you off and have a happy life! *angry*

I will get avenge for what they did!! I will sure they will pay a high price *sniffs*

But for now I need to go to my best friend to beg for help...*strong mind*

Xiao wipes her tears and put her heels and go directly to Jim Su's Villa.

At The Jim's Villa

Xiao: Jim are you inside? I'm coming in,


Jim: Xiao come to the kitchen! *excited*

Xiao: What are you doing,hm? *sniffs hard*

Wow, are you cooking? Sounds delicious. *excited*

Jim: Just come and help me so that we can eat soon. *happy*

*CRACK*( sound of opening door )

Xiao heard a man's voice then she go to see the door.

Man: Hello, Is Jim in the kitchen? *formal*

Xiao: Yes, May I know your name? *formal*

Man: Mucheng Su. *formal*

Xiao:Wait... What!? Im sorry for being rude that I doesn't recognised you Sir. Wait here and I'm going to call Jim.

Mucheng: Okay, thank you.


"That girl is so pretty, has a good figure, polite, and looks innocent. *blushes* Urgh what am I thinking!? *comes to his sense*

Xiao: Jim, your uncle is here to see you.

Jim: What is that old man doing in here again? *annoyed*

Xiao: Come on, he is your uncle, why do you look annoyed? *curious*

Jim: Because everytime I play with those girls and he saw me, he keep lecturing me when we reach home.

Xiao: So what's the matter with that, he is your uncle and it's normal.

Jim: Huh? Are you serious? Don't you know that he is sleeping with random girls almost every night?

Xiao: So? Wait? What did you say!? *shocked*

Jim: So you don't know anything about the gossips. *laughs*

Xiao: Come on, I know but I don't believe it because I thought he is.....

(Interrupted by a voice came behind

their back.)

Mucheng: A what? What do you think of me?

Jim: Um, Uncle how much did you heard?

Mucheng: Just the gossip. So what do you think of me, little girl?

Xiao: Little girl hell... I think of you as a Jerk! *shouts*

Shiao: What did you say? *glance*

Xiao: I mean ummm a nothing, yes nothing! *scared*


"Shoot, so scary. Humph Jerk."

Mucheng: Nothing? *smirk*

*BANG*(push against the wall)

Jim: UNCLE!? *shocked*

Mucheng: Let your adult talk first Jim, tell me your name little girl.

Xiao: I'm.... NO ONE. So put your hand down and don't come near me in 1 meter.

*PAH*(push down the hands)

Xiao: Jim, let me finish cooking. You can go talk to your uncle, I'm going to call you if it's ready. *smiles*

Jim: Okay, but be careful you might hurt while cooking. *worried*

Mucheng: What? *Humph*


"Turns out there is an only one woman who can make Jim worry, happy, and behave well. And this girl seems very interesting." *smirks evily*

Jim: Uncle lets go to the study room. *serious*

Mucheng: Okay, bye little girl. *smirk*

Xiao: Urghh *hated*

Jim: Uncle, lets go...*worried*

Mucheng: Are you jealous? *laughs*

Jim: N... No *blushes*

At the Study Room

(Sits down)

Mucheng: Ha! Turns out there is a woman that can turn you to an angel. *nagging*

Jim: Uncle, she is just my best friend.So don't lay a hand and her!!! *shocked*

Mucheng: But she seems very interesting so I thought you are lovers. *nagging*

Jim: Don't touch her and do not do anything that will harm her or else....

Mucheng: Or else what?

Jim: I will not tell you why does Xi left you at your wedding. *smirks*

Shiao: You bastard, tell me. Do you know anything?

Jim:hmmm. *smiles*


Xiao: The dinner is ready~ *actively*

Jim: Coming~

Xiao: Faster...


" Humph, doesn't want to tell the truth? Then, that little girl can be useful."

In the Dining Room

*awkward silence*

Xiao: Oh come on, break this awkward silence!

Jim: I'm done. Im going to the study. *distracted*

Mucheng: I'm done. I'm going home. *smiles*

Xiao: Wait!!

Mucheng: Why? *shocked*

Xiao: Let me walk you out. *pleasing*

Mucheng: Okay. *shocked*

Xiao: Aunt Lin can you wash this up.

Aunt Lin: Yes, madam.

Xiao: Aunt Lin, please don't call me madam again. Please!

Aunt Lin: Okay Xiao Lee.

Xiao: Just call me Xi Aunt Lin. Okay~

Mucheng: What did you said? Xi?

Xiao: Yes, thats in short of Xiao.

Mucheng: So, you were Jim's childhood friend? He once said that he has a feeling for you when he was a child. *happy and a bit sad*

Xiao: *giggles* Wait, are you busy. Do you have anywhere to go?

Mucheng: No, why?

Xiao: That's good, let me take you to my secret place to get over your sadness. *smiles purely*

Mucheng: But how did you know? *blushes*

Xiao: You don't know that I'm the angel they drop from heaven to help you? Haha just kidding. *smiles*

Mucheng: Hahahaha *happy*

Shiao's Secret Place

Xiao: Here we are!

Mucheng: Wow, this place is incredible.

Xiao: Yes, this is why im always happy while talking because this land is my family's land that was writen on my name.

Mucheng: 'tears dropped' (remembers Xi)

Xiao: Are you, you okay? *hugs*

Mucheng: What are you doing!! *shocked*

Xiao: I didn't get my handkerchief so just lean your head on my shoulder. OKAY?


"Why!? Why I felt so comfortable on her arms?"

Xiao: Lets go back to the Villa.

Mucheng: You can sleep there, you can go home tomorrow. Its late now, so you should rest now.

At Jim's Villa

Jim hugs Xiao because he was worried because Xiao did not tell him where they go. Then, Xiao hugs back and Mucheng feels like his heart was broken.

Xiao: Jim, let me take Mucheng to my room to get bandage his wounds.

Jim: What happened?

Xiao: While walking he just sprained his foot.

Jim: Okay

Mucheng: *hisss*

Xiao: Let me help you!


"Thank you very much I feel like my hearts missing part has been complete."

Xiao: Done~ *smile*

Mucheng: Why? Why did you bring me there and do that.?

Xiao: Did what? It is nothing, sleep in here. Im going to sleep in my folding bed.

Mucheng: Why?

Xiao: The other room is dusty so just sleep. I'm going to get some milk and cookies.

Mucheng: Why?

Xiao: I'm going to eat while reading some project about the company.

Mucheng: So your the most favoured only girl of the master Lee. And the well known and well trained in short "the perfect"..*nagging*

Xiao: Haha that's too much. Im going to the kitchen..

A few minutes later

Mucheng: Hello, investigate all about the Lee heir, the only girl.

Xiao was listening at that time so she go down and arrange some fake files to send to the searcher.