
No Excuses

James was a teenager who lived a "normal" life, what happens when his reborn in a world that has more to offer than he expects?

Lord_Banned · Cómic
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15 Chs


Life, oh man, what a powerful yet small word. It holds so much meaning, some people spend their entire life trying to find the answers to life, what's the point of living? Why do we live? Who created life? Was it god? Or was it another being of an equal or even higher power?

So many questions yet...almost no answers. If you were to ask a married man what life is, he would simply say, "I don't know, I just try to live happily with my family" Such a simple answer, is it not? Well how about this, what if you were to ask a doctor? His response would be something like, "Life is a fragile thing that can be taken at any moment, that's why it's my job to cure people and keep them in good health so they can live a healthy one"

What a magnificent answer! But no matter how meaningful an answer is to the question, what is life? At the end of the day...no answer will truly be...the right answer.

"I think life is a shit hole" Says James, our protagonist, James is a young blonde 18-year-old standing at a 5'11 height that was being questioned by his girlfriend who was trying to have a meaningful conversation with him but yet again, he didn't care.

The only reason he was even at her house was because he was expecting one, getting laid or two, watch some anime with her, but instead, he was met with questions that were completely fucking useless. He honestly felt like leaving but unfortunately, he couldn't.

The reason why is simple, he had heard rumors that his girlfriend (Hannah) has been unhappy with him and that she might break up with him sometime soon. So he decided to start acting like a proper boyfriend.

"Really James, is that the only answer you can come up with?" Asks Hannah with an angered look, she was a beautiful dark-skinned woman with a curvy waist, beautiful brown eyes, big yet soft lips, and skin so soft and smooth that would make any man want to be in her touch forever. She was a woman that every guy in her school wanted yet couldn't have.

"Hannah...how about we just have some fun?" James said giving her a kiss, that slowly turned into a make-out session, he gently pushed her down into her bed with both his arms wrapped around her thighs and his hands placed in her inner thighs.

Hannah tried breaking away but no matter how hard she tried, he was just too fucking good at making her feel good, every time his big muscular arms grabbed her she felt like staying in them forever and his deep sexy grunts were the music she wanted to hear forever, she just couldn't escape him.

James was a popular guy in his school, and no it wasn't because he was the star football player or some genius dude, he just didn't give a fuck about what he did. He would insult teachers who did unnecessary shit, he would make the best fucking parties, he made everyone laugh, and no matter what someone told him to do, he would do it. He was an awesome dude that everyone wanted to hang out with, well, not everyone.

To add the cherry on top, he was fucking handsome and ripped, I'm talking aesthetic body build. In his eyes as well as others, he literally had no flaws, but it's not like he didn't work for it which added fuel to his confidence.

"Stop James! This isn't what I called you over for" She said with a loud voice while pushing James out of her, the force of the push was quite extreme so James was surprised and slightly angered.

"I know, but I'm making it now" James said while slowly going back down to her, before he could get any closer, he suddenly felt a hot itching sensation on his right cheek and he found himself looking at the right side of Hannah's room.

He slowly turned his head to look at Hannah while his hand reached his cheek, he sees that Hannah has a worried expression, he could tell that what she did, she did it without thinking but even then, he felt a feeling he hasn't felt in a long time...

Hannah saw his expression and quickly tried to say something, "James I'm sorry I wasn't thin-" But before she could even finish what she was going to say, James quickly interrupted her while getting off the bed, "I have to go..."

James ran off while hearing Hannah's screams, he didn't know what she was screaming because his brain was filled with too many thoughts to understand or even hear the words coming out of her mouth.

James ran and ran, he didn't know where he was running to nor did he care, he just wanted to be alone and stop the unpleasant memories from filling his brain.

"You little shit how many times did I tell you to stop talking back!"

"You were the biggest mistake of my life!"

"What's even the purpose of you being alive"

"Sir, I'm sorry but...we lost her..."

"Don't worry kiddo, from now on life will only get better"

James finally stopped running, he panted for a while, he ran so much that he didn't even know where he was, he looked around and saw an isolated playground so he decided to sit on the swing to catch his breath, and finally cool down.

