
Nightfall Crimson Spirit

Rin, a rare human who must navigate life in the "Dunia Gaib", a realm where the supernatural is the norm and supernatural forces rule existence. In this world full of mystery and danger, Rin puts forth fierce determination to not only survive but also to show courage and strength never expected by those who live there. Overlooked and often belittled by beings of extraordinary power, Rin is determined to raise himself to the top of this world's hierarchy. Every day is a fight, not only against the monsters that lurk around every corner but also against the stigma and ridicule thrown at him by those who consider him weak. With each challenge she faces, Rin hones her skills, learning from every battle and interaction, absorbing the knowledge and wisdom spread among the entities But is he just surviving to escape humiliation?

Awiones · Fantasía
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30 Chs


[Kaelvin Diningrat]

[High intelligence Robot Inventor.]

He is a 24-year-old scientist who created robots that have high intelligence. These robots have now started working in shops and factories.

After Kaelvin shook hands with the royal official he smiled broadly at the camera, he also had golden eyes which made the reporters amazed by the descent from the surname 'Diningrat'

After finishing the photo session with the officials, Kaelvin took to the red carpet to have a talking session with the reporters who were waiting.

"Good afternoon, Kaelvin Dignitary! His achievements in creating high intelligence robots are extraordinary. Can you share a little about the development process and what makes this robot so unique?" asked one of the reporters from the crowd.

"Good afternoon, Greetings, Saranjana, we created these robots alone, which are very complicated, they involve hard work and in-depth research in the fields of technology and magic. We combine the knowledge of magic with advanced technology to create survival and intelligence never seen before. This robot is equipped with extraordinary learning capabilities, so it can adapt to different environments and tasks," Kaelvin answered in a calm tone and smiling face.

"What big impact will this robot have on the progress of the Saranjana Kingdom?"

"Of course, the impact is big! This robot can complete various tasks well, from presidential duties to household chores," Kaelvin answered enthusiastically.

However, while Kaelvin was answering questions, he suddenly saw someone from a distance who looked angry. The person's face was covered in wrinkles, and Kaelvin felt uncomfortable looking at him.

He… I have to go!

Kaelvin looked around with a panicked face.

Then he ran towards his private car. Many reporters tried to block his way, but Kaelvin quickly tried to get through the crowd

Arriving in his car, Kaelvin breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that something was wrong and needed to act immediately.

"Welcome Back A-A-A-A-A-A," The sound from the car was muffled

Kaelvin hit the screen in the middle of the car, making the sound return to normal.

"Welcome Back, Kaelvin Diningrat, As-Tan is here ready to help."

Kaelvin frowned, trying to understand what happened to his car. He realized that his car's sound system was having problems.

Next time I'll fix it.

Kaelvin shook his head

"As-Tan, please direct me to headquarters."

"Of course! Please wait a moment"

The hologram screen in the car began to display a map of the Saranjana Kingdom, showing the route to Kaelvin's base.

Kaelvin pressed the button on the hologram screen to enter setting mode:

[Car Settings]

[Fly Mode] (Not Used)

[Normal Mode] (In Use)

[Underwater Mode] (Not Used)

He selected "Fly Mode" and instantly the car lifted off the ground. Kaelvin's car turns into a hovercraft that can fly through the air smoothly, his car's steering wheel also turns into an airplane control wheel.

Kaelvin pulled out the headset and put it on, then he opened the hologram screen back to the radio settings.

[Radio Frequency Avalibe]

[Connect to Tower 1] (Yes)/(No)

[Connect to Tower 3] (Yes)/(No)

Kaelvin adjusted the radio frequency and immediately connected with Tower 1, the air traffic control center in the Saranjana Kingdom. An air traffic controller's authoritative voice came through the headset.

"Selat type air car code 117, this is Tower 1. Please provide your flight destination."

"Tower 1, This is a Code 117 Strait type air car. Landing permission at headquarters."

"Code 117 Strait type airmobile, your landing clearance has been granted. Please continue your flight safely. Welcome to base, Kaelvin Diningrat."

