

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasía
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127 Chs


After the strong coffee pastries with glazed banana chips for which I loved, we talked for an abbreviated time before we had to start heading back towards the hotel. Samantha and Stacks change information at the lobby as we picked up our suitcases from the main desk. Samantha approaches me and asks if she can give me a hug.

"Only if you say it again like you said this morning." saying it with a sly grin.

She paused for a few seconds looking at me "May I give you a hug, Master?"

I put my arms out, she stepped closer, my arms wrapped around her tightly lifted her up off the ground a little. Placing her gently down back to the ground and before letting my arms from the hug I softly kissed her lips and whispered, "hope I do see you again of your own free will, but I do hope you and Stacks get together."

I am sorry for the bight on the plane Master, but it is something I do after I have an orgasm it seems. You are the first man to bring me to that level and for that I will gladly call you Master, Master. Samantha gave me a wink after saying it, something with her demeanor had changed towards me. She was not the man hater anymore, and if I was reading her correctly, she was starting to have an attraction towards me.

I shook it off as the car arrived; Stacks already had the attendant place the bags in the car as we said our last goodbyes to Samantha.

Samantha was heading back to the states for a return flight. I waved to her as she went back into the hotel. I sat down in the back seat with Stacks, her dress up high around her waist showing her legs and then some just as I liked it as we drove away.

"The guests have started to arrive, and there is still much that has to be done." Said one of the decorators with her black curly hair bouncing from side to side, she was in a rush to have everything done for the biggest event in some time at the castle.

"Relax," said Nancy as she walked down the decorated corridor of flags with assorted colors. Vibrant colors were representing the seven families on display in the big hall. The colors movements flowed as if the wall absorbed them as a living thing. Nancy strolls past the halls, the big rooms, dining area, and finally the ceremonial hall. She takes it all in as work is still going on around her stops the black hair women from talking. "You are doing outstanding work my dear, for you have outdone yourself, and I am sure you will finish your overall plan in time.

Nancy returned to her office as Bancroft and Talon were bickering at each other about what is to be the order of seating.