James finally took a deep breath and collected his thoughts while sitting on the swing. You guys are probably wondering, just who would tell James these horrible things? Well, it was none other than his own mother...

Unfortunately, not everyone in life is blessed with good parents, Jame's mom was what you call...a double face bitch, behind her husband's back (James's dad) he would insult him, she would blame him for everything that went wrong, and she would always make him do everything. But in front of her husband, she treated him like an angel.

For some reason, she felt as if just because James was her son, she had the right to do everything to him, she felt like it was justified, and all of the insults, slaps, neglect and unnecessary aggression lasted till he was 12. At that age, he knew the meaning of his words, he knew that what he says can be either bad or good and that he had to watch out for what he says. One day his mom went out alone to buy "groceries" which in reality was her cheating on her husband.

That exact day, a few hours before she left, she screamed at James, insulting his looks, and saying how she refused to believe such an ugly "thing" came out of her. James felt sad because of what she said but he also felt angered as well. He wished with all his heart that day that she would just die...and so she did.

On the date 03/04/14 the woman known as Rebecca Brown got in a car accident which resulted in her death, doctors tried their best to save her but unfortunately, there was too much damage done in the accident.

Now, what do you think happens to a young boy who wishes for the death of someone and it actually happens? Well, ever since that day, James has blamed no one but himself for the cause of his mother's death.

I mean sure, she was an awful woman but even then, it's not like she killed people or anything, she had a family, a sister, a mom, a dad, cousins, a fantastic husband, and friends who grieved her death, and while all of that was happening, James only blamed one person for her death...himself.

Hearing the words of people saying, "What a terrible accident it was" and "I heard some of her organs fell out" just added more to his guilt.



James's ring tone went off and he felt his phone vibrating in his right pocket, he took out his phone to see who was calling him and it was none other than Hannah. He now had two options, the logical option would be to answer the phone call then he would hear his girlfriend's sincere apologies about what just happened and she'll probably ask him to come back, the dumb option is to decline the call and sit in an isolated playground in a street he doesn't know.

Obviously, James clicked the decline call button, muted his phone, and then he put back the phone in his pocket. He looked up at the sky, remembering Hannah's expression, it was the same expression his mom would have sometimes after she told James things, she sometimes had a little regret in her actions, so she made small worried expressions but that didn't stop her from continuing in.

The expression Hannah had reminded him of his mother's, he hasn't told anyone about what he thought that day or how depressing and guilty he still feels about it, not Hannah, not his best friends, not his dad, not no one. He just couldn't, and he hated it, because it made him feel like a bitch, like common, it's been years and he still feels the same? What a pussy am I right?

James took a deep breath once again while looking at the night sky and finally decided to head back to Hannah, he walked towards the street and stopped at the sidewalk, he took his phone out to get an Uber. He honestly didn't know how far he ran but he had been running for at least 10 minutes, well of course not actually running the whole way, he also jogged.

A few minutes later his Uber finally arrived, he got in the car to find an old man in the driver's seat. James and the old man shared their hellos and then they started talking.

"What is a kid doing alone in an isolated playground," Asks the old man with a curious expression, James sighed, he wasn't going to tell him that he ran away from his girlfriend's house because he got slapped.

"I felt like going outside for a walk and decided to ease my mind in the playground, it's hard these days being alone" James responds while looking out the window, the old man nodded understanding what he meant.

After that, they had a few small conversations, after about 2 minutes the old man stopped at a red light, waiting for it to turn green.

"Seems like we're only 2 streets away from your location, what a nice neighborhood you live in" He says while looking at the beautiful houses. James chuckles at his remark, "I'm actually going to my girlfriend's house"

The old man saw the light turn green and began driving again, "really? what a lucky girl she is" he said as he was making a turn.

Unseen by the old man and James, an incredibly fast car was heading straight for them, and just when James turned around to see the car, the car was already a few inches from hitting them and he only had one thought...



if your going to hate on this, then give me solid reasons so I can fix it, you guys are more than welcome to give me tips and correct me on what I do wrong, have a nice night or day

Lord_Bannedcreators' thoughts