
Ninite: the mafia's mad dog cute son

"You may be Ninite's father but you don't deserve it. You are garbage, the worst of all. You took me by force and your criminal life will always hurt him. You are a curse to him, you should disappear and leave us alone." Bella screamed as Min-Ho not understanding her telling him that he raped her just decided to ignore that fact. All he cares about is what she asks him to do. "Disappear?" he asked quietly. "Yes if you love our son, you should do him the favor of disappearing from his life" she spoke harshly and Min-Ho just smiled. “Ninite is the most precious thing I have in my shitty life. I will never walk away from him..." His smile widened as he closed their faces and held her chin. Bella blushed trying to get away from him but Min-Ho wouldn't give her this chance. "And neither from you. I forgot to add this that famous night…" He lowered his face to her ear. "Once inside, you are mine forever." He smiled at her crimson face and fierce eyes before going to carry their son. " You should already get used to seeing me every day because I will be in your life like your man and Ninite's dad." ------------------------------------------------ Min-Ho Kim is the Hwasan mafia clan's mad dog. His reputation is such that even within his cartel, he is feared and hated by other members. But he seems not to pay attention to it, they say he has no heart. It may be true. He is a ruthless man who knows no mercy or compassion. He is feared like a monster and his nicknames are numerous: the executioner or the demon. His life is entirely dedicated to the cartel, leaving little room for personal ties. However, while traveling overseas, Min-Ho has a one-night stand with a young woman. He doesn't think much about it and ends up considering this night as trivial. Two years later, Min-Ho crosses paths with this woman again in unfortunate circumstances and discovers that he has a son. This revelation will disturb him deeply. He never foresaw a life that wasn't filled with violence and blood, but he realizes his son deserves better than that. Min-Ho does not want his son to grow up in the violent and merciless world in which he has lived all his life. He will therefore have to face his demons and make a choice: stay in the cartel and risk the lives of his family, or betray the only code of conduct he has ever known to protect those he loves the most. Faced with the difficulties and the many obstacles he will have to confront, will Min-Ho be able to succeed in protecting his family and ensuring them a peaceful life? Between resentment, action, and love, come and discover the marvelous adventure of the most dangerous man who has ever existed with his shy and innocent girl, and their cute child.

Seiji_Shura · Ciudad
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20 Chs


Bella dropped her phone not caring about the shock when the object hit the ground.

But luckily the fall drop phone was cushioned by the carpet on the floor, but Bella didn't care much about it. She just read something that made her blood run cold, her mind went blank and her head spun.

It must be a nightmare! She can't be pregnant, can she?

Heart pounding, Bella leaned back against the sliding wall before landing on the floor with her head in her hands.

She still can't believe it, there is another explanation. She can't be pregnant, she's too young and anyway, it's only one possibility among others. How could such a stupid thing happen to her? It's true, she doesn't remember anything about that famous night, but she's convinced that it's not a pregnancy.

Then realizing that what she's thinking seems a bit far-fetched, it's true, she doesn't remember anything; she begins to panic, stifling a cry of frustration and despair.

How could she tell her family? Her parents are very traditional and strict, they strongly believe in purity before marriage. Her parents, especially her mother, are very proud of the reputation of their model family, contemptuous and rejecting shameless and obscene behavior.

Bella also knows she can't talk to Leïla about it. Even if she knows that her sister would certainly not judge her, at least she thinks so, there is no way to tell her about her apprehensions.

She can't predict her reaction. Even if it turns out in the end that she is not pregnant, having warned the parents, it is obvious that they will ask her why she thought she was pregnant when she is supposed to be a virgin.

The only one she could have confided in was unfortunately deceased and even, she is not sure that she would have spoken to him about such a serious and delicate subject.

So Bella preferred to cling to what seemed to her to be a reasonable solution: It's just a late period, it's happened before and the explanations on this website have been quite clear. It may happen that the periods do not come for a month because of a very strong emotional shock. So she doesn't have to panic, it's normal, everything is normal.

