
NexaRealm: Best in the World

In the heart of Seoul, high schooler Joon-ho Kang conceals a secret—he's a master assassin in the virtual world of NexaRealm. Selected to represent his school in the national 1v1 tournament, Joon-ho's strategic brilliance wins not only matches but also recognition. However, success raises a profound question: Does he love NexaRealm for the game or the pursuit of being the best? His internal struggle intensifies as he navigates newfound fame, supported quietly by his parents and observed closely by childhood friend Soo-jin. NexaRealm, once a source of joy, becomes a crossroads when Joon-ho receives an invitation to join Korea's national team. Now, Joon-ho faces a choice: pursue professional gaming, reach the pinnacle in NexaRealm, or maintain a balance between passion and genuine connections. The journey unfolds as he confronts the cutthroat world of pro gaming, discovering the true meaning of his NexaRealm connection and the choices that define his path. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: a chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Juegos
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163 Chs

Battle for the Hill

The crowd's excitement was palpable as the holographic display shimmered with the words "King of the Hill." The arena buzzed with anticipation, the spectators on the edge of their seats, eager for the match to commence.

Dong-yul's clear and enthusiastic voice filled the stadium, drawing the audience's attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the NexaRealm Championships! We are about to witness an exhilarating round of King of the Hill! The rules are straightforward: two teams will compete for control of the 'Hill.' The first team to accumulate 100 points will be declared the winner."

The camera panned over the arena, showcasing the Verdant Jungle terrain, a lush, intricate landscape filled with towering trees, dense foliage, and winding paths. The 'Hill' was prominently displayed, a raised platform in the heart of the jungle, surrounded by natural barriers and strategic vantage points.

"Points are awarded at a rate of 5 per minute, but only while a team maintains control of the 'Hill.' This means that the first team to secure the 'Hill' has a significant advantage, but with a total match time of 30 minutes, anything can happen! The key to victory lies in strategy, teamwork, and relentless determination," Dong-yul continued, his voice resonating with excitement.

The crowd erupted in cheers as the players' avatars appeared on the holographic display, each team preparing for the intense battle ahead. Team Fire, with their distinctive red and orange hues, stood poised and ready, their expressions focused and determined. Opposite them, the Simple Devils, clad in dark, foreboding colours, exuded a fierce resolve.

"And remember," Dong-yul added. "In this game mode, players won't be eliminated immediately. Instead, they will respawn after being taken out, adding another layer of complexity to the match. Continuous pressure and maintaining control will be crucial. Both teams have shown incredible skill to reach this point, and now they face the ultimate test."

The camera zoomed in on the Verdant Jungle's intricate details, highlighting potential ambush points, hidden paths, and the central 'Hill,' which glowed with an inviting yet ominous light. The tension in the arena was tangible as the final preparations were made.

"Now with the game starting, the stage is set for an epic showdown," Dong-yul announced. "Who will claim the 'Hill' and secure their place in NexaRealm history? Let's find out!"

With a deafening roar from the crowd, the match commenced. Both teams surged forward, navigating the dense jungle terrain with practised ease. The battle for the 'Hill' had begun, each team driven by the desire for victory and the promise of glory.

"Now, for those unfamiliar with King of the Hill, there are several tactics both teams can employ to secure victory. Controlling the 'Hill' early on is a significant advantage, but maintaining control under constant assault is where the true challenge lies," Dong-yul's voice cut through the ambient noise, providing insightful commentary.

The camera followed Team Fire as they swiftly moved through the jungle. Kang-dae led the charge, his movements confident and precise.

"Team Fire is employing a classic rush strategy, aiming to secure the 'Hill' as quickly as possible. This tactic is risky but can pay off if they manage to hold their position long enough to accumulate points early on."

"The Simple Devils seem to be focusing on a defensive perimeter, setting up ambush points to disrupt Team Fire's advance. This strategy relies on their ability to coordinate and respond quickly to any breaches in their line," meanwhile, the Simple Devils took a more measured approach, spreading out to cover more ground.

The screen split to show both teams in action. Team Fire reached the 'Hill' first, Kang-dae and Soo-jin immediately taking up defensive positions while Hana, Sang-hee, and Jin-kyong kept watch for incoming threats.

"Team Fire has secured the 'Hill'! Now they need to fortify their position and prepare for the inevitable counterattacks." Dong-yul's commentary was laced with excitement as he analyzed the unfolding strategies. "Securing the 'Hill' is just the first step. They must now fend off the Simple Devils while managing their resources and maintaining communication. Team Fire's cohesion will be tested here."

