
Nights like these

Dream always seemed so bubbly and happy, No one has ever seen him different. Well except himself, No one thinks about the many sacrifices he has to make to be happy. He was perfectly content with his online persona until one day. George and sapnap surprise him with a few others including themselves were coming to meet him. - - This book is based off the song Nights like these by pigeon pits

Godnoblade · Famosos
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3 Chs

Prolouge - Plans

WARNING - This book contains a graphic description of Self-harm and other Self-destructive behaviours. ( Cutting, Smoking, Starvation, etc.)

I had woken up to a similar bright light shining into my eye, I must have forgotten to turn my lamp off. I groaned into my pillow sitting up slightly. I peered over the dirty mess of my room, which I hadn't cleaned in quite a long time. It was mostly cups and clothes with a few odd items laying under and across space. I stretched my arms up before rubbing my eyes in a desperate attempt to wake myself up.

I stumbled over the lumps of clothes to my door, I decided it would be best to get some water to wake myself up. It has been quite hot lately. I slumped down the stairs proceeding to the kitchen. I grabbed one of my many cups and dumped some ice into the cup. I needed to do laundry later. I filled the glass with freshly filtered water and chugged it. I set the cup down trying to catch my breath.

My eyes darted to the box of smokes I had left on the counter the previous night. I walked over grabbing the small box as long as my very overused lighter treading my way to my balcony. I knew that George and Sapnap were planning on recording today. Knowing the two they were bound to drag me along as well. I let out a sigh as I lit up the cig. The first inhale is always the best. Everything around you seems to just calm down as you let it out.

The birds were loud this morning. It was quite hard to not get distracted, Their songs mixed so well with the heaving breeze. It would have been so much more pleasant if the so-called breeze wasn't so warm. I sighed continuing just watching the cars drive by the small street that my house had been plastered onto. After a while, I decided it would be best to see what the others were up to. I Put the cig out leaving it in the small dish placed on the railing. I opened my door letting out a sigh, I needed to clean soon. I walked over to the black leather chair sitting in front of my PC.

I clicked on discord to see Nick and George already in a call. My eyes peered over to the small clock in the corner of my screen, It read 12:32. I hovered my mouse over the join button as I pulled my headphones on. I joined and instantly heard a scream. I guess they had already started a world. I let out a chuckle before I heard both Nick and George welcome me. I responded with a simple hello before they went back to whatever they had been doing.

I loaded up Minecraft listening to George and Nick chat. I let out a sigh looking out of my window. There were barely any clouds in sight, The sun was beaming down across the state. I watched as birds flew in and out of tree branches humming to myself. I had forgotten that George was streaming. I snapped back into thought realizing no one was talking anymore. 'Shit' I internally screamed at myself. I just knew that was gonna be clipped. I stopped just staring at the home screen waiting for someone to break the silence. Eventually, Nick started going off about some random nonsense, I Looked to see them both on the SMP. Strange, Usually whenever they stream it's speedrunning.

I log onto the world, I heard George try his best to quietly panic. They had been doing something. My eyebrows raise as I walk over to the base I had made. Just before I went in I spotted 2 nametags. I let out a sigh followed by a small chuckle. I ponder on the thought of what they could be doing. I shrug it off making my way into the hidden base. I noticed that both Sapnap and George's Name Tags disappeared, Must have shifted when they noticed I was coming in. I walk in to see a lectern in the middle of the room.

"What is this?" I ask, trying to conceal a laugh. Nick and George respond with a laugh before Nick manages to say "Just read the book". I rub my temple before opening the lectern.

"Dream, We've been friends for a long time yet we still have barely done anything together. I know you have been feeling off so Sapnap and I prepared a surprise for you!"

I read the first page confused about what they meant. I pondered on the thought of what they could be up to before flipping to the next page.

"Sooo, We booked plane tickets to Florida :D"

I stared at the page in shock. They were coming to Florida, What.

I noticed there was still another page.

" We thought that it would help, we also invited Skeppy, Bad and Karl."

I didn't know what to think. I was so happy we were finally meeting but my house was a mess and to be completely honest I was a mess. I just stared at the page as millions of thoughts rushed through my head. What if they thought I was disgusting, What if they left me as soon as they saw me, What if they thought I was ugly, What if they hate me.

" Sooo Dream what do you think? " I heard George hum. I let out a sigh, It would be best to continue to lie. " I mean I'm extremely happy about meeting everyone, but not so excited about cleaning my mess of a house," I commented chuckling. I mean, for the most part, it was true. I just left out a few details.

Both of the two celebrated seeing I didn't make them cancel the tickets. " I'll be right back" I commented before muting myself. I stood up grabbing my hair. I walked over to my equally dirty bathroom staring myself in the mirror. I looked disgusting. My eyes had massive dark circles surrounding them and I just looked hollow. 'God damnit' I muttered before leaving the washroom.

I walked back over to my computer deciding to just leave the call. I texted in our GC to get the details. George quickly replied saying they'd be there around my birthday which was in a week. I silently cursed to myself standing up. Might as well try and clean.

Wordcount - 1076

This book is also crossposted on Both wattpad and Ao3 :). I really appreciate any support. I try to update every week or two

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