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BoxesFullOfBoxes · LGBT+
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1 Chs

Prologue: Poison

People are dangerous as all hell. They kill, take, ruin and just smile since they have what they want. Violence is the poison in all humans veins. Flowing through they're bodies as much as blood. But they cobras if this venomous world are the rich and wealthy.

But at the end of they day it's everyone's dream. To have a taste of the worlds most dangerous venom. Not caring the change it brings or what it will cost. But just wanting a drink of the drug they call fame and fortune. Some people with fight tooth and nail for it of course me included.

But what's the price of accepting this poison. Especially when it's given to you on a silver platter...


The smell of coffee was strong on the air. To the point where it filled up my lungs with its distinct scent. Like the coffee itself the Rose Tree cafe was bitter. Expensive fees for only half it's worth. I meeting spot of those who wished to flaunt they're beauty and wealth.

Or in my case a good spot to sit down and study. The tile ground would have been cold and hard as the high heels clicks that pierced through the mechanical noise. Most couldn't focus in such a hectic atmosphere. But I thrived well with the help of the hum of music in my ears.

I have dark brown hair that had the consistency of blended yarn, the fashion sense of a dead raccoon and glasses to match the rest of my body simple and thin as a stick. You can see my sex appeal clearly.

I'm the person guys on the football team would jokingly confess too for kicks. Quite the complex sense of humor that ran through they're tiny minds.

Yet with all this combined in front of me sat a open box. About the size of Rubik's cube except with a open lid. With a ring that was probably worth more then every car my family had ever owned.

In front of me in a steel chair with curling designs as the backrest. Sat a man roughly 6,2 with light brown hair, a coat to match his hair color, a black shirt that looked as fancy as the rest of him, hazel eyes that seemed to sparkle like his watch. His words were like dark chocolate seemingly delicious to most but to some incredibly bitter. "I can make you as rich and famous as you wish... you gave me this charm when I saw you. A tingle so I wish to start a relationship with you so if you would like to marry me?"

Everyone in the coffee shop was quiet like bats at night about to catch they're insect pray. This guy was obliviously loaded to the brim. They're was issues with the statement he had laid out for days. But still I could benefit from this. "...okay I'll marry you" and from then on my journey through the world of cobra venom began. The story of Miya Jackie Leroy.