The Simple Devils closed in, using the jungle's natural cover to their advantage.

"The Simple Devils are utilizing a guerrilla warfare approach, using the dense foliage to launch surprise attacks and disrupt Team Fire's defences. This could be effective if they manage to isolate and overwhelm their opponents."

As the first skirmishes erupted around the 'Hill,' Dong-yul's commentary highlighted the tactical nuances.

"In King of the Hill, constant pressure is key. Even if a team loses control of the 'Hill,' they can reclaim it through coordinated attacks. Respawn mechanics allow for relentless assaults, so maintaining a balance between offence and defence is crucial."

The crowd's energy surged with each clash, their cheers and gasps echoing through the arena. Dong-yul kept them informed and engaged.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is shaping up to be a thrilling match. Both teams are displaying incredible skill and strategy, and it's anyone's game at this point. Will Team Fire's early advantage hold, or will the Simple Devils' tactical prowess turn the tide?"

With the match in full swing, the intensity of the battle only grew, and the spectators were treated to a masterclass in virtual combat. Dong-yul's expert commentary added depth and insight, making every moment more exhilarating as the fight for the 'Hill' raged on.

As Team Fire settled into their positions around the 'Hill,' the realization struck them that the Simple Devils had deliberately left the 'Hill' uncontested at the start.

"Why did they just let us take it?" Jin-kyong wondered aloud, her eyes scanning the dense jungle for any sign of movement.

"It doesn't make sense. Everyone knows the first team to secure the 'Hill' gets a major point advantage," Kang-dae, crouched behind a makeshift barricade, shook his head.

"Unless they have a strategy we haven't seen before. This is our first time playing King of the Hill, so maybe there's something we don't know," Hana, positioned next to Kang-dae, peered through her scope, keeping a lookout for any ambushes.

"They could be planning to overwhelm us once we've settled in, attacking in waves to break our defences. It's a risky move, but it might pay off if they can pull it off," Soo-jin, who had been setting up traps and fortifications, paused and looked back at her teammates.

"We need to stay vigilant. They might be using the terrain to their advantage, planning a coordinated strike once we've become complacent. Let's reinforce our positions and prepare for a possible onslaught," Sang-hee, always the strategist, nodded thoughtfully.

The team continued to fortify their defences, each member was aware of the potential threat looming just beyond their sight. The Verdant Jungle, with its dense foliage and hidden paths, provided ample opportunities for ambushes and surprise attacks.

"Stay sharp, everyone. They might be trying to lure us into a false sense of security," Kang-dae adjusted his position, ensuring he had a clear line of sight to several key points around the 'Hill.'

"We can't afford to underestimate them. If they're planning something big, we need to be ready to counter it," Jin-kyong nodded, her fingers tightening around her weapon.

As the minutes ticked by, Team Fire remained on high alert, their senses tuned to any sign of the Simple Devils' approach. The jungle seemed eerily quiet, the anticipation growing with each passing moment.

Suddenly, a rustling sound came from the underbrush, followed by a faint glint of movement. Soo-jin's eyes narrowed, and she signalled to the rest of the team.

"Here they come. Get ready."

The Simple Devils emerged from the jungle, their formation tight and coordinated. Dong-yul's voice rang out, capturing the tension of the moment.

"And here we go, folks! The Simple Devils are making their move, executing a well-coordinated assault on the 'Hill.' Will Team Fire's defences hold, or will the Simple Devils manage to wrest control away?"

The battle was about to reach a new level of intensity as the two teams clashed, each determined to secure their place in the annals of NexaRealm history.

The clash of metal and the hum of energy weapons filled the air as the Simple Devils launched their assault. Kang-dae's voice cut through the chaos.

"Hold your positions! Don't let them break through!"

"Keep them at bay! We can't let them push us off the 'Hill!'" Hana fired precise shots, picking off advancing enemies with deadly accuracy.

"They're trying to flank us! Watch the sides!" Jin-kyong moved swiftly, her movements a blur as she engaged the enemy at close range.

"Focus on the front line! We need to hold this position no matter what!" Sang-hee coordinated their defenses, directing their efforts to reinforce weak points.

The Simple Devils pressed their attack, their strategy clear: overwhelm Team Fire through sheer force and coordinated strikes. The intensity of the battle grew with each passing second, the outcome hanging in the balance.

As the first wave of Simple Devils surged towards the 'Hill,' the tension in the air was electric. The fate of the match teetered on the edge, with both teams giving their all in a fight for dominance.