
Nine Fates and One EXTRA in cultivation game

A normal guy in his late twenties dies and gets reincarnated in a game as an extra who dies in the backstory , he played the game for years , knows the complete plot , side quests , hidden treasures that can make him over powered , determined to live a happy life again for the second time starts smiling and walk towards the protagonists to change their plot to what he likes daily one chapter none of the 9 protagonists will be " a guy who starts out small , gets a harem , becomes invincible etc " all nine of them will be of different age groups and none will have a harem and mc will also not have one ( there will be romance but no harem ) , it's my first novel so if I make any mistakes please comment, if it's going too slow please tell me thank you

ThePenitentHunter · Oriental
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16 Chs

The End of the Road !

As the sun is about to set , it shines brightly for one final time on the fog covered mountains making everything picture perfect , A truck slowly going through a bridge comes to halt , the driver gets down to light a cigarette and slowly walks towards the end of the bridge, as he unzips his pants to relieve himself he hears a lound sound and looks back at his truck and starts running towards it , as he goes to back of the truck he sees a black Jeep crashed into his , he tries to look for the dumb driver who crashed into a halted truck on the side of road


After a few minutes of not finding anyone the driver calls the police , after a while the investigation comes to an end , they found the body of a man in late twenties down the river still smiling

The driver curious of what happened goes to ask for the details and the officer explains

" The guy was dressed in a suit so I think he was attending a party , his phone was found in his hand so I guess he was talking, I think he saw the truck too late and tried to jump off but unfortunately he jumps of the bridge as whole and died" , looking at the smiling corpse the officer adds " looks like he too understood this stupidity but all this is still a theory , it could be something else completely, the criminals nowadays are getting quite smart after all "


In a room filled with decorations a 13 year old kid staring at the ceiling of his room , he has pitch black hair and eyes , his skin so smooth and well tanned from the sun

One look and you can tell that the kid loves playing outside but now he's locked in a room and in the silence of the room he speaks " Yosh the plan is set then "

" So I reincarnated two days ago , I wonder if they found my body in the river ? , anyway I am reincarnated into a game called 9 fates , it's a cultivation game with a twist of having nine protagonists with their own stories and side missions, the game is super awesome because of one thing " content " , the game is very ambitious as you can make different build on all nine protagonists which adds soo much replay ability to the game , a huge number of dungeons and some cliche novel type side missions , am I happy ? YES, it's a game ive done multiple challenge runs on , I know almost everything about this world , almost everything , talking about the world it has 7 continents , each continent has multiple countries , there's no such thing as the strongest continent because they are all busy fighting with other kingdoms and sects

I am currently in the Aryan continent in the east and it has a speciality , this continent has 3 protagonists of three different age groups and who am I , I'm a extra who's about to die for one of the best plotlines to start but who cares about the plot ? , I'm bored of the plot long ago , I kept streaming this game for two years making different builds , single stat challenge runs , no hit runs etc , so I know how to get overpowered real fast , the cultivation levels of this world are very simple there's bronze , silver , gold , black gold , platinum , legend , divine , mythical

Each realm has nine stages , the first three stages are called early stages ( 1, 2 , 3)

4,5,6 are middle stages

7,8,9 are late stages

And lastly there's a peak stage where they have the power of the realm above their own but their spiritual energy is still in the 9 stage of their realm

I'm currently in bronze 3 , which is pretty good because the first two realms bronze and silver are just to nurture the body and I'm already a stage higher than most noble clan youngmasters

This world is pretty similar to earth but just instead of technology there's cultivation

The Aryan continent is an ancient India setting , if we go more east west see old Chinese setting or life style

The west , the middle East are also similar with their own tradition and religion

The developers took a lot of inspiration from Chinese novels and integrated them with various cultures for versatility which made the game a banger

As I was remembering everything again for the nth time in the last two days , I hear the door being opened at full force and women walking in screaming " beeshma how many times did I call you for breakfast? Can't you you hear me boy and the women just stands their waiting for my answer , honestly I didn't hear anything but anyway this women is my mother , she's black (yes), she's African Americans type black , my father is Indian type brown ( actually he's super white like a celebrity )

" I really didn't hear you mother I was busy cultivating I want to be the best in our empire"

I just made up everything up on the moment with an apologetic look on my face to convince her and trust me it worked she has a smile on her beautiful face

I know my dear boy your little girl friend is here so go meet her , you can culivate later

As soon as I heard that I started running towards the yard to see my future wife and the strongest protagonist of the game meghana

As I made my way to the courtyard I saw her again , maybe it's because the original kid in this body really loved her because I keep seeing the world around her becoming more beautiful

Her black hair and eyes sparkle with life , her fair skin , pheonix eyes that are like large gems and long legs remind me that she's tall

My moods dead , this is the third time that I am smaller than this girl , I used to be 6.3 feet in my last life now I'm smaller than a 14 year old , yeah she's a month older than me

But as soon as I reach her I grab her by the waist " you couldn't stay away from me for a day can you darling " I said with a smile