

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasía
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127 Chs


Nancy had called the meeting and watched over the room as the other two elders sat on the couch next to her on each side. Talon was sitting to the right, with short straight black hair gray suit tailored to fit and a smirk of arrogance upon his face. He was also the head of the second-biggest family in the Derivation. Bancroft who was a leader of the third largest family sitting to the left wearing a white suit looking distinguished of looks and age. With his natural brown hair, he sat with the legs across each other waiting with a dull look on his face to hear the explanation of why they were here.

Nancy!" Bancroft said. Is there such an emergency for us to be here before the preparation of the new arrival that this could not wait he blurted out as if no one else was there?

Nancy looked at Bancroft then announced to all in the room that she has decided to perform the ritual to one of the new arrivals. "if that visitor passes the trials of course." Talon and Bancroft stopped dead in their expressions, looked at Nancy in disbelief. For her last two rituals were with the two in the same room now sitting at the table with the same look of shock as they did.

"I know Vixen that you thought that you wanted to be the one, but I have decided that I will give you a new sibling since I have never seen you act in this manner before. Also, the Gatherers file on your selection has intrigued me that I understand why you both have a desire for this one. Daughters, please do not be upset!" With the anger in both faces proved the commit to be of an understatement," I have decided that if Tagem passes I will be his lifeblood in the Derivation."

Vixen's face said it all, for her to show her real feelings meant the shock was unbearable in disbelief. Before she could speak, the Gatherer rose quickly approached and stood in front of Vixen. Held Vixens hands in hers tightly to gain control or divert Vixens eyes away from the Elders. With her back to the Elders, the Gatherer spoke softly as she finally gained eye contact with Vixon.

"This is a surprise and honor,"

"For her to have taken the same intrigue as we have in this Tagem, we are pleased that he will become our new brother. Agree?" With anger still brewing with Vixen's face, "It has been a long time for something of this magnitude to happen in our family". Vixen closed her eye's taking that breath to calm herself down just enough to look at the Gatherer and nod.

After the emergency meeting was over everyone left the room. Vixon and the Gatherer moved silently down the halls out the doors through some empty rooms and into a chamber where Vixon went off in a language that even the Gatherer didn't know. "She has crossed the line this time." She finally said in a language the Gatherer's knew.