
Nightmare Tales

Anthologies representing the inner nightmares that many might've had.

FallenSilence23 · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Futile Escape

The family had been driving for hours, the darkness of night shrouding the empty roads. The trees were dense and looming, their branches scraping against the roof of the car, as if trying to snatch the passengers away.

As they drove further, the silence became deafening, interrupted only by the soft hum of the engine. The mother, father, and their two children huddled together in the car, their eyes darting around nervously.

Suddenly, the car jolted as it hit something in the road. The father slammed on the brakes, and the car screeched to a halt. They all peered out the windows, but the darkness was impenetrable.

"Is everyone okay?" the father asked, checking his rearview mirror.

They all nodded, relieved that they had stopped before any serious damage was done. But then they heard it, a low growl, deep and guttural, emanating from outside the car.

The father turned on the headlights, illuminating the area around the car. And then they saw it, a massive creature standing in the middle of the road. It was over seven feet tall, with antlers branching out from its head, and its body was covered in matted fur.

The mother screamed as the creature lunged forward, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. The father tried to start the car, but it was no use. The creature had disabled it with a swipe of its massive clawed hand.

The creature reached through the shattered window, its jagged teeth glistening in the light. The mother clung to her children, tears streaming down her face, as the father desperately tried to fight off the beast.

But it was too late. The creature was upon them, its sharp teeth sinking into the father's flesh, ripping him apart like a rag doll.

The mother screamed, trying to pull her children away, but the creature was too strong. It grabbed the mother with one hand and tore her apart with the other, her blood splattering across the car's windows.

The children huddled together in the back seat, their bodies trembling with fear. They could hear the crunching of bones and tearing of flesh as the creature devoured their parents.

The creature turned its attention to the children, its eyes gleaming with an insatiable hunger. The children knew it was only a matter of time before they too would meet the same fate as their parents.

And then, suddenly, the creature recoiled, its body writhing in pain. The children looked up and saw a figure standing in the road, holding a wooden stake in its hand.

It was an old man, with a long beard and a weathered face. He wore furs and leather, and his eyes gleamed with a fierce determination. The creature howled in pain, its body writhing and twisting as it tried to escape. But the old man held firm, driving the stake deeper and deeper into the creature's heart.

Finally, with one final shudder, the creature collapsed onto the ground, dead. The old man approached the car, and the children could see that he was covered in scars and tattoos, like a warrior of old.

"It's okay now," he said, his voice gruff but comforting. "You're safe."

The children looked up at the old man, their eyes filled with gratitude and fear. They knew that they would never forget the horror that they had experienced that night, but they also knew that they had been saved by a hero.

The old man picked up the children, one in each arm, and carried them away from the wreckage. They looked back at the car, at the mangled bodies of their parents, and then at the old man, who had saved them from a terrible fate.

As the old man carried the children deeper into the woods, their fear slowly began to dissipate. They felt safe in the arms of their savior, and they trusted him with their lives.

But as they reached the edge of the forest, the old man suddenly stopped. His body began to convulse, and his face twisted in pain.

The children watched in horror as the old man's skin began to peel away, revealing a grotesque, wendigo-like creature underneath. Its eyes glowed with a sinister light, and its jagged teeth gleamed in the moonlight.

The creature hissed, and the children tried to run, but they were too slow. The creature snatched them up in its massive claws, its razor-sharp talons digging into their flesh.

The children screamed in terror as the creature began to transform, its body writhing and twisting as it grew larger and more grotesque.

The creature's skin stretched and bulged, and its bones cracked and snapped as it transformed into its true form. Its body was now over ten feet tall, with elongated limbs and razor-sharp claws.

The children cowered in fear as the creature loomed over them, its eyes gleaming with a sinister hunger. It opened its jaws wide, revealing rows of jagged teeth, and lunged forward to attack.

But then, suddenly, the creature froze. Its body convulsed, and it let out a bloodcurdling scream.

The mother, who had been hiding behind a nearby tree, had snuck up on the creature and driven a wooden stake into its heart.

The creature writhed and convulsed, its body wracked with pain. And then, with one final shudder, it collapsed onto the ground, dead.

The mother rushed over to her children, tears streaming down her face. They hugged each other tightly, grateful to be alive.

But their relief was short-lived. As they made their way back to the car, they realized that they were not alone. Other creatures had emerged from the forest, drawn by the scent of blood.

The family tried to run for their lives, but the creatures were too fast. Realizing this, the mother told their children to keep running to the nearest city and not look back. The children were confused at first, but they quickly realized what this was about.

The mother was setting herself as bait to draw the attention of the entities away from the kids. They would feast upon her body and not pursue the children.

The children cried and begged their mother not to sacrifice herself, but she knew it was the only way to ensure their survival.

She looked at them one last time, her eyes filled with love and determination, before turning and running towards the creatures. The children watched in horror as their mother was quickly overtaken by the monsters.

They heard her screams and the sounds of her bones breaking as the creatures tore her apart, but they forced themselves to keep running.

Eventually, they stumbled upon a small town and collapsed in exhaustion. A kind couple found them and took them in, offering them food, shelter, and comfort.

But the trauma of what they had experienced would stay with them forever.