After getting landing permission, Kaelvin steered his car towards his base carefully. From high in the air, he could see the stunning view of the city of Saranjana more clearly. Magnificent buildings, green parks and beautiful flowing rivers make for an impressive sight from the air.

Arriving at his private base, Kaelvin landed the airmobile with skill. He got out of the car and was greeted by several fellow scientists and technicians who were happy to see him back safely.

"Welcome back, Lord Diningrat!"

"Thank you, everyone. Come on, let's continue our research!"

Inside the headquarters, the room filled with scientists and researchers looked very busy. The walls are covered with hologram screens, graphs and complex mathematical formulas.

Scientists are busy working at their desks filled with research equipment. Some are arranging cables, some are programming super-sophisticated computers, and some are testing new robot prototypes.

"Lord Lord!"

A female voice from a distance called him as he ran towards Kaelvin

Kaelvin, who was walking, looked in the direction of the sound

"Ah... Rani, what are you in such a hurry for?"

"T-That…. Hahh~"

Seeing this Kaelvin smiled and shook his head

"Breathe in… then exhale"

Rani followed Kaelvin's words and became calmer than before, and started speaking in a calmer tone

"T-There are a lot of balance transfers to company accounts! Look!" said Rani while showing her cellphone which displayed the company account transaction log

[28/09/4080 Received from Anonim 450,000,000 Success]

Panic could be seen on the faces of Rani and the company's finance team. They are confused about who made such a large transfer and whether it was an anonymous.

"Uhh! How is this, sir!"

"Rani, calm down."

Rani, who had been panicking, looked at Kaelvin's face calmly even though she was a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Immediately, scientists and researchers at the headquarters were also attracted by this and gathered to listen to the explanation from the finance team.

"Who is this 'Anonymous' guy and why is he giving a company that much money for no reason?" asked one of the scientists.

Rani shook her head, "We have no further information. There is no message or other information accompanying it."

Dr. Aiden, who saw the crowd, also heard it, "Try checking the transaction track record and financial system security again. Make sure there is nothing suspicious."

Kaelvin took a deep breath, "Calm! I'll take care of everything, you guys go back to work, Rani, let me take care of it all!"

After telling everyone all that, Kaelvin went to his office. Inside, Kaelvin sat in a large chair behind a table made of luxurious metal. He opened a hologram screen in front of him.

[Shandy Charles Bank Account]

[Remaining Balance 1,000,000]

After seeing his Bank Account, Kaelvin opened a new tab and entered the company's Bank Account. He clicked the send money button.

[Transfer 450,000,000 To Shandy Charles] (Yes)/(No)

Kaelvin looked at the hologram screen beside him and saw his Bank Account

[Remaining Balance 1,000,000 → 451,000,000]

After seeing his bank balance filled with a large amount, Kaelvin smiled broadly. However, he knew the importance of keeping these transactions confidential and secure.

As an expert in technology and cyber security, Kaelvin quickly used his special skills to delete the transaction log from the bank's servers, eliminating any trace of the funds transfer.


Kaelvin smiled broadly again.


[A Week After]

[Sanjana Elite School]


The sound of the school bell indicated that break time had arrived, and the students were preparing to go to the cafeteria to eat.

Hubris asked on Rin mind curiously, "Hey, Rin, are you guys really getting close?"

Rin was standing next to the school garden chair, where Rose sat casually while enjoying her food.

"She doesn't want me to go, in fact I am always woken up every morning by her."

"Did she really means it when she said 'protecting' you?"

"It seems so~"

Rose continued eating her lunch without commenting much. Although he didn't say many words.

Chew! Chew!

Rin sat next to Rose feeling sore from standing all the time, "Ahh~"

From a distance, there were two students walking together and whispering about Rin and Rose.

"You know, Rose has been close to that Underling lately."

"Is it true."

"We will see..."

The first student answered while pointing at Rin and Rose who were sitting together.

Rose, who felt the cynical gazes from the two of them, closed her eyes trying to calm herself, Then...

