
Nexus Online

"NERVE has done it again!" An elated game geek exclaimed. "I told you this is the greatest shit ever!" his friend replied. The world was crazy for the it! A world that came with promised guarantees. Many entered to play for the fame. Some for the money. A lot entered for the connections. A few played because they were bored. But it was different for Damon Vance, an ordinary guy whose life takes a fast turn one fateful day. Damon finds himself entering this world for a particular purpose. However, he would soon come to realise just like the rest before him that there was another purpose to Nexus Online. One that he too must now play for — Survival! Ding! [Welcome to Nexus Online]

iHateOnions · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
128 Chs

Chapter 34 – Unreal Pressure

Just as Damon had seen earlier, the Riddle Game could only take two participants at a time.

From that, it was a no-brainer that it was happening elsewhere from where he was and that was for another player — RedQueen69.

Both RedQueen69 and Spectre (Damon) played the game within the same period of time.

While Damon had finally found some hope with the seemingly favourable way that his own riddle game was moving; encouraging positivity was not seen from RedQueen69.

Beads of sweat dripped from the female player's face and hit the floor.

Even her short and curly red hair was wet.

She gulped and constantly wiped her forehead with her hand.

RedQueen69 was under immense pressure, incessantly peeking at the timer that stayed afloat above her and this didn't make the experience any better for her.

If anything, it worsened her anxiety and made her panic even more.

[Riddle Game]

[Time Left — 00h : 01m : 23s]

Her time was counting down fast and she still could not find the answer to the riddle that Naaray had given her.

Naaray sat in front of her, relaxed in a tall throne-like chair with her head resting on her fist as she watched the player sweat her brains out.

She smirked. "Looks like I've got this one," she thought to herself.

As much as the Riddle Game was an independent challenge, it also served a peculiar function to the tower — a curbing mechanism.

It was also rate-limiting step in the ascension of players inside the Crimson Spire, just like any Floor Guardian's challenge.

It was structured in such a way that only those that can use their wits will be able to make it through... most of the time.

The player with a red mohawk-style haircut was sweating profusely and her limbs quivered from the mere thought of her journey ending just at the 1st floor.

What riddle did Naaray pose that was hard enough to put her in such a dire state of panic?

RedQueen69 loudly swallowed her saliva many times out of the stifling fear that gripped her.

"D-De… death!" she shouted.

Her countdown was almost hitting zero across all three parameters when she blurted out an answer.

"Th-the… answer is… d-death!"

[Riddle Game]

[Time Left — 00h : 00m : 02s]

As the second side of the timer hit zero, she gulped her saliva unknowingly and rubbed her fidgeting hands together.

Several beads of sweat ran down from her forehead to her chin and dropped to the ground.

The room was devoid of noise, with the sound of her sweat hitting the ground released an echo.

[The «Riddle Game» has ended]

Naaray adjusted herself on her throne and sat up.

"Are you wrong?" she said, "Or are you right?"

A smile manifested on her beautiful face while RedQueen69 swallowed out of fear of the outcome.

The Riddle Game had come to an end for RedQueen69 and her outcome was about to be shown.

Naaray waved an arm in the air and snapped her fingers in a similar movement that mimicked the casting of a spell with a magic wand, except she was no magician neither did she have a wand.

She stood from her throne and walked towards RedQueen69 in slow steps.

Her eyes were shut and her face had a wide smile.

Naaray's countenance expressed happiness but in a creepy way that freaked the female player out, even worsening her anxiety.

The ring of a notification sounded out loud and the player shuddered from the sudden ding.

She could not view the notification.

The option was there, boldened to show that she had an unread notification yet she could not bring herself to open it and check.

It was simply because she was afraid.

She was afraid of the outcome.

She was afraid of what would be born from the hasty decision she made.

The pressure she felt was unreal.

After some seconds had passed and through a rollercoaster of emotions, trembling, sweating and hesitancy, RedQueen69 finally forced her hand to click the notification tab.

She was not ready for the outcome of the game she had just played but she knew that it was bound to be revealed no matter how long she delayed it.

RedQueen69 managed to muster a bit of courage.

She closed her eyes and swallowed her saliva.
