
The Fourth

"Tiger, I really am fine," She protested, but the tears running down her face told me the exact opposite. Hannah's eyes widened with realization that I was "Tiger", and I wouldn't let her forget.

I slowly turned my head towards Hannah. The teacher sat behind his desk and the rest of the class was as silent as a rock. Hannah eyed me up and down. She finished her inspection and frowned.

"You are really pretty, but you may be allowed to be my friend!" She said cheerfully.

Who was this cocky twat?!

"Apologize." I snarled.

"Excuse me?" Hannah asked. She flipped her hair over her shoulder and stood up.

I slammed my hands on my desk, cracking it and everyone flinched, even Bella.

"You heard me," I turned to look at her. My glare froze her in place. "Apologize."

She frowned. "You don't get to talk to me like that, your mother obviously didn't teach you any manners, she should be ashamed of herself for raising such trash like you." Issac muttered "Shit" underneath his breath, braced himself and covered Hannah. "Aww, handsome classmate is protecting from that bad mannered girl."

"Shut up," Issac hissed. She looked at him with genuine surprise and frowned. He turned to me as I stood up an faced Hannah. "Tiger, calm down, breathe, walk away. Don't risk the trip for her, she's not worth it."

But she totally was, she hit the most sensitive spot on the planet for me. My mother. I jumped onto my desk and lept towards Hannah around Issac to avoid hitting him but he jumped in my way and caught me before I could grab Hannah. I wrestled out of Issac's arms and ran for Hannah. She evaded me a few times and I swung at her and she backed up, but slipped in fell just in time and I sliced my side on a desk. Issac tugged me back when I almost had her and Hannah just sat down and watched.

"Let. Me. Go." My voice could have frozen the entire ocean but Issac didn't let me go, instead he tossed me over his shoulder to keep me from struggling and carried out of the class.

"Stop struggling already!" He closed the classroom door, but not before I saw Marcus and Jessica comforting Bella. Which infuriated me even more.

Issac carried me through out the halls until he brought me to the third floor. I fought the whole way. Teachers were teaching so it was only us up there. He threw me into the student council office onto the bean bags and locked the door. I jumped up and ran to the door but he blocked my way. Issac is one of the very few people who can withstand my strength and he still has a hard time controlling me. I could see some bruises already forming from the punches I gave him. I felt a stab of guilt when I saw the bruises but it was overwhelmed by rage.

That looks like it hurts but he should have just put me down.

"Let me out Issac." I said.

Issac frowned. "Tiger, I really want you to be there at the school trip but if you beat up a new student, you won't get to go."

"Their too scared to keep me from going. Now let me past!"

I slid around him and sprinted to the door. But he yanked me back by my school jacked and brought me to the ground. I snarled and got up. I tripped him but Issac brought me back down to the floor with him. He pinned my arms and legs down and look me in the eyes.

"Not everything can be solved with violence Tiger," he said gently. I know that it hurts but your gonna have to let it go if you want to come with me. She can't be worth missing one of the most important events of your freshman year, can she?"

I stopped struggling and he let me go. I got up and sat on the couch. Issac called Bella and sat on the couch with me. He laid my head down on his lap and I bit my lip to keep from crying while we waited for Bella. She came in a few minutes later, she leaned me against Issac's shoulder, who was also asleep, and layed next to me.

"I'm sorry I couldn't avenge you Bells." I whispered. She giggled.

"I'll live Tig." She whispered.

"I am still awake you two." Issac said.

We laughed and I pulled Bella closer.

Everything went black.