[Death Glares]

Rose opened her eyes, and suddenly the atmosphere around the two students changed. The school garden turned into a narrow courtroom with a dais so high that it made the two of them look like ants, Rose stood on the dais.

With a sharp gaze, Rose looked at the two of them one by one.

"You two have put other people down with snide words and cynical views. This is behavior that cannot be tolerated, because it can hurt feelings and damage relationships."


The two students gulped nervously, feeling frightened by this unexpected change.

"In this courtroom, you must be aware of the consequences of your actions. Putting down other people will not make you better or stronger, on the contrary, it will only harm yourself," continued Rose in a firm voice.

The two students nodded.

"From now on, I hope you two can pay more attention to your words and actions."

As the "courtroom" ended, the atmosphere returned to normal. The school garden has once again become a peaceful place

Then the two students ran away in fear with the power of Rose's 'Time and Space Death Glares'

Rin saw the two students running fast, he looked at Rose

"Let me guess, you just used your 'Death Glares'?"

"Yeah, didn't you feel it?"

"No… Because your 'Death Glares' are special."

"How is it different from yours?"

"I only give off a frightening aura, but you have abilities that are much more extraordinary. You can create an illusion and change the atmosphere so powerfully that it makes people feel as if they are in a different place, the person in the illusion will not feel time going forward or backward. They were completely fooled by your 'Death Glares'."

Rose raised her eyebrows after hearing Rin's statement, "You... how do you know all that?"

Rin scratched his head and looked around for answers

Tch! Why do I talk so much?

Rin sighed then looked at Rose with a warm smiling face


"Is that so?"

Rin nodded her head

Rose closed her lunch box and stood up, then she patted her skirt because some rice had fallen.

Rin, who was still sitting on the park bench, looked at Rose

"You eat really messy, next time I'll feed you."

"Tch, I still have hands."

Rose crossed her arms while looking at Rin, seeing this Rin responded with a confused face.


"Come on!"

"Where to?"

"Going to class, stupid."

Rin immediately woke up and joined Rose. The two of them walked together to class.

In the classroom, the atmosphere became silent when Teacher Kaitlyn stood at the front and took a position in front of the blackboard. She gave a warm smile to his students before starting her lesson.

"Okay, kids, today we will talk about combining magic. As you know, combining two or more types of magic can produce powerful and unique effects. Therefore, we will learn how to combine one magic with another to creates interesting combinations," Teacher Kaitlyn gave a detailed explanation of the theory and practice of combining magic.

She shows examples of how to combine fire and wind magic to create a fire tornado, or combine water and earth magic to create a moving swamp.

After the explanation was finished, Teacher Kaitlyn smiled again and gave assignments to her students.

"Okay, now it's time to practice. I want you to form groups of four and try to combine each other's magic. But… I think I'll choose the groups randomly to balance things out."


After a while, Rin was in a group with Serena, Unknown Entity, Unknown Entity, they sat at the table together.

Uhhh... Who are these two, and why is Serena always sleeping?

When silence enveloped them, suddenly one of them spoke in a friendly manner.

"Yes... Maybe we should introduce ourselves, we know you but we're not sure you know us," said the student with a smile

Rin nodded his head

"My name is Sayyid Khoir Khijentara, I am just a low-level nobleman."

"Y-Yes, nice to meet you…"

Rin looked at Khoir's face which had typical Middle Eastern characteristics and felt interested in his background.

Then, he turned to the other students, who looked innocent and quiet.

"Hmmm? Oh? Ehhh… My name is Prince Alba, just an ordinary noble," Alba answered in a voice that seemed innocent

He's… Albino? No, white skin, white hair, white eyes… what the hell is he?

But Rin tried to ignore it and gave them both a warm smile

"Yes, let's focus on this task of uniting the magic of the four of us, and..."

Rin gently poked her index finger on Serena's sleeping cheek

"Mmm~?" Serena turned her head the other way and continued sleeping

Khoir who saw this chuckled, "It seems like he really likes sleeping huh… I always wonder why he wastes his potential and chooses to sleep."