Bella smiled repeating those words in her mind wanting to calm her nerves, and maybe reassure herself.

But she also knows in the back of her mind that this time there is something different. Before, she was still a virgin, but today…

And for a few days, she has been feeling stomach cramps and burns as well. She finds it difficult to concentrate during work, and severe fatigue causes her to fall asleep anytime and anywhere during her work time.

Bella panicked and went deeper into her thoughts. She cannot afford it, and she is too afraid to give her parents, and her family to hate her when she will tarnish their image in the neighborhood and the family.

She can already hear people talking.

"The Santos have been so good at picking her up after her parents died and to thank them, she's behaving like a prostitute."

"They would never have thought that instead of a virtuous girl, they had rather brought back a whore"

Bella could already see her parents' gaze on her, the judgment deep in their eyes and the disappointed and disgusted expressions.

Just thinking about it fills her with sadness and her eyes fill with tears. She remembers their neighbor of the same age who recently got pregnant, or even more recently their cousin Lucia.

The two girls each in their environment and their entourage were the laughingstock of everyone. Bella is certain that it will also be her fate if it turns out that she is pregnant.

Then, suddenly wiping away her tears in a sharp way, Bella decided to pull herself together. She must not jump to conclusions, she must know. To be completely sure. She can't go on living like this anymore, she needs to find a way to find out more about her condition and what to do next.

Bella picked up her cell phone, deciding to search the internet for any information she could find, hoping to find an answer that suited her.

She had a good time surfing from site to site without really finding a solution that suited her before finally deciding to go to a clinic to take a pregnancy test.

But not in the neighborhood, or where anyone might recognize her. She will go to the neighboring township, a very discreet one anyway.

The evening came quickly, her father and Leïla came back from work. The dinner started quietly as everyone narrated their day.

The atmosphere is cheerful and everyone seems to be in a good mood, everyone except Bella.

She didn't say a word from the start and that caught her father's attention.

"Mi Princesa? Are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

Bella gulped but it was finally her mother who answered.

"She's exhausted with everything she's been through lately. Mi Bebe, you can go and rest if you're still not well. You have permission to leave the table." Her mother spoke softly and Bella just nodded gratefully. She can't speak, her throat is tight.

She got up saying the good night before going to lock herself in her room. Leïla came later trying to talk to her but she pretended to be asleep and so the next morning, leaving the house at dawn, she took the first bus to the neighboring district.

She had already apologized to her boss on the pretext of not feeling well, and having his permission, she took her day.

It's been a long journey, or is it her state of mind that has made the trip so trying? She constantly thought of the worst and finally, she arrived at a small clinic in the suburbs.

She showed up at the front desk and the receptionist ogling her with contemptuous eyes took her information. She dropped a "frankly, the kids of today, not even damn close their legs" before taking a sample from her.

She showed her where to sit, ordering her to go.

Bella lowered her head obediently before taking her seat silently.

The waiting room is filled with pregnant women, which only accentuates her discomfort. Fear came to nestle in her throat and her heart trembled when her name was finally called.

She walked into the room where the doctor gave her the same look as the receptionist and she swallowed hard.

Bella knows they are judging her, she would too.

The man took the envelope in his hand and read the contents.

The result is relentless, Bella is pregnant.

Tears began to flow as the doctor, not knowing what to do now, just got up and came to console her.

He's written a set of recommendations giving her prescriptions but Bella doesn't hear anything anymore.

Her ears are ringing and her spirit seems to have escaped from her body.

Fear and bewilderment invade her as the memory of that morning came to caress her thoughts.

She feels miserable and alone.

Bella doesn't know what to do, she feels like her life is over, it really must be. Her future, which she had already prepared, is now in jeopardy. It's because of that cursed evening when she had the misfortune to come across this wild beast that stole her virginity, and her dignity, and now ruins her life because his seed is inside her.

Lost and confused, Bella closed her eyes, it's already done, blaming him now isn't going to help her situation. Surely the only thing to do is to deal with the consequences of this disastrous evening and figure out how to announce it to her family.

That's if she manages to find that courage.