

The television abruptly prompts to an infomercial about a new brewing technology while slowly awakening Lyn from his drunken slumber. "For generations, we have been brewing coffee with very bland taste and flavour. Introducing the Caffeinator! The machine that gives coffee a kick! This wonderful invention is currently being sold at a whopping $199.99 dollars, purchase while supplies last." the infomercial ends with an eccentric jingle. The next advertisement evokes a depressive and subtle mood with soothing music playing in the background behind a woman's voice. Her voice sounded unnatural and synth-like as if she was reading directly from a script. The advertisement was for a holographic artificial intelligence and was very tenebrous as it was coming from a corporation with a very questionable reputation. The speaker for the advertisement said "The holographic artificial intelligence is very advanced and can accommodate anyone's personal preferences. This A.I. is more than a machine, it's a companion and stress reliever. Feeling down? The A.I. can comfort you in your darkest times by providing useful advice, it can also help resolve problems in your life based on the input you gave it. Upon activation of the artificial intelligence, you will be held liable for any charges regarding the improper usage of the device. A legal document will be provided for you to sign when purchasing the holographic A.I." the television screen displayed some text with bright lights, "Only $665.99!".