
Chapter 22

Nina feared for her and the baby, so ferocious were the hugs from Joy and Martin. Their excitement and delight were catching, though, and a party atmosphere was felt by them all. Rory poured, small, glasses of champagne. Martin was driving, Joy was already giddy and Nina was pregnant, so they couldn't have much.

Offers of help were made, with Joy insisting that she would begin knitting the moment she got home. Every now and then a great sigh emanated from Joy and she would breathe the word "grandson". Martin was not so effusive, he was more, old fashioned about emotions, but the rub of Nina's shoulders when he walked by and the, small, but constant, smile were enough.

Joy started one of her lists as she quizzed Nina on what they would need to buy. Almost every item that was mentioned was followed by an "I'll get that" from the prospective grandma.

"She'll calm down in a couple of months, I'll have a week off and then we'll be gearing up for the birth." Martin said.

"It's exciting."

"I know it is Joy. I'm excited, too. About the baby, of course, not about the amount of shopping you have planned."

When they left, Nina and Rory were tired but happy.

"Why don't you put your feet up for an hour. Grant and Maria will be here later and I don't want you to fall asleep during their visit"

"Rory, I'll be fine. It's not like I have to do anything. We're ordering a takeaway which makes it all nice and easy."

"Well, sit down and I'll bring you a cup of tea."

"Now you're talking."

"Mum and dad were thrilled with the news. Did you hear them keep mentioning their grandson? We better have another one quickly after the boy is born or he will be smothered with kindness and thoroughly spoiled."

"Another one? Let's see how we get on with this one first. It is exciting though. Imagining what he will look like. There is quite a bit of apprehension, too. Looking after a tiny helpless human. Responsible for all his needs. It seems almost impossible, but people do it all the time."

"Everything will be fine. The grandparents will be on hand to help. Maybe a little too on hand."

"I think they'll be fine. When they call around during the week, it's always a fairly brief stay. They are on their way to or from something. The golf club, art classes, lunches with friends, they're not going to give up their busy social life."

Nina had been worried about Rory's parents being around all the time. She had not thought that they would have their own things to do. They were only in their sixties and were both fit and healthy. Of course, they would have hobbies and friends. The worry about them intruding seemed so stupid now. Another worry scrubbed off of the list. 

Despite her protestations, Nina took a nap on the sofa after drinking her tea. Rory woke her in plenty of time to get ready for the next visitors to arrive. The sound of a car outside, brought grins to their faces as they got ready to reveal the news.

"We come bearing gifts." Grant was holding bottles of wine and Maria held up a carrier bag.

"I went to the deli for cheese. Something to have after our takeaway."

"Ah thank you. Look Nina, it's that wine you like. Pity you can only have one glass." Rory beamed at the guests.

A moment of bewilderment was followed by Maria clapping her hands and then dashing to Nina. "You're pregnant."

"Yes I am."

The congratulations subsided and Maria looked rather wistful. 

"Maria, come to the kitchen and give me a hand."

"Have you had morning sickness or anything?"

"A bit. I can't complain. I know some women really suffer with it."

"I'm a bit jealous of you. I think you know that."

"I saw a certain look on your face. Have you been trying?"

"No, not yet. Grant and I want to have kids, but we are going to leave it a bit longer. We need to be more financially secure. Or so he says. I'm hoping that your news will help to persuade him to move the schedule up."

An hour of baby talk was stopped when the food arrived. After eating, a concerted effort was made to change the subject.

"You remember that conversation we had with old Len in the George? It seems the ghost has decided to plague us, too."

"Rory is exaggerating as usual. We haven't really been plagued. I would describe it as slightly irritated."

"What's happening?" Maria and Grant sat forward, eager for details.

"For the last couple of months, the vases on the mantlepiece have been moving. Rory thought I was imagining it because the change was so small. The thing is, I was very particular about putting them in exactly the right place, so I know that the one on the left regularly moves an inch. Okay, I can see from the looks on your faces that this is not particularly dramatic. Our subtle ghost has, however, introduced a new thing. The light in the cloakroom is off when we go to bed and then on the next morning."

"We got an electrician in to check it. Nothing wrong with the wiring or switch. No loose connections or anomalies. What do you make of that?" Rory folded his arms and sat back.

"Ooh, that's given me the shivers. Are you worried about it?" Maria asked.

"No, not really." Nina looked at Rory and he shrugged. "Neither of these events is threatening. Weird, annoying, inexplicable, but not malevolent in any way. A mystery is how I'd describe it."

"Is there a pattern. You know, it happens on certain days. Do the vases move during the day or is it at night?" Grant was intrigued.

"The baby news and just getting used to being back in Fernborough have been our priorities. We haven't really discussed the strange stuff much. Nina said the other day that it didn't happen at weekends."

"It all happens at night. I've woken up a couple of times because I thought I heard a noise, but I haven't got up. Perhaps I don't want to know what I might find. It's just part of the day now. Go to the lounge, move vase, check the light, switch it off."

"Well, I wouldn't be so blasé about it. I'd be shoving Grant out of bed to investigate every creak of a floor board. You need an alarm system, I think."

"We need to look into that. It seems a bit drastic though." Nina was frowning.

"You could get some of those motion sensor cameras." Grant suggested.

"Spy cameras. Now there's an idea. What do you think Nina?"

"I think we should all calm down. There are no such things as ghosts."