

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasía
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127 Chs

Chapter 119

I told the High Priestess "I am a mutt in ancestry terms but do have a part of Lithuanian in me just to answer your question from yesterday or whatever the country is called now." She slightly smiled I could tell by your sent, even though you might not know of me, someone in your family past I have met. You have his smell"

The high priestess hugged Samantha hard letting her know how much she loved her. They had done their whispering thing again in front of us before the elevator arrived to take us back to the street level to leave.

The same car that picked us up waited for us at the same spot. Dropped us off at the same airport we arrived at a couple of nights before. On the plane watching the city skyline disappear as we flew away back to Costa Rica.

On the aircraft, the ladies sat together talking about the demons and vampire worlds. I sat a few rows back pondering what may happen to my child, to us as a family, and what is to become of us, this new family that is mine. All the questions were swirling in my head as I felt the hand on my shoulder.

"Are you all, right?" Samantha asked, leaning over me as Daria and Catherine looked at me with concern expressions.

"Yes, yes I am." I said trying to hold my emotions in check.

"Please sit with me," as I patted the empty seat next to me. Samantha did so as Daria and Catherine went back to another conversation after I raised my hand gesturing that I was ok.

"I wanted to thank you again," when saying the words seemed to confuse her. I want to thank you for all you have done. For I know this came to you as suddenly as it did for me. Your mother led me to the daycare center in your home."

"Letting me see our daughter." Her eyes seemed to tear up as mine did once the words came out of my mouth.

"She is beautiful," as I placed my hand on Samantha's cheek wiping away a tear. She rested her head in my hand putting her hand on top of mine. Thank you, my Lord, for all you have done for me as more tears seemed to form from her eyes. I stopped her from saying anything else as I placed a finger on her lips. I got down on my knees in between hers, reclining her seat back putting her legs on the side of the seat. I said I will always protect you Samantha and our child, you both are a part of this family as I lowered myself between her legs. As a requirement, all my girls do not wear undergarments while in my presence.

The view of her as she grasped the arm of the seat when I moved forward between her legs. Samantha's loud moan was the only sound in the cabin of the plane after Daria and Catherine abruptly halted their conversation.