Rin also smiled at Khoir's comments, while Alba just looked at them.

Seeing that they hadn't done anything, Alba finally spoke

"Hey, we better get to work."

"Yes, you're right."

Khoir said while nodding his head

With curiosity, Rin asked the two of them

"What is you guys dominant power?"


In unison they both asked back

Khoir watched Rin's face carefully for a moment before finally answering

"I have the power to manipulate Sand."

After hearing this Hubris spoke in Rin's mind, "Very stereotypical."


Continuing with Alba, at first, he didn't want to talk much but he was forced to talk.

"Ice, more precisely, I can manipulate water into ice by changing my body temperature," he answered in a straight tone.

Rin looked at Serena who was still fast asleep

"It seems we don't need the power of this creature."

Khoir who heard this from Rin laughed a little but he covered his mouth with his hand

"Yes, she is too popular, we don't need to doubt her strength..."

Rin and Alba who heard this nodded their heads in silence. In a quiet moment, Teacher Kaitlyn walked around the classroom looking at the students concentrating and combining their magic.

Teacher Kaitlyn provides guidance and direction to students who need help, but most of the time she lets them learn and practice independently.

Each group of students seemed busy trying to combine their magic in various creative ways. Some students are seen trying to create powerful magical combinations, while others focus on understanding how magical energies interact and support each other.

When class was almost over, Teacher Kaitlyn stopped near Rin, Khoir, Serena, and Alba's group.

"Um… You guys haven't done anything yet?"

Teacher Kaitlyn asked in surprise, when she saw the three of them playing with Serena's loose green hair and still sleeping

The three of them's eyes widened when they heard Teacher Kaitlyn's question. They looked at each other in shock.


Silence enveloped them and they could only exchange glances. Because they didn't do anything, they finally stood in front of the class as well as Serena who was standing in front, still half conscious.

In front of a class full of students, they felt a bit awkward and nervous. The eyes of the entire student body were on them, and the atmosphere became tense.

Kaitlyn's teacher shook her head

"You guys… Since you didn't do anything, it seems like there will be consequences for you to bear."

When they heard this, the entire class 1-A cheered with joy, they joked and gave various suggestions about the punishment that should be given to them.




Hearing the many cheers from the students, Teacher Kaitlyn turned to the students of class 1-A who were screaming with a slightly troubled expression.


After the class calmed down, Teacher Kaitlyn's gaze towards the four of them returned with her previously serious face now smiling.

"You will—"


Teacher Kaitlyn's words were cut short when her gaze turned to Professor Enkin who suddenly opened the classroom door.

"I need some people to come with me," he said firmly

Everyone's eyes immediately turned to Professor Enkin who immediately entered the classroom and asked one of the people to come with him.

During the silence, Professor Enkin's eyes fell on the four of them who were being punished in front of the class.

"You four come with me," He said while showing his index finger towards the four of them

Rose, who was sitting at the table, was surprised because the four of them were called and Rose immediately raised her hand.

"Let me come along."

But Professor Enkin shook his head, "No need, Rose, four people are enough."

Rose was a little disappointed because she couldn't be by Rin's side to repay the favor of 'protecting her'. Even though she knew Rin would be with Professor Enkin, she still felt like returning the favor.

Rin looked at Rose who was disappointed

She's really arrogant about wanting to protect me, isn't she? I never thought this.

Then the four of them left the classroom following Professor Enkin to the training room which looked more modern. The room was white, on all sides it looked more modern and was equipped with various sophisticated equipment.

Professor Enkin stopped walking in the middle of the large training room, and immediately their attention was drawn to the person standing behind him. The person was wearing neat clothes as if he was preparing for an important business meeting. His smile looked friendly.

"I want you to Beta Test products, Kaelvin Diningrat."

Professor Enkin said with a serious face

Rin looked at Kaelvin who was standing behind Professor Enkin, with a big smile on his face.

He sucks at making fake smiles

< Chapter 9 > To Be Continued.