
Ninite: the mafia's mad dog cute son

"You may be Ninite's father but you don't deserve it. You are garbage, the worst of all. You took me by force and your criminal life will always hurt him. You are a curse to him, you should disappear and leave us alone." Bella screamed as Min-Ho not understanding her telling him that he raped her just decided to ignore that fact. All he cares about is what she asks him to do. "Disappear?" he asked quietly. "Yes if you love our son, you should do him the favor of disappearing from his life" she spoke harshly and Min-Ho just smiled. “Ninite is the most precious thing I have in my shitty life. I will never walk away from him..." His smile widened as he closed their faces and held her chin. Bella blushed trying to get away from him but Min-Ho wouldn't give her this chance. "And neither from you. I forgot to add this that famous night…" He lowered his face to her ear. "Once inside, you are mine forever." He smiled at her crimson face and fierce eyes before going to carry their son. " You should already get used to seeing me every day because I will be in your life like your man and Ninite's dad." ------------------------------------------------ Min-Ho Kim is the Hwasan mafia clan's mad dog. His reputation is such that even within his cartel, he is feared and hated by other members. But he seems not to pay attention to it, they say he has no heart. It may be true. He is a ruthless man who knows no mercy or compassion. He is feared like a monster and his nicknames are numerous: the executioner or the demon. His life is entirely dedicated to the cartel, leaving little room for personal ties. However, while traveling overseas, Min-Ho has a one-night stand with a young woman. He doesn't think much about it and ends up considering this night as trivial. Two years later, Min-Ho crosses paths with this woman again in unfortunate circumstances and discovers that he has a son. This revelation will disturb him deeply. He never foresaw a life that wasn't filled with violence and blood, but he realizes his son deserves better than that. Min-Ho does not want his son to grow up in the violent and merciless world in which he has lived all his life. He will therefore have to face his demons and make a choice: stay in the cartel and risk the lives of his family, or betray the only code of conduct he has ever known to protect those he loves the most. Faced with the difficulties and the many obstacles he will have to confront, will Min-Ho be able to succeed in protecting his family and ensuring them a peaceful life? Between resentment, action, and love, come and discover the marvelous adventure of the most dangerous man who has ever existed with his shy and innocent girl, and their cute child.

Seiji_Shura · Ciudad
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20 Chs

Meeting with the quesadilla seller.

The town square is crowded. It might be normal given the time. She's not from the area but from her knowledge of big cities or at least places like these, at this time of day, people abound in the streets.

She saw many children playing around the fountain, there are also pigeons and other birds that come to peck at the crumbs and other food that has fallen here and there on the cobblestones. The running children make the birds fly away which gives a unique, breathtaking spectacle but Bella does not have the time or the mood to enjoy this spectacle.

She could have found it beautiful, with the sun on the surface of the water in the fountain, the people walking and some dancing, and the happy children playing without worrying about anything. Yes, it would have been nice to see but she is in no mood to enjoy such a spectacle.

Her heart is in turmoil and she wonders if she doesn't quickly find a solution to this problem if she could go home. Because she has already decided so, as long as she does not have an abortion, it is impossible to return. She would never dare to return and have to announce this pregnancy to her family.

Bella sighed sitting on that park bench. How she would also like to enjoy the festive atmosphere of this moment. Being able to get up and have fun with others, but she can't. She lowered her head, placing her hand on her stomach.

"Why did I even have to be so fertile? Just one night and I got pregnant? How manly was your father?" Bella blushed at the thought of this man before shaking her head.

What is she thinking? Now is not the time to imagine what that damned night would have been like. This man raped her and it was certainly unpleasant… she bit her lip closing her eyes. When she opened them again, her face was this time crimson.

What was that flash just now? A big, muscular body, artfully shaped tattoos, and that ardor as his body slammed into hers…Bella put her hands on her hot face. Was it a memory of that famous night? Certainly.

She closed her eyes trying this time to remember his face. Maybe she would be lucky enough to recognize him.

But no matter how hard she tried, nothing more came to her except what she had. She sighed,

What's the point of trying to find out who he is? He's just a wild beast and right now she needs to find a way to get rid of the package he left inside her. She needs a guarantor and this as soon as possible. It was that, or she should have to go to a free community center and she is not in favor of betting her life on it. Anything free has always been suspect to her.

Bella fixed her emerald gaze on the crowd that seemed to be going about their business and wondered if she could ask someone at random to do her the favor of acting as surety. It would be nice if she could find someone and give him or her a few tickets without having to explain that she wants an abortion. But she dreams, no one with a minimum of common sense will embark on this kind of story without knowing the contours.

She sighed before hearing her stomach growl. It's true, since the morning she hasn't put anything in her mouth and it's starting to show in her. Maybe it's her pregnancy or psychological fatigue, but she feels washed out and unlike before when it was easy for her to stay hungry for a whole day, she feels now at the end of her life.

A tickling and tasty smell of quesadillas caressed her nostrils. Bella can't be wrong, it's her favorite dish. Attracted by this smell which enchants her nostrils and awakens her taste buds, Bella got up following the smell before finding a small shop consisting of a simple table on which placed the quesadillas in a large transparent bowl, a few bottles of juice, dishes, and next to it, a traditional small oven on which a middle-aged woman is preparing more quesadillas.

She shouts at people how delicious the quesadillas are and Bella thinks the ad is working because there's a line of customers in front of the counter. There's a young girl about her age serving customers and getting in line, Bella waits for her turn. She's way too hungry to think about anything else now, maybe in this crowd she'll find her savior.

Soon it's her turn to be served and she asks for a seat near the counter to enjoy her meal. The young girl is delighted to give it to her and that's how Bella spends almost an hour deep in thought while munching on her order. She doesn't even realize that the saleswoman has sat down next to her or that the quesadillas are finished on the table. The girl has also been gone for a while.

When Bella realizes this, she is stunned and tries to get up but a slight pain lacerates her stomach and she is forced to sit down again.

"How are you sweetie?" the woman next to Bella asks her and Bella turns to the woman. She is rather young when you look at her closely, maybe it is the vicissitudes of life that make her look older.

"Yeah…I'm fine thank you," Bella replied halfheartedly, and soon the woman picked up a piece of cloth and began fanning herself with it.

"Ah, business is starting to get tough. I hope I can make ends meet," the woman spoke oblivious to the witness as Bella's eyes opened to an opportunity. This woman seems to need some money, so if she offers her $20, she'll be happy to help, won't she?

Bella pursed her lips before taking a chance. She is also a woman like her and perhaps she will understand her distress.

"Hmm…Tìa, can I talk to you? It's very important."

The woman looked at Bella interested and Bella gulped. Who risks nothing, gains nothing, this woman can be her winning ticket to finally get out of this bad situation.

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