

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasía
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127 Chs

Chapter 50

Up and down the hallways. Talking up a storm like how my trip was, did I enjoy the parties, doing so as if this was the typical day action for us all.

I enjoyed the talk as we finally made it to the door of Vixon's and Wattle's room. The door happened to catch my eye for the black color of it seemed to move and sway just a bit looking as if it was alive or skin of a panther moving to stalk it's pray. The two letters V W red in color at a diagonal direction on the black, dark door seemed to move along with the door itself.

Des PM'd Vixon "We are her mother "!

"Come in daughter."

Des reached her palm to the door, and it seemed to fade to her touch still holding my hand leading me through to the room on the other side. Stepping through was an adventure itself for only those allowed access to a room is allowed. When you go through these doors, it scans your body. It was like a numbing sensation that made my body tingle like goose bumps as I went through with a pressure of heaviness pressed onto you from above. Vixen approached me first giving me a big hug as Wattie behind her with his hand raised. After the short hello I felt something of a shift in the room. The change was the behavior of everyone in the room. Goosebumps started to form all over my body again, and I could not put my finger on why I should be feeling this way.

Daria rushed up to me, placed her arms around my neck, smiled then kissed me. She said nothing but even I could tell something was up.

"Tagem," Vixen said with a certain type of sadness in her voice.

Walking to a chair made of oak wood with a padded seat of red silk with the black letter V on it. I or we have something we need to go over with you. Please have a seat, pointing to a chair in front of the four family members. I walked over slowly as my nerves started to build up in me.

I took my place in the chair facing the three of them. We know that Queen Nancy of the NC family, Elder of all families, and our mother talked to you today. The way she or should I say what she told you is not the usual way of how it is explained to newcomers. I wanted to be the one to explain to you what happens next week. Since our mother has decided to rush the procedure with you. Let me explain since I am sure she did not tell you the whole story. Now before I start, I want you to know that you will always be part of the family, but it will be your choice from here on where it goes in the next few days.

I must have looked like a deer in the headlights for Wattie started to smile and shake his head. "Relax Tagem, we are only going to explain to you your option and will have to tomorrow to decide."

Daria moved her chair from in front of me with the others to sitting next to me.