
Witch by day a goddess at night

Rocco gain Hash's respect in the span of six months that he stayed in Novalia. His technique is nonconventional but practical. From the weapons he assigned to the soldiers to the combat styles, it's all very simple. With Prince Hashim even with a mere stick, his holding is deadly. He would want to reach the same level as he is, but the problem was he can invent more techniques, one after another. 

He saw Princess Isabel talking to a Vego girl as if it's one of her own. He still hated the witch and was still planning to kill her, but he will wait until she gave birth.

Rocco wanted to strangle her because she's very vulnerable at this time. But he needed elaborate planning. He was staring intently at Isabel when Margaux noticed her.


She kneeled down, asking for his blessing.

"I am not your general anymore. We're of the same rank."

But Margaux didn't move until he tapped her head.