
Night Whispers

His name alone brings terror. His name alone makes his enemies tremble. His name is Miguel, king of Vampires. His main aim is to get revenge for his wife's death and won't stop even if it's the last thing he does. Felix Shawn is the leader of the Rogues (Werewolves that doesn't belong to any pack). Capturing the Pure Breed vampire is his main aim he would do anything to capture the Pure Breed vampire. Meet Helen Hobbs. A Girl with the shape of an adult. A beautiful face every man keeps drooling at and a killer shape. Her mother sealed off her powers in a pendant necklace. But what happens when she clocks eighteen? What happens when her powers are unlocked and the Rogues are after her? More secrets are to be unvield so stay tuned.

Joseph_Okunbor · Fantasía
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3 Chs

The Search

Helen's Pov

Grr!! Grr!! The alarm noise made me open my eyes and a bright light almost blinded my eyes. It's mornings already! I yawned as I checked the time. Oh my God!!!!. I will be late for Mr Steve's class. That man is very strict when it comes to late coming; I hope he does not take me to the principal's office. I dashed inside the bathroom and I had a quick bath then I dressed up for school. I checked the mirror and I smiled as I saw my reflection. I am really endowed with a perfect body and my shape is so curvy; sometimes I wonder if I am actually 17 years old. I touched the pendant on my neck. It's so beautiful and that's why I am never gonna remove it for once. I immediately rushed out of the room and went downstairs for breakfast. Good morning mum: I greeted. Good morning sweetheart and how was your night? It was fine mum. Mum why didn't you wake me when you know I was gonna be late?I asked. Helen, you are soon going to clock eighteen so you must learn to wake by your self and learn to be responsible. Mom said. Ok mom, I replied and rushed out while eating a cupcake and holding two more in my other hand. I must hurry up.

Felix Pov

I was inside my room preparing for my search. I am still searching for the Pure Breed vampire. A taste of the Breed's blood will make me even more stronger. I grinned at the thought of getting stronger then I will wipe out those damn Vampires and rule all the kingdom. A knock interrupted my thought. Come in! The door opened and Claw, my most trusted guard came in. Greetings my Lord, greeted Claw. I am leaving for the search, I said. Should I fill you my Lord. No, I am going alone as always. You all should watch out for Vampires and if you sight any one of them...kill them brutally. I said and dashed out in a great speed. I must find the Pure Breed.

Helen's Pov

I came down from the cab and paid the driver without waiting for my change. I rushed across the road and a truck was driving at high speed towards me. I was too shocked to move. I closed my eyes waiting for the worst to happen. But I felt nothing. Then slowly opened my eyes and before me was a tall man, he should be in his late twenties. He looks like a Greek god with broad shoulders. Watch where you are going next time, he said arrogantly and started walking away. Arrogant jerk; i said. Oh my God! I am late already. I rushed towards the school's gate but it was locked. Then an idea flashed into my mind. I started scaling the school's fence till I got to the top then I jumped down the school compound. Yes!! I bumped my fist in the air. Stop right there Miss Helen Hobbs!!! I heard a familiar voice and I turned around slowly. Mr Steve!!!!!