
New Zennith

In a world with magic and monsters, two runaways find solace and kinship in each other’s company. Bjorn an expert at martial fighting, a Dwarven warrior. And Graum an unconventional mana user, a mischievous Devil-kin. With their trust in others fractured by tragic events from their respective pasts they accept temporary work from a mercenary guild and take a quest that will inevitably change them. Will this change lead them to their own version of salvation? Or will it solidify their damnation?

And_Ven · Fantasía
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22 Chs

Chapter 2: The quest that changed them

"I hate this place.. " Graum sighed shifting his eyes from side to side as he scanned the faces of the cities citizens as they were passing by.

"Quit being dramatic brother, you don't hate this place... you hate it's people" Bjorn corrected.

Graum had once explained that his disdain for humans, was almost on equal grounds as Bjorn's disdain for elves.

"Hmh, That's true!" Graum exhaled, as a momentary smirk cracked his lips.

The city of Zanula was built in layers, the outer most layer, where the majority of shops had been established was known as the Merchants Ring. Peddlers of all kinds could be found there. The second layer known as the Travelers Ring housed Guilds, taverns and Inns. And lastly The Residential area. Where the citizens of the city resided, as well as the city's guard HQ as well as the lords estate.

Bjorn and Graum traveled through the Merchants ring and about half of the travelers ring before arriving at The Grey Coin. The two stood before a two story building with two doors side by side leading inside. Stone bricks had been arranged in columns at each corner of the building, hardy oak logs made the base as was well as the roof, lastly stripped spruce planks comprised the bulk of the walls as windows had been sporadically place here-and-there.

"Let's do this BROTHER!" Bjorn excitedly exclaimed thrusting the guilds doors open.

"You are WAY too excited about this." Graum remarked following Bjorn inside. The smell of alcohol and burning oak filled the guild hall.

"Smell that? It's the smell of opportunity" Bjorn enthusiastically remarked, inhaling deeply through his nose.

"Whatever you say" Graum sighed rolling his eyes. He didn't care too much for crowds but he especially didn't care for the crowds inside The Grey Coin. it almost always had a negative atmosphere, this made graum uneasy and sometimes queezy.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? it's been quite a few days since you boys were back." A feminine voice called out.

"Great.." Graum grumbled in disdain, recognizing the voice.

"Maltreesh!" Bjorn's eyes glowed with excitement.

From across the way a human woman approached them. Standing at 5'7 Maltreesh had hair as black as a starless night and skin as pale as salt. As she got closer Graum noticed she was wearing crimson lipstick and dark red eye shadow. Bjorn, however, noticed her low cut blouse which revealed a fair bit of cleavage. Along with a dark leather skirt with dark stalkings underneath. Maltreesh was the Grey Coin's super-star, she was highly effective with both sword and mana, making her a both a powerful ally and a deadly foe.

"If it isn't my favorite sub-contracted mercenaries" Maltreesh greeted as she hugged bjorn tightly practically shoving his face in her cleavage. He backed up quickly to contain his erupting nose. She turned to hug graum, but he stopped her with a hand gesture. There was something about her that felt... off.

"Is Peitra around?" Graum asked keeping his guard up for some reason.

"Why do you have to be like that Graum?" Maltreesh sighed. "Yeah, he is in his office. Want me to walk you to his office?" She asked hangin all over bjorn, after Graums rejection.

"Thanks but I think we can manage on our own" Graum replied walking to the room furthest away from the entrance. He knew it to be the Guild masters quarters, that's where Peitra would be... considering he is the Guild Master. Graum stopped just short of the door when he realized Bjorn wasn't with him. He turned to see bjorn being obstructed by Maltreesh.

"Brother!" Graum called out.

"On my way!" Bjorn replied wiggling free of her grip. Bjorn seemed to have a pleasant expression after seeing Maltreesh.

"Are you ready to get to work, or do you need a few more minutes with... her?" Graum narrowed his eyes as he glared at Maltreesh from across the way.

"Why do you dislike her so much? She hasn't given you a reason to.... has she?" Bjorn asked concerned.

"No... she hasn't. But that aura of malice around her suggests she may give me a reason-" Graum sighed pausing briefly to collect his composure. "-I just don't think it's a good idea to drop our gaurd around her. Sure she may look appealing. But we both know the sweetest of flowers contain the most potent of poisons." Graum finished thinking maybe his paranoia was getting the best of him.

"Well until she gives me a reason not to be, I'll be friendly" Bjorn smirked with lewdness in his eyes.

"Of course" Graum chuckled reading the room. "Now onto business." he concluded opening the guild masters door. The room was small and had a stale air about it. The room had a few small plaques on the walls each with an accolade of some kind. At the furthest end of the room a work desk with some chairs and behind the desk sat the Guild Master: Peitra. Peitra was a green lizard folk, though he considered himself dragon kin. He was of average size and build, though he was very adept with mana. Graum didn't think highly of him. As Pietra held the title of 'Guild Master' to a higher standard, Bjorn keep his opinions to himself... but he did see Peitra as weak, at least weaker than himself.

"Good morning Peitra" Bjorn greeted kindly.

"Well hello there Bjorn... and Graum" Peitra's happiness weakened as he noticed Graum.

"Morning" Graum bluntly greeted. There was a mutual dislike between the two. Peitra didn't care for Graum's many attitudes, but at least recognized his skill. Graum didn't care for Peitra's mediocrity, but recognized his title....even if he thought Peitra didn't deserve it.

"What brings you two here today... running low on Irram?" Peitra grinned.

"That and boredom" Bjorn cheerfully added.

"Well if you guys formally applied to The Grey Coin that would solve both of those problems" Peitra scornfully glanced at Graum.

Both Graum and Bjorn agreed that this guild wasn't for them. Graum didn't care for its guild members or Guild Master, and Bjorn didn't like how close it was to the Elven nation. But Peitra blamed Graum specifically.

"I don't think we would bring much honor to this place" Bjorn tried to gently ease the tension.

"No need to be modest, the two of you would be powerful additions. Just know the offer is always on the table" Peitra snickered. "After all I'm glad that the two of you are at least subcontracted with us" he finished.

"Got any jobs your guild members can't handle... I mean- don't feel like taking" graum poorly hid his correction. Peitra rolled his eyes at Graum's snide comment.

Silence filled the room as Peitra sorted through job requests.

After a few minutes Bjorn noticed a display case directly behind Peitra hanging on the wall. Behind the glass case hung 4 Grey coins. There seemed to be a design but Bjorn couldn't make it out.

"Brother, there- on the wall" Bjorn whispered to Graum pointing out the coins. Graum examined them from afar. From what he could tell it looked like a skull and crossbones, but he didn't know for sure.

"See something you like?" Peitra broke the silence as he noticed the two looking at something.

"Those are quite interesting." Bjorn pointed to the coins behind the case.

"Ah those." Peitra turned so he could see the coins as well as bjorn and graum. "Those are the namesake from which the guild was named. When my grandfather created this guild all he had were 30 grey coins to his name. And he gave all his guild mates a grey coin as proof of their loyalty and membership. If you want one all you have to do is join." Peitra smirked as he finished his explanation.

"Those coins look to have some sort of design, what is it?" Bjorn added

"Hmmm I'm not sure." Peitra responded looking away from them and at the coins.

'Liar..' Graum thought to himself.

"Anyway there is a job I think the two of you are perfect for. If you're interested..." Peitra enticed them with secrecy.

"Let's hear it" Graum asked falling for it.

"Nothing too challenging for a couple of ruthless Mercs such as yourselves." Peitra baited then once again.

"So it's challenging?" Bjorn asked taking the bait.

"Sure is." Peitra replied pausing for dramatics. "It's a kill quest." he replied with the dirtiest of grins.