
Make Your Choice: Part 3

As Naruto and Sasuke stared in shock at the massive drop below them Fury smiled in satisfaction.

"Now I don't know how strong you are but, unless your confident in breaking through the glass that was built to contain a god I really wouldn't recommend trying to escape. You so much as scratch that glass and I drop you 40,000 feet and into the ocean."

"How are we so high up? Are you from the Land of Sky? No we blew their base up, right" Naruto asked questions none stop!? (From the second Shippuden Movie Bonds)

"We're in another world aren't we" Sasuke stated?

"Congratulations you guessed it" Fury clapped "tell me how did you figure it out?"

"Aside from the fact that there was only ever one airbase in our world and it blew up, the main thing that gave it away was you" Sasuke gestured to Fury.

"Me" Fury replied with his eyebrow raised?

"Yes, you" Sasuke continued "In our world there is an energy called Chakra that is inside of every living creature and neither of you two have it."

"I see" Blackwidow jumped in "that would make it easy to tell."

Naruto looked between the eyepatch guy and Sasuke trying to figure out what was going on "What are you talking about Sasuke?"

"We're not in the Elemental Nations anymore dobe."

" . . ."

"What! How is that even possible" Naruto freaked out and started jumping around like an idiot!?

Sasuke remained unphased and smacked Naruto in the head as he ran passed "Will you calm down Naruto! Just think of it as one of the Summon Creature Dimensions or like Kakashi's Kamui."

"Ok but, how 'did' this happen" Naruto rubbed his head?

Sasuke shrugged "Maybe my Rinnegan somehow triggered during that last attack or maybe our worlds space was weak from all of the destruction that happened during the war. Either way it doesn't really matter how it happened, all that matters is what we do now and if there is a way back."

"You know you really shouldn't be making plans for the future when I can sti drop you whenever I want" Fury butted in.

"Okay and what exactly do you want from us" Sasuke glared at him?

"What I want" Fury answered "is to defend my country. You see I'm the leader of an organization called S.H.I.E.LD it stands for Strategic, Homeland, Enforcement, Intelligence, and Logistics, Division. Our job is to defend against the threats that no one else can."

"But, what do you want from 'US' " Sasuke repeated his question?

"I want you to work for me."


"No way."

Naruto and Sasuke answered simultaneously.

"I wouldn't be so quick to turn me down" Fury added "I am holding your lives in my hand after all."

"You won't drop us" Naruto said "I can sense that neither of you have any negative thoughts about us."

"Your an Empath" Blackwidow asked curiously?

"A what" Naruto cocked his head?"

"It mean you can sense people's emotions" Fury stated "It's an extremely useful power especially for people in my line of work."

"If your not going to kill us" Sasuke interrupted "Then the most you can do is keep us lock up and let me tell you we 'will' escape and with our abilities you will never be able to find us."

"I don't doubt that but, is that really in your best interest? I don't know much about you but, I do know that your going want to go home and seeing as how you know absolutely nothing about this world my resources are your best chance."

"And what would we have to do for you to get these resources fight in your wars? Assassinate your enemies?"

"No" Blackwidow shook her head "You won't have to take missions like that unless you want to."

Fury brought his wrist up and began typing into his smartwatch which began projecting a series of holograms into the air. "You see recently our world has been changing new threats are appearing at a rate never before seen in history and it looks like it's only going to get worse."

Naruto stared in awe at the strange ghostly images. He saw a man in a flying suit of armor fighting in a desert, a green giant leaping through a city, and a man shooting lasers from his eyes and that was only a small part of what was flashing before him.

"I'm putting together a team of extraordinary people to fight extraordinary enemies and I want you on that team."

"And how do you know we're qualified to be on team of yours" Sasuke asked?

"Call it a hunch" Fury smirked "I've been in this game for a long time and I know how to read people, and what I see when I look at you two are people who have been to hell and back and lived to tell the tale. So the way I see it you can either escape and try to find a way back on your own and struggle in an unfamiliar world. Or you can join me and gain access to the most extensive intelligence network on the planet as well as the smartest scientists alive to help you get back home. So all you need to do right now is make your choice."