
No Excuses

James was a teenager who lived a "normal" life, what happens when his reborn in a world that has more to offer than he expects?

Lord_Banned · Cómic
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15 Chs

Chika a baddie


Screamed Miyuki in shock, Kaguya who was behind him had a surprised expression as well. This was one of Yu's plans, he remembered that in Mob there was a club like that to improve the body, and its the perfect way for him to work out and get stronger, and when he gets home he can work on his powers, it's a win-win situation. 2 birds with one stone.

"My my, this doesn't seem like something you'd do, what brought this idea?" Ask Kaguya with a curious expression, Yu looked at her and responded.

"I want, no, I need to change, I've been wasting my year away and decided that It is finally time for me to start improving myself!" Yu exclaimed, both Miyuki a man Yu considers his best friend, and Kaguya a woman he fears looked at him in awe.

"Ishigami, you've changed, I don't know what brought this change but whatever it was I'm happy for it" Said Kaguya with a smile, Miyuki nodded and followed, "I agree with Shinomiya"

Yu looked at them and chuckled, "You guys act just like my parents" He Commented, this might of seem like a harmless comment but when it came to Miyuki and Kaguya...indeed it was not!

'Is he saying that me and the president are like a married couple?!!' Screamed Kaguya in her mind, but in real life, her face was as cold as ice.

"Hahahahah, anyway, let me get the club registration paper, fill it out, you need 4 or more people to be in your club, first fill out the club registration paper then I'll give you the student club registration papers for the people who will join your club, for the equipment just tell me and I'll order, but make sure that it's in the budget, lucky for you, a club was disbanded a week ago and the room is big enough for your club." Said Miyuki while standing up and going to get the papers.

Anyone would think he was acting like a proper student president but right now...his brain is blank! Ever since Yu made that statement he didn't know how to respond, the love war between Kaguya and him was big, but he never expected Yu to make such a nuclear statement!

His brain immediately went on autopilot, what Yu said could be equal to a Nuke! Kaguya was in her own world of fantasy while he was in his own world as well!

Unfortunately, Yu didn't know what was happening and he sat there completing the club registration paper.

While Yu is completing the club registration paper an Unknown variable appeared, and that was...

"Hi everyone!" Said Chika walking into the room, everyone turned their heads to look at her.

"Hi there Fujiwara"

Miyuki and Kaguya said their hellos but Yu stared at Chika for a few seconds, ever since he's come to this world, his seen a lot of beautiful girls in his school, all having hair colors that would make any woman look ugly in the world he used to be, but in this universe it's normal and it makes women look outstanding.

He has yet to see a single ugly woman in this world. They were all outstandingly beautiful. Yu remembers watching the anime but seeing the real-life version of Chika Fujiwara...was something. Pink hair that went past her neck, bright blue eyes that reminded him of the ocean, a cute black bowtie in her bangs, a skinny waist, a...

"ISHIGAMI!!!" Screamed Chika interrupting his thoughts, she was now sitting next to Yu, 'Woah...' The only thought Yu had.

"Sorry, I was kind of in a trance" He said, Kaguya and Miyuki lost their minds, 'YOU WERE IN A WHAT!?!??!' Kaguya screamed in her mind, 'ISHIGAMI?!?!?' Miyuki screamed in his mind.

The value of Yu's words was big but he has yet to realize, that saying that he was in a trance while looking at Chika only meant one thing...HE LIKES HER! Or well that's what Miyuki and Kaguya were thinking.

Yu accidentally let out one of the pick-up lines he used to say in his past life to flirt with girls, unfortunately, he didn't know, the reason is he is a natural flirt so he actually didn't know that what he said was a pick-up line.

Miyuki and Kaguya looked at Yu as if he was an alien, saying something like that with no hesitation or anything, once again Yu showed Miyuki and Kaguya that he has changed, well a little, the original Yu was a straightforward dude as well, he just didn't have any backbone.

Lucky for Yu, Chika was completely..."Why were you in a trance?" oblivious, she was as dense as they come. Chika came from one of the most prestigious backgrounds in Japan. Her Family was a lineage of Politicians with her Great grandfather once being the Prime minister and her uncle currently being the minister of the right. Her entire family was well respected.

She was a woman who has never experienced romance, no boy has ever approached her because of how prestigious she was, she has never been flirted on by anyone, and the only romance she had ever experienced was the one she read or saw on tv shows, anime, mangas, etc or by her friends.

"Nothing," Said Yu, and he kept filling out the club registration paper. Chika was mad Yu wouldn't tell her, and as a result, she pouted, but she noticed that Yu was doing something so she got curious.

"What are you doing" Asked Yu looking at a paper, at this time Miyuki finally got back to his senses.

"Oh, Ishigami here is starting a club, the body improvement club as he will name it" Miyuki said, 'He probably didn't mean it as I think he meant it' He thought as well.

"I see...WHAT!?!? you're starting a club?!?! About improving the body?!?" She exclaimed loudly, clearly, she was just as shocked as Kaguya and Miyuki.

"Yes, I need 4 members which is...fuck, do I even know 4 people in this school?" Said Yu with an expression of despair, he needed 4 people, but with his reputation, it might be a tad bit hard to find members.

"PFFTT" Chika started laughing, Yu turned his face from the papers to look at Chika who was laughing and smiling, he had to admit, she had the most heavenly laugh and smile his ever seen.

Meanwhile, these 2 were unknowingly flirting, Kaguya and Miyuki stared in awe, 'Why do I feel like he made more progress than me already!?!?' Screamed Kaguya and Miyuki in their minds.

Today's victory: Yu and Chika


The school was ending, and you could see Yu walking out of class, '4 members huh, how am I going to find even 1" He said mentally crying.

While walking down the halls, he sensed something, '...this feeling, it's the feeling I get when I use my telekinesis?!' Yu thought to himself, one thing was for sure, he wasn't at the point of sensing other people, so his mind immediately thought that this was another of gods gift.

Unfortunately, he had no time to test it or think about it before running straight in the direction of the power. He ran the entire thing his body getting a little tired but he ignored it and then in one turn, he saw it.

4 people in an argument, 2 being twins while the other 2 seemed like douchebags. He then saw with his eyes how one of the twin's hands had a feint color, 'Is this guy stupid enough to use his power?!?' Yu thought.

He decided it would be good for him to intervene, so he did, "What seems to be the problem here" He said walking up to them.

"Who are you?" Said one of the douchebags, "The real question is who the fuck do you think you are" Yu responded with a glare.

The douchebags didn't want to admit it, but Yu indeed looked scary, "now I'll ask again, what's the problem here" Yu asked, the douchebags clenched their teeth but before they could say anything one of the twins spoke.

"They shoved my brother and I told them to apologize and now they're refusing too" One of the brothers said with an angry expression, Yu blinked a few times and then he put on a dumb expression.

"Really? that's all? I thought this was something bigger" Yu said with a sigh, kids am I right?

"Hey, you two douchebags, instead of standing there dumb and quiet, apologize, if not...I promise you this won't end up well" Yu said with a cold tone, the douchebags looked at Yu and they knew he was serious after all, they finally understood that this was the guy that beat up the other guy.

"...sorry," One of the douchebags said, he then left without saying anything else and walked away humiliated with his friend. The twins didn't even respond, they just glared.

"Thanks, man, for a second I thought hands were going to be thrown" One of the twins said, Yu chuckled, "It's nothing, by the way, can I ask you a question?" Asked Yu while looking at one of the twins.

"yeah sure" He responded confused, "Why were you about to use your psychic powers" He said once again in a cold tone.

The twins felt as if a boulder just fell on them by the weight of the words Yu just said!

"WHAT HOW DO YOU-" Before the twin could shout anymore Yu interrupted him.

"Let us talk somewhere else"


(image of the twins)


"My name is Yoto Kinua" Introduced one of the brothers, "And mine is Koto Kinua" The other brother introduced himself.

"Pleasure to meet you both, my name is Yu Ishigami, now that we have introduced ourselves tell me, were you about to use your power?" Asked Ishigami in a cold tone.

At the moment the twins and Yu were in the student council room, thankfully the others have already left.

"How do you know that I was going to use my power?" Asked Koto, he was scared just like his brother, scared at the fact that this man knew their secret and might be someone evil.

"Because I have them too" Replied Yu with an expression that screamed "duh"

"WHAT REALLY??!" Screamed both the twins, he looked at them confused, was it rare to meet an Esper?

"I take it both of you have never met someone like yourselves ?" Yu stated, he already assumed that the other twin had powers because...well there brothers.

"yeah!" They vigorously nodded with their heads they had stars in their eyes and everything.

"Well let's calm down, first of all, you, don't ever do that again, no matter the circumstance never use your power on normal people, especially for a mere argument!" Yu said pointing at Koto, once again in a cold tone, Koto nodded. Like common really, over a mere argument.

"Are you going to tell anyone?" Asked Yoto, Yu looked at them for a few seconds before going into a fit of laughter.

"Why would I do that? That's just dumb...although I do have a request" Yu said, both Yoto and Koto suddenly felt a chill on their spine when they saw the smirk on Yu's face.

"Are you guys perhaps in a club?" Yu asked, the twins were left confused.

"No...?" They both responded, Yu then started laughing like an evil man.

"Well then, why don't you both try out...the body Improvement club"

That's all for today

have a nice day or night

Lord_Bannedcreators